Postal AddressBuilding and PlumbingInternet

PO Box 159Ph: 07 3205 0555

Caboolture QLD

Fees listed are applicable 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019ABN:92 967 232 136

Applicant details:

Company name (if applicable):

Mr Mrs Ms Miss

Given name/s: / Surname:
Postal address:
Home number: / Mobile phone: / Work/Business phone:

Note: Contact numbers which you provide may be used to update council’s records.

Email address:

Details of residential service:

Street address:
Real property description: / Lot: / Plan:
Maximum number of residents (when at full capacity): / Number of bedrooms:

Type of application: Re-accreditation New accreditation

Details of premise: A food service is provided for the residents The residents prepare their own meals

Customer summary:

This application shall be accompanied by the following:

Application fee of $944.00

Copy of the fire safety management plan (applicable to budget accommodation building with residential service for 6 or more residents)

Copy of the current food business license issued by council (applicable where a food service is/will be provided for the residents)

Copy of letter from the Residential Services Authority requiring an assessment against the residential services building standard

In addition to the above the following is required for initial accreditation (first time accreditation):

Building development approval for the classification of the proposed residential services building/s as a Class 1b or 3 building

Town planning development approval for the proposed residential services building/s in consideration of the relevant district planning scheme

Signature: / Date:
Office use only
CSO:______Application number:______
Receipt number:______Amount:______Date:______

Privacy statement

Moreton Bay Regional Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of assessing your application. The collection of this information is authorised under Section 46 of the Building Act 1975 and Section 29 of the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act and the Planning Act 2016.

Payment options:

Payment can be made in person by debit/credit card, cheque/money order or cash at a Customer Service Centre:

Caboolture: 2 Hasking Street, Caboolture

Strathpine: 220 Gympie Road, Strathpine

Redcliffe: Irene Street, Redcliffe

Or, please return this form by mail with cheque/money order made payable to Moreton Bay Regional Council.

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