1 January 20117 – 31 December 2017
Membership fee: £25 per annum, senior for email communications
Membership fee: £29 per annum, senior and junior for postal/paper communication
Membership fee: £22 per annum, junior for email communications
Membership fee: £18 each additional family member (adult or junior)
Please note thatbeing able to communicate with our members by email is quicker and goes a small way to helping the club save costs. Please write clearly.
/ Surname: / First Names:Address:
Postcode: / DOB if 16 and under:
Daytime No:
Mobile No:
Evening No:
Please write email address clearly in capitals:
Please tick - New membership: Renewal:
Please tick your payment choice:
Cheque (pay EEFDG ref m ship
.IfPayPal payment for renewal please email a signature to same email.
New members must send completed form please
I am happy for my membership details to be shared with the committee members of EEFDG and British Riding Clubs head office for the purpose of the running of the club.
Members Signature…………………………………………………
Junior members only
I agree that an adult will accompany and remain with my son/daughter at any event or inter club competitions and a name and contact phone number of that responsible adult/guardian will be supplied at the time of entry.
Parent/Guardians signature......
Mrs T Langley ,Kings Cottage, Silver Street,Abridge, Essex,RM4 1YA
Please note that, although not compulsory, the shows cannot run without the help of our members. Therefore it would be very much appreciated if each member could indicate on the attached form a half day when they would be free to help at a show. In return for your support you will receive a voucher for one free entry into a show plus refreshment.
It s that time again!
Please note this year no fee increase
Please rejoin promptly to ensure you receive your full benefits, first show 8th January 2017
Please send form to Chris Dye if payment by cheque
If paying by paypal you may now send e signature with payment if your details remain the same including email address.
Add reference m ship please.
We look forward to a successful New Year
Have a merry Christmas
Thank you for your continued support
Laura & the EEFDG committee