English 336/Dr. Allison Smith

Journal Assignments #3, 4, 5, and 6

Instructions for Reaction Journals on Films

These journals are what I use instead of quizzes and tests in this class to make sure that you are completing your reading assignments, carefully watching the films, and preparing to come to class for discussions.

As part of this class, you will watch films that will be used to stimulate class discussions and paper assignments. For each journal entry, you must do the following to receive credit:

1.  Answer the questions on pp. 27-28 in the WAF textbook fully for each film we view and discuss.

2.  After completing the above, give your own personal reaction to the film.

Did you like watching it? Understand it completely? Become baffled in places?

Did anything in the film relate to your own life? Explain if this is true. Explain why

this film had no meaning in your own life if that is the case.

Would you recommend this film to someone else? To whom? Why?

3.  After doing the assigned reading that accompanies each film, respond to the readings themselves.

Did they help you understand the film better? Why

Did they confuse you? Why?

Were they good examples of academic writing? Why?

DUE DATES (posted to Blackboard by midnight on due date):

Journal #3: Wednesday, December 12th

Journal #4: Wednesday, January 9th

Journal #5: Monday, January 28th

Journal #6: Wednesday, February 6th

Remember: this is my way of not having to give quizzes and tests in this class. If you follow these guidelines and participate in class discussions, I will not have to give quizzes or tests. You need to read ALL journals that are posted to Blackboard—random checks on whether you access the journals will be made and incorporated into the Attendance/Participation grade.