Supporting organization - LOGO

Recipient’s Address

Dear Recipient

On behalf of [your organization’s name],I am writing in support of the Integrated Population Health Database (iPHD) Senate 3220and encourage you to vote YES when it is before you in the Health Committee. We appreciate the leadership of Senators Sweeney, Vitale, and O’Toole and their support of the iPHD. We believe that this legislation will help us transform New Jersey’s healthcare delivery system and improve quality and decrease costs of the NJ Medicaid system for our state’s most vulnerable residents.

[Insert tailored para on organization]

TheiPHD is an integrated data system, which provides the centralized infrastructure to link health data with social data, for research purposes, on a project-by-project basis, while protecting the privacy and security of the data. The iPHD provides authorized entities, such as policy-makers, researchers, certified Medicaid accountable care organizations (ACOs), community groups, and other public support programs the tools they need to identify more efficient, data-driven policies to address some of the most complex and expensive health and social issues affecting the state.

Importance of iPHD

  • Patients, especially those facing complex medical and social issues and those incurring the highest costs, rely on multiple public systems and services. Linking different datasets that already exist within these systems and programs is essential for a holistic understanding of patient needs, but unfortunately, multiple laws and bureaucratic hurdles significantly impede data linkage.
  • With an increasingly burdened state government, the resources available to our state agencies and support programs are constrained to do this work and/ or to meet researchers’ ad hoc requests for access to multiple and large data sets.
  • A well-structured and governed iPHD can overcome legal, financial and bureaucratic obstacles and provide a rich resource for identifying ways to improve population health and make government programs more efficient.
  • The iPHD will allow for comprehensive and actionable population health research and help achieve our state’s Healthy 2020 goals as well as allow for successful implementation of the Medicaid ACO Demonstration project.
  • States around the country, such as Washington and South Carolina, are creating innovative solutions to complex social issues through the use of integrated data systems.
  • The iPHD will promote New Jersey’s research institutions as leaders in social science research and engines for advancing smart public policies.

We thank you for your consideration and encourage you to vote in the affirmative on S3220 so that we may use comprehensive and integrated data to support smart healthcare innovation and transformation in our state.

