St. John’s CE Primary School Curriculum (2014-2015)

Year 1 / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Topic Title / Take One Author. / A Century Ago. / Food Glorious Food! / That’s Not Fair! / What’s Out There? / Where The Wild Things Are.
Numeracy / MMS scheme following a weekly structured progression.
Monday Arithmetic 1
Tuesday Geometry
Wednesday Data and Measure
Thursday Arithmetic 2
Friday Reasoning
Literacy / Stories by the same author, Julia Donaldson.
Fiction- Retells of stories, alternative versions, character descriptions. / Non fiction writing- labels and captions.
Stories and poems from other cultures. / Stories and poems with repeating patterns- adding s / es for plural endings.
Non fiction- recipes / instructions. / Writing lists. (Rules)
Letter to the King.
Descriptions, Shrek writing from film. / 3 Billy Goats Gruff . Traditional fairy tales- alternative versions (retells).
Character descriptions, wanted posters.
Similes linked to materials for strong bridge- explanations. / Where The Wild Things Are.
Retells & alternative endings.
Poetry writing about Wildthings.
Science / Animals including humans- sorting and classifying. / Seasonal changes – position of the sun and health and safety. / Body parts and senses.
Healthy eating. / Every day materials. / Plants.
Seasonal changes
(ongoing) / Autumn – collect leaves/leaf rubbings.
Winter – deciduous and evergreen trees. / Spring – identify spring flowers, planting, observation drawings, looking at bees, chicks. / Summer – flowers in local area, sunflower competition.
Geography / Around the world- 7 continents and 5 oceans. / Where does our food come from? Hot and cold areas inc equator.
Weather patterns.
Fair trade food. Where and why? / Study of Warminster (UK study) and another contrasting non European country.
Using maps and Globes. / Mapwork; All
around our
Devise simple
maps to locate
key areas in
the school .
History / Mary Seacole. / Timelines, toys, photographs.
World War 1. / History of the potato. Who found it, brought it back..? / The Magna Carta.
(Town Council and Police Station) / Warminster.
Then and now.
Art & Design/DT /

Use Primary and Secondary colours to create colour washes.

Draw and paint underwater class display using primary colours and washes.

/ Observational drawings of WW1 artefacts.
Making tissue paper poppies.
Designing and making salt dough Christmas Tree decorations. / Cezanne – artist study.
Observational drawings using a variety of media.
Design a healthy pizza.
/ Box modelling, castles.
Making a shield with a Coat of Arms. / Bridge making.
Treasure maps and chests. / Papier Mache models of Wildthings.
Making puppets / spilit pin Wildthings.
RE / Being Special.
Myself. / Special Times.
Celebrations. / Special people.
Leaders and teachers. / Special People.
Story. / Special People.
Believing. / Special People.
Music / Singing with Caroline once a week.
Under the sea composition. Instruments to illustrate Tiddler. / Learning and performing Christmas songs. / Chanting performance poetry and rhymes. / Pitch. / Long and short sounds. / Exploring
and symbols.
PSHE / Our Happy School. / Out and About. / Looking Forward. / My Friends and Family. / Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds. / Ready, Steady, Go.
PE / Team games –invasion and ball games. / Dance. / Gymnastics. / Gymnastics. / Athletics.
Throwing and catching skills. / Athletics.
Running and jumping.
Computing / Using simple paint program.
Use of keyboard.
Create an underwater picture in response to Tiddler. / Finding information from the internet.
Safe use of the internet. Where to go to ask for help. / Internet research of artist.
Safe use of computers and the internet- Digiduck, making decisions.
Design label for pizza box using art program. Save work and retrieve for editing. / Filming a wanted poster as a missing person advert. / Simple coding and program writing /correcting (beebots).
Languages / Greetings, feelings. / Numbers and my family. / Animals and pets.