Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group

Resource Management Asset Tracking/Responder ID Subcommittee

Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2010

1.  Secretary Lewis Schiliro convened the Resource Management Asset Tracking/Responder ID Subcommittee meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Conference Room. The following documents were provided to meeting participants:

a.  Meeting Agenda

b.  Meeting Minutes June 8, 2010

2.  GeoDecisions provided a presentation and demonstration of the RMAT system. Following a demonstration of its use and capabilities, GeoDecisions answered questions from the subcommittee.

a.  Questions and Answers:

1)  Is there a background log? Yes, there is an audit trail on data entry but not on searching.

2)  Can the administrator add new resource types? Yes, there is an administration module and an import method for accomplishing this.

3)  Are you considering scale dependencies? GeoDecisions is handling scale dependencies using ESRI. Teleatlas will be the geocoder.

4)  Will there be a last updated/validated date field? Yes, it will be used for the data notification process.

5)  Is there a start and end date for incidents created in the RMAT? Yes.

6)  Is there a maximum number of incidents that can be created? There has not been one established. GeoDecisions will perform stress testing to determine.

7)  Once a resource is assigned to an incident, will the RMAT recognize that it is no longer available? Yes. If the resource is assigned to an incident within the RMAT, it will be marked as unavailable. However, the RMAT does not currently include CAD integration. Consequently, the status of resources does not reflect on call/in-service availability but rather indicates that the resource is not retired, out of commission, away for maintenance, etc.

8)  Are we pulling information from other databases? Currently, the system does not pull from other databases. There are plans for integration with PEPR, Maximo, and Responder ID.

b.  Responder Identification – No discussion on this topic (OPEN)

3.  The Subcommittee held its formal meeting.

a.  The June 8, 2010 minutes were reviewed and approved. (Motion: Allen Metheny; Second: Kurt Reuther – Passed Unanimously)

b.  Project Management Report – Bryant Baker – Bryant Baker provided a PowerPoint Presentation on the contents of GeoDecision’s change request. Discussion was held on the objective of the system (resource management system vs. incident management system) and the implications it has on the RMAT design and necessary functions and the change request.

c.  Motion to recommend approval of the change order and to allow the project manager to negotiate the amount of the change order up to $95,000. (Motion: Major Papili; Second: Allen Metheny – Passed Unanimously)

4.  The meeting was adjourned by Secretary Schiliro.

5.  Next Meeting – August 12, 2010, 1:30 p.m. – Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Large Conference Room.


Chairman, Resource Management Asset Tracking/Responder ID Subcommittee

1 Attachment: Attendance Roster

Note: All Meeting Handouts are available upon request.

Resource Management Asset Tracking/Responder ID Subcommittee

Meeting Attendance Roster

July 6, 2010

Members Attended
Lewis Schiliro, Secretary / Chairman
Mayor Carlton Carey / Delaware League of Local Governments - GA
Allen Metheny / DE Volunteer Firefighter’s Association - FS
Joe Papili / Delaware State Police - LE
Timothy Sexton / Division of Public Health - PH
Suzanne Raab-Long / DE Healthcare Association - HC
Ellen Malenfant / Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control - HZ
Jason Clarke / Cyber Security/Information Technology - CS
Kurt Reuther / Department of Safety & Homeland Security - HSA
Dave Carpenter / New Castle County Emergency Management Agency - EMA
Scott Koenig / City of Dover Public Works - PW
Dave Mick / Kent County Emergency Medical Service - EMS
Members Not Attended
Ricky Short / Sussex County Emergency Management - PSC
Bill Topping / Delaware Police Chiefs Council - LE
Mark Davis / Department of Agriculture - AG
Alternates, Support, & Visitors
Joe Wessels / Delaware League of Local Governments - GA
Bryant Baker, Project Manager / Department of Technology & Information
Edward (Tony) Lee / Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Courtney Emerson / Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Will Hayes / Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Edward Strouse / Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Brian Smith / GeoDecisions
Kevin Switala / GeoDecisions
Sarah Burkett / GeoDecisions
Glen Butler / GeoDecisions
Jim Sills, Secretary / DTI
John Laznik / University of Delaware