Each Review will have a Chair, Course/Module Director, Faculty Member and Student (if available)
Review Chair:
- Contact Christopher Vaughan() to collect OME 2014-2015 Course Student Evaluations, USMLE results, Graduate Medical School Questionnaire, NBME Exam results, Student Ratings and Comments.
- Obtain previous Peer Review from PCS Coordinator, Athena Gomez-Hipolito
- Set time and place for committee to meet and review collected data including the Blackboard site
- Review materials as a group and decide how to divide up the review
- Collect or meet to completepowerpoint slides from group
- Create a PP presentation to present at PCS
- Confirm Peer Review on PCS Agenda with PCS Chair and Coordinator and send slides to both prior to meeting
- Ten Minute max presentation to PCS concentrating on strengths and concerns
- Turn in Peer Review Report AND powerpoints to PCS Chair and Coordinator
Course Director: Provide Review Group with a short description of the course/module and the following info:
- Name of course and Year in curriculum/ Length of course/module
- # and break down of teaching faculty, residents, fellows, graduate students, 3rd/4th year students, PA faculty etc
- Educational Methods: # Lectures, small group, labs, OTHER
- Current and/or possible places for Integration with other courses/modules/clerkships
- Assessment Methods: formative/summative, internal exams: MCQ’s, T/F, matching, fill in, essay, PBL, NBME Shelf, OSCE, lab exam, oral presentations narrative
- Remediation Opportunity
- Course/ Module Self assessment: Most proud of and Would like to change…
- NEW 10-1-15: How does course incorporate clinical correlations? What opportunities are there for them? What support do you need to enhance these?
Group: From the review answer the following questions and complete the table below:
- Does the OME evaluation and other data show the course is meeting individual performance expectations? Consider target goals for performance.
- Review adequacy of Blackboard site for content and ease of navigation
- Follow up on prior action items from past Peer Review(s)
- List Course/Modules Strengths and Concerns
- Group creates Action Plan and timeline to address concerns
Area of Concern / Source / Action Plan with person responsible for the action / Timeline to Complete.