ELL English Syllabus

Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the language and cultures of America. You will develop basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to communicate in the target language. You will also explore cultural aspects of the English-speaking world, and acquire usage, mechanics, and grammar for the English language.

Content/Objectives: according to the fivenationalgoals:

  • Communicate in English.
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures,
  • Connect with and acquire information from other disciplines,
  • Develop insight into the nature of languages and culture through comparisons,
  • Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

Class Expectations: Throughout this course, students will be learning the fundamentals of the English language. To better prepare them for future courses, students will acquire listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills through many different activities and exercises. High academic expectations are held for all students. Students can be successful in this class if they put forth effort. Acquiring a new language requires much practice and students should plan to spend time each day studying English.

Classroom Rules: Violation of these and any school rule will result in a discipline referral to the assistant principal.

  1. Be prepared every day. (Pencils, Paper, Assignments, Textbooks, etc)
  2. Respect other people and their property.
  3. Stay on task.
  4. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
  5. ALWAYS do your best!

Grading Policy:Students will be graded using a point system. Each assignment, test, or project has a certain number of points possible. Grades are determined by dividing the (total points earned) by (total points possible). Points may change due to teacher discretion. If a student fails to turn in an assignment, they may be given a discipline referral. If the student chooses to turn the assignment in late (any time after the specified due date), they will receive ½ credit for the assignment.

STAMPS: In my class, I utilize a proficiency-based STAMP system. Students are graded upon skills that they CAN complete. Each objective for the unit is given a STAMP and throughout the unit, students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of each objective. Each stamp is awarded a set number of points and at the end of the unit students will turn in their STAMP sheet with all of their completed stamps. These are what I refer to as Classroom STAMPS. I also give out real-world homework STAMPS. Students will choose around 8 assignments to complete during the unit (about 4 weeks) and will show me the assignments at the end.

These STAMP activities are large grades. Students MUST turn these in if they wish to pass this class. Typically, classroom STAMPS will be worth 150-200 points and homework STAMPS will be worth 80 points.

Attendance/Make-up Work: Because English is a spoken language that requires daily practice; you are expected to attend each class. A significant portion of your grade will come from completing in–class assignments and practice. Should you be absent during a class period, it is the responsibility of the STUDENT to obtain make-up work from the teacher.

Cheating/Academic Dishonesty:Students are responsible for completing their own work. If students are caught cheating, they will be issued a discipline referral. Do NOT use online language translators without prior consent for English class. Use of such translators will result in a (0) zero for the assignment.


  • Folder/Binder
  • Lined notebook paper
  • Pencil & Pens

Contact Info:

Email address:

School Phone: 270-274-3366 ext. 201

School Visits and Tutoring: By Appointment

Remind 101:

Remind 101 is a messaging app that I use to give my student’s updates about upcoming quizzes, tests, and projects. The service is secure and designed for the education system. Students are not allowed to reply back to the messages that are sent out. I strongly encourage parents to sign up for Remind 101, this way you know what is going on and you can help hold your student accountable.

If you would like to sign-up for Ms. Atherton’s Remind 101 updates, please:

English IEnglish II English III



Remind 101 will ask you for your first and last name and then you will be signed up. Thank You!

***Please Sign and Return this Page to Mrs. McKinney by August 12, 2015

______Dear Parents/Guardians:

¡Bienvenidos! I would like to welcome your students into my English class! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, as well, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. I have great expectations for my students and feel extremely fortunate to be able to teach your child. This syllabus should help provide information about my classroom objectives and procedures. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions concerning your child’s progress. Once again, I am excited for what this next year has in store and look forward to a great year at OCHS!

Kara McKinney


  • From time to time in English class, we will be watching video segments and movies from various sources that may have an MPAA rating of G, PG, or PG-13. Please sign below giving permission for your child to watch the videos mentioned above.
  • I reserve the right to change any and all parts of this syllabus, if so needed.

I have read and understand the above requirements and objectives for this class and give my permission for my student to view the necessary films.

______(Student Name)

______(Parent/Guardian Signature)