Trip Overview and Team Introduction

(Part 2 of Community Team Training)

§  Any prepared Handout (best to provide as individuals will listen more and will give them an opportunity to add personal notes)– ONE for each team member
§  Training PPT
§  Pens/pencils
§  8.5 x 11” sheets of paper – one for each participant for “Folding Paper” Activity
Instructions to make a cross for “Duct Tape Cross” Activity before the meeting
§  Tear two long pieces of duct tape, one for the horizontal piece of the cross and one for the vertical piece.
§  Make these pieces long enough to tape to the floor, with enough space for your team members to stand on the cross.
Opening Prayer / q  Read the Wesley Covenant Prayer together.
§  Ask: What stood out to you as you read this prayer?
Get to Know Each Other / q  Conduct “Commonalities/Uniqueness” Icebreaker:
1.  Break into subgroups of 2-3 people.
2.  The first part of the activity is Commonalities, where each subgroup compiles a list of things they have in common.
a.  In order for an item to make the list, it must apply to everyone in the subgroup.
b.  It cannot be something obvious (e.g. “everyone has brown hair,” or “we are all wearing something red”).
c.  Allow about five minutes and have a spokesperson from each subgroup read their list. You may wish to provide a reward for the team that comes up with the longest list.
3.  The second part of the activity is Uniqueness. Each sub-group finds two things that are unique to each person.
a.  It must not apply to anyone else in the subgroup.
b.  Again, you want to go beyond the obvious, avoiding those things that can easily be observed.
c.  If people have trouble getting started, suggest places they have been, famous people they have met, unique things they have done.
d.  Have each person share their two unique items.
Meeting Topic / q  Discuss with team:
§  General agenda for the trip
§  Sunday church (what to wear, what to expect)
§  Cultural day
§  Typical Day
−  Wake up time
−  Meals
−  Transportation to work site
−  Daily devotions and debrief
−  Free Time
§  Team Assignments:
−  Luggage Coordinator
−  Devotion leader
−  Team Photographer
−  Team Journal Author / Blogger
−  Donations Coordinator
−  First Aid Kit Coordinator
−  Finance Assistant
q  Assign team buddies
q  Remind team of member checklist (provide extra copies if need be)
Activity / q  Conduct “Duct Tape Cross” Activity:
1.  Explain that the horizontal ends of the tape are the hands of Christ; the bottom of the vertical piece is the feet of Christ. The top of the vertical piece is the head of Christ.
2.  Ask them to stand where they see themselves in their faith walk at this time, as they prepare for the mission trip.
3.  Ask for a few volunteers to share why they chose the place where they are standing.
q  Ask: How do you think this activity applies to our upcoming trip? Possible answers: We all bring different experiences to the team (as shown in the earlier icebreaker exercise) and we need every person’s unique qualities and gifts to make up the Body of Christ.
Wrap Up / q  Ask if there are any outstanding questions or concerns.
q  Schedule remaining team meeting dates:
§  Cultural Preparation
§  Emergency Health and Safety
§  Packing Party and Logistics
q  Remind team about vaccinations and passport requirements (if applicable) for your trip.
q  Exchange cell phone numbers.
q  Remind team to bring Trip Guide to every meeting
q  Pass out survey, collect and forward to Elisa Velez-Makar BKC Missions.
Closing Prayer / q  Close in prayer for THE TEAM:
§  Thank God for the people He has placed on the team.
§  Pray about any concerns that were raised.
§  Pray for team unity and effectiveness on the trip.
§  Pray for our partners and individuals that will be met throughout the journey.