Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
December Funding Report 12/08/05
The Indian Health Service (IHS)
HHS-2006-IHS-SP-0001 Health Professions Preparatory, Health Professions Pregraduate
and Indian Health Professions Scholarship Programs
Due Date: February 28, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: The Indian Health Service (IHS) is committed to encouraging American Indians and Alaska Natives to enter the health professions and to assuring the availability of Indian health professionals to serve Indians
For more information visit:
National Institute of Health (NIH)
PAR-06-073 Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control
Due Date: See Announcement
Amount: See Announcement
Description: The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites behavioral research applications in cancer control from new investigators or established scientists refocusing their research interests to behavioral research in cancer. The Small Grants Program is designed to aid and facilitate the growth of a nationwide cohort of scientists with a high level of research expertise in behavioral cancer control research. Small grants are short-term awards to provide support for pilot projects, development and testing of new methodologies, secondary data analyses, and/or innovative studies that provide a basis for more extended research.
For more information visit:
PA-05-14 Structural Interventions, Alcohol Use, and Risk of HIV/AIDS
Due Date: January 2, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: This PA requests research on the effectiveness of structural interventions that reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by changing the environment of alcohol use. Although a variety of structural and environmental interventions have been employed successfully to reduce other drinking-related problems, there has been little research that extends such efforts into the realm of HIV/AIDS risk reduction. Applicants are especially encouraged to examine the ramifications for HIV/AIDS risk of naturally occurring or already-announced changes in alcohol-related laws, regulations, programs or policies.
For more information visit:
National Institute of Health (NIH)
RFA-HL-06-002 Community-Responsive Interventions to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in American Indians and Alaska Natives
Due Date: Mar 10, 2006
Amount: $275,000.00
Description: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) invites applications for cooperative agreements to conduct five-year studies in American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) communities to test the effectiveness of behavioral interventions to promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles and/or improve behaviors related to cardiovascular (CV) risk, such as weight reduction, regular physical activity, and smoking cessation.
For more information visit:
PAS-06-054 Non-injection Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS
Due Date: February 1, 2006, June 1, and October 1, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: This PA seeks to understand the contribution of non-injection drug abuse to the acquisition and/or transmission and/or disease progression of HIV/AIDS. Specifically, it seeks to: 1) investigate how, where, why, and among whom HIV/AIDS spreads through high-risk sexual behavior associated with non-injection drug use; 2) develop effective prevention interventions and treatment for non-injection drug users at risk for or infected with HIV; and 3) improve accessibility and utilization of evidence-based, integrated care for non-injection drug abuse, risky sexual behavior, and HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. The PA will support research employing a range of methodological approaches including basic, clinical, epidemiological, prevention, and treatment studies as well as multidisciplinary research in the biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences to contribute to knowledge in these areas.
For more information visit:
PA-06-041 NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Due Date: February 1, 2006, June 1, and October 1, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: The NIH recognizes the value of supporting high quality conferences/scientific meetings that are relevant to its scientific mission and to the public health. A conference/scientific meeting is defined as a gathering, symposium, seminar, scientific meeting, workshop or any other organized, formal meeting where persons assemble to coordinate, exchange, and disseminate information or to explore or clarify a defined subject, problem, or area of knowledge. Support of such meetings is contingent on the fiscal and programmatic interests and priorities of the individual Institutes and Centers.
For more information visit:
National Institute of Health (NIH)
PA-05-164 Recent HIV Infection: New Prevention Challenges and Opportunities
LOI: None Required
Due Date: February 1, 2006, June 1 2006, and October 1, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: This PA solicits innovative basic or applied research applications that will advance prevention opportunities to reduce transmission risk or minimize neuro-cognitive impairment in persons with recent HIV infection (i.e., 0 - 6 months post-exposure). Principal Investigators are urged to develop new research that extends knowledge of the basic biological processes of acute and early HIV disease to address the specific prevention needs of highly infectious, newly infected persons who may account for a disproportionate share of secondary HIV transmissions.
For more information:
PAR-05-144 Developing Centers for Innovation in Services and Intervention Research (DCISIR)
LOI: May 1
Due Date: June 1 annually thereafter
Amount: $400,000
Description: The ultimate goal of this program announcement (PA) is to establish support for groups of researchers to develop intervention and services research studies that will directly address the missions of NIMH and NIAAA and to prepare these research groups to develop advanced centers. Developing interdisciplinary research teams for the future, including public-private partnerships; and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise. The intervention and services research needed to provide pragmatic information for decision making, improve current community practice, and ultimately reduce the burden of mental illness and of alcohol-related problems for youth and adults requires (a) the creation and adoption of novel methodological and organizational approaches, (b) the use of behavioral, social, economic, and/or political theories to transport interventions into community settings, (c) the creation of sustainable community partnerships, and (d) the creation of sustainable multidisciplinary research teams that can work cooperatively and creatively to find new ways to get the right package of mental health care to the people who need it most and ultimately improve their functioning and quality of life. This PA is intended as a mechanism to build capacity at qualified institutions to achieve these goals and those of the NIH Roadmap initiative.
For more information:
PA-06-083 Research on Social Work Practice and Concepts in Health (R21)
Due Date: February 1 2006, June 1 2006, October 1
Amount: See Announcement
Description: The ultimate goal of this program announcement is to encourage the development of empirical research on social work practice, concepts and theory as these relate to the NIH public health goal of improving health outcomes for persons with medical and behavioral disorders and conditions.
For more information visit:
National Institute of Health (NIH)
PA-05-139 Health Services Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Due Date: See Notice
Amount: See Announcement
Description: This Program Announcement (PA) solicits health services research on the prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. Proposed research might emphasize any of the following subjects: (1) Factors that affect the delivery of drug and alcohol abuse intervention and related services, such as social factors, personal behaviors and attributes, financing, organization, management, and health technologies; (2) Dimensions of drug and alcohol abuse intervention and related services, such as accessibility, utilization, quality, effectiveness, and costs; (3) Processes of blending science-based practices into community-based provision of drug and alcohol abuse prevention services; and (4) Research tools to facilitate higher quality health services research on drug and alcohol abuse.
For more information visit:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC-RFA-CE06-001 Research Grants to Prevent Unintentional Injuries
LOI: January 3, 2006
Due Date: February 3, 2006
Amount: $250,000.00
Description: The purpose of the program announcement is to fund national Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to provide Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) that supports a national program to prevent HIV infections, other STDs and unintended pregnancies; reduce tobacco use; reduce the burden of asthma; prevent chronic diseases; promote Coordinated School Health Programs (CSHP); and promote school mental health services. Through this capacity building assistance, funded NGOs will help to strengthen the disease prevention/health promotion programs and delivery provided by the various societal institutions listed above. This program announcement will provide funds to NGOs to build the capacity of societal institutions to promote the health of youth through development of relevant state and local policies; provision of disease prevention and health promotion programs, and services in schools, colleges, and community-based organizations (e.g., faith-based institutions, youth service providers, and parent organizations); and provide guidance on policies and programs that reduce health disparities.
For more information visit:
CDC-RFA-TS06-601 Program to Conduct and Coordinate Site-Specific Activities
LOI: None
Due Date: January 13, 2006
Amount: $300,000
Description: The purposes of the program are for recipients to 1) identify pathways of exposure to hazardous waste sites and releases, and 2) identify, implement, and coordinate public health interventions to reduce exposures to hazardous substances at levels of health concern. Specifically, funds will be used to build capacity and conduct site-specific activities in coordination and cooperation with ATSDR under CERCLA and RCRA.
For more information visit:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC-RFA-CE06-007 Evaluation of community-based approaches to increasing seat belt use among adolescent drivers and their passengers
LOI: January 3, 2006
Due Date: February 1, 2006
Amount: $300,000
Description: Although teens have the lowest seat belt use rates and highest crash risk of any age group, few examples of well-designed community-based interventions to increase seat belt use among teens are available in the peer-reviewed literature. This proposal will fund the implementation and evaluation of one or more multi-component community-based interventions to increase seat belt use among adolescent drivers and their passengers.
For more information visit:
RFA-CE06-004 Grants for Violence-Related Injury Prevention Research: Youth Violence, Suicidal Behavior, Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, and Sexual Violence
LOI: January 3, 2006
Due Date: February 1, 2006
Amount: $300,000
Description: The purposes of the NCIPC extramural research program are to:
Build the scientific base for the prevention and control of fatal and nonfatal injuries and related disabilities. Encourage professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines of epidemiology, behavioral and social sciences, medicine, biostatistics, public health, health economics, law, criminal justice, and engineering to perform research in order to prevent and control injuries more effectively.
Encourage investigators to propose research that involves intervention development and testing as well as research on methods to enhance the adoption and maintenance of effective intervention strategies among individuals, organizations, or communities.
For more information visit:
CDC-RFA-DP06-601 National Programs to Build the Capacity of Societal Institutions That Influence Youth Behavior
LOI: December 9, 2005
Due Date: January 9, 2006
Amount: $300,000
Description: for cooperative agreements to establish a national program to prevent behaviors and unhealthy environments that place elementary school through college-aged young people at risk for a myriad of health problems. This announcement combines six previous program announcements for national Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to reduce paperwork and launch a coordinated national program to improve the health, education, and well-being of youth.
For more information visit:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC-PA-05031-A Public Health Conference Support Program
LOI: February 3, 2006
Due Date: March 6, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: The CDC/ATSDR announce the pending availability of appropriated fiscal year (FY) 2006 funds for the CDC/ATSDR Public Health Conference Support Program. This program addresses the "Healthy People 2010" focus areas of Access to Quality Health Services; Arthritis; Osteoporosis; Chronic Back Conditions; Cancer, Diabetes; Disability and Secondary Conditions; Educational and Community-Based Programs; Environmental Health; Family Planning; Food Safety; Health Communication; Heart Disease and Stroke; Immunization and Infectious Diseases; Injury and Violence Prevention; Maternal, Infant and Child Health; Medical Product Safety; Mental Health and Mental Disorders; Nutrition and Overweight; Oral Health; Physical Activity and Fitness; Public Health Infrastructure; Respiratory Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Substance Abuse; Tobacco Use; and Vision and Hearing.
For more information visit:
Department of Justice, Headquarters, Office of Justice Programs
OVW-2006-1177 Education and Training to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities
LOI: January 3, 2006
Due Date: January 25, 2006
Amount: $750,000
Description: Disability Grant Program recipients provide education and technical assistance for the purpose of providing training, consultation, and information on domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault against women who are individuals with disabilities.
For more information visit:
OVW-2006-1178 Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Grant Program
Due Date: January 19, 2006
Amount: See Announcement
Description: The Tribal Coalitions Program provides much needed resources to build the capacity of survivors, advocates, Indian women's organizations, and victim services providers to form nonprofit, nongovernmental tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions to advance the goal of ending violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women.
Grant funds must be used for activities in compliance with the following statutory purposes:
Increasing awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault against American Indian and Alaska Native women;
Enhancing the response to violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women at the tribal, Federal, and State levels; and
Identifying and providing technical assistance to coalition membership and tribal communities to enhance access to essential services to American Indian women victimized by domestic and sexual violence.
For more information visit: