Foreign Language Class Expectations for Mrs. Perri Siena

298-5200 x21029,

1. Daily Class PreparationClassroom item to bring in:

You must be prepared every day with: A big box of tissues

a. Notebookand folder or

b. 3-ring binder with lined paper

c. Pen or pencil– a pencil case with a pencil sharpener is a great idea!

d. Homework

2.Classroom Routines

a. Sit in your assigned seat, copy the aim and homework from the board, and take out previous homework. (Check the absent folder when you enter if you were absent.)

b. Turn off your electronics and put them away or in the caddy. Not on your desk!

c. If you are asking permission to use the bathroom or ask a question/comment, you will raise your hand and wait for me to call on you. You will not call out or get up.

3. Absent from school or class / Homework

a. Check the absent folder when you enter the first day you return to class!

b. You are responsible for everything covered in class and making up all missed work. c. If you have music lessons the day of a quiz/test, you will take the quiz first and then go to lessons.

d. If you do not complete an assignment, you will receive a zero until you show it to me for half credit. See my website to get copies of Powerpoints/notes/homeworks and sign up for Remind: Spanish 8: text @perri8 to 81010 or email
Spanish 7: text @perri7 to 81010 or email

4. Lateness

Per school rules, you must be in the classroom before the bell rings and in your seat.

5. Passes

a. Bathroom and medical passes only.

b. Use the sign out sheet and bring the pass with you when you leave.

c. No passes to your locker for forgotten supplies. Be prepared!

6. Food, candy, gum

Are not allowed in the classroom but you may have a sealable drink.

7. Behavior

a. If a student wishes to talk, ask or answer a question, or contribute to the class in any

way, he or she must raise their hand and wait quietly to be called on.

b. One person speaks at a time.

c. Students listen attentively to others. Your classmates can teach you, too!

d. Only appropriate language is acceptable.

8. Respect personal and school property and follow school rules.
Keep the desks clean by not writing on them! No hats/hoods allowed on in school.

9. Extra Help

In room 101at 7am by appointment.

10. Substitutes

All rules remain in effect at all times especially with a substitute teacher.

11. Failure to abide by these rules will result in one or more of the following:

a. verbal warning – discussion with teacher

b. teacher assigned lunch detention

c. email or phone call home

d. referral to administrator

e. parent conference

12. Grading Policy

40% - Quizzes, tests, projects (All turned in papers must have a name. No name = no credit!)

30% - Class evaluation rubric (Participation, preparation, remaining on task, tardiness)

30% - Homework (Are worth 2 pts each. Can be made up for 1 pt during said quarter)

Teacher Responsibilities

  1. To speak in the target language as much as possible.
  2. To be enthusiastic and ready to teach every day.
  3. To help my students pass the class and final exam.
  4. To be fair in grading.
  5. To communicate with parents as needed to help you do your best.

Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:

I believe that your child can succeed in school if he/she puts in the time and makes a serious effort. I need your help at home to see that your son/daughter keeps an organized notebook, does the homework and reviews each night, and comes prepared every day.

Please sign your name and fill in your contact information. Thank you, Mrs. Perri Siena


Student signature Student ID # Guidance Counselor Class period

Parent/Guardianphone number and e-mail address:

Best number/s to reach you: ______

Email: ______


Parent/Guardian signature Date