Supplementary Information

Investigation of oxygen reduction in alkaline media on electrocatalysts prepared by the mechanical alloying of Pt, Co and Ni.

M.A. García-Contreras*, S.M. Fernández-Valverde, R. Basurto-Sánchez

Chemistry Department, National Institute of Nuclear Research, Carr. México-Toluca s/n,

La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac; C.P. 52750, Edo. Méx., MEXICO.

M.A. García (*) , Tel. 52553297200 Ext. 12281;

  1. Chemical analysis of KOH electrolyte

The KOH electrolyte was analyzed by Mass Espectrometry, with an Element 2 / XR-ICP-SFMS (Thermo Fisher Scientific Germany) single collector. As mentioned in the manuscript, the KOH was purchased from Aldrich, batch 16125JB, 90 + %.

The results are listed below in Table S1.

ELEMENT / CONCENTRATION / mg l-1 / Weight %
B / 3.4623 / 2.65699
Mg / 0.4897 / 0.37579
Al / 2.6891 / 2.06363
Zr / 0.2660 / 0.20413
Ag / 0.1223 / 0.09385
Cd / 0.0029 / 0.002225
Ba / 2.1819 / 1.674403
Pb / 0.8738 / 0.670559
Bi / 0.9150 / 0.702176
Cr / 0.0173 / 0.013276
Mn / 0.0075 / 0.005755
Fe / 0.6016 / 0.46167
Co / 0.0039 / 0.002992
Ni / 0.0128 / 0.009822
Cu / 0.1674 / 0.128463
Zn / 0.1545 / 0.118564
K / 118.3411 / 90.81568

Table S1. Chemical analysis of KOHelectrolyte.

  1. XPS analysis of Vulcan XC-72R as received and after treatment in 0.5 M KOH

Figure S1. a) Survey of as received Vulcan XC-72R b) Survey of Vulcan XC-72R after treatment

with 0.5M KOH solution

  1. Polarization curves, Koutecky-Levich plot and transferred electrons number for Vulcan XC-72R in 0.5M KOH

Figure S2. a) Polarization curves for Vulcan XC-72R.

b) Koutecky-Levich plots of Vulcan XC-72R at different

electrode potentials, Inset: the dependence of electron transfer

numbern on the potential.

  1. Figures with the referenced Potential to the RHE by correcting the value for the H+ concentration.

Figure S3. a)Cyclic voltammogramms for Pt black, PtCo and Vulcan XC-72R in 0.5M KOH

b) cyclicvoltammograms for Pt 20h PtNi and Vulcan XC-72R in 0.5M KOH

Figure S4. Polarization curves for ORR on PtCo in 0.5M KOH

Figure S5. Polarization curves for ORR on Pt 20 h in 0.5M KOH

Figure S6. Polarization curves for ORR on PtNi in 0.5M KOH

Figure S7. Polarization curves for ORR on Vulcan XC-72R in 0.5M KOH

Figure S8. Polarization curves for ORR on Pt black, Pt 20h, PtCo, PtNi and

Vulcan XC-72R at 1600 rpm in 0.5M KOH

Figure S9. Ring currents for ORR on Pt black, Pt 20h, PtCo, PtNi and

Vulcan XC-72R at 1600 rpm in 0.5M KOH

Fig. S10. Number of transferred electrons for ORR on Pt black, Pt 20h,

PtCo, PtNi at 1600 rpm in 0.5M KOH.

Fig. S11. Generated % HO2-for ORR on Pt black, Pt 20h,PtCo andPtNi

at 1600 rpm and 10 mV s-1 in 0.5M KOH.

Fig. S12. Tafel plot for ORR on Pt black, Pt 20h, PtCo, PtNi and

Vulcan XC-72R at 1600 rpm and 10 mV s-1 in 0.5 M KOH.