Welcome to Team 6-2!

Dear 6-2 Students and Parents,

Welcome to Strickland Middle School! We look forward to having an exceptional year working with you.

Team 6-2 teachers are:

Name / Subject / E-mail / Voice Mail
Rene Thompson / Inclusion / / 940-369-4309
Bill Lane / World History / / 940-369-4303
Jane Gordon / Science / / 940-369-4235
Kendi Sanchez / Mathematics / / 940-369-4310
Katie Anderson / Writing / / 940-369-4304
Elizabeth Cox / Reading / / 940-369-4311

Team Rules

We only require students to follow two rules everyday:

Be Respectful


Be Ready

These are guidelines for appropriate behavior. If students can keep these two ideas in mind at all times, the following expectations will always be met.

Team Expectations

Appropriate Use of Time

Students will attend each class everyday for approximately 55 minutes. These 55 minutes are the only 55 minutes a day you are guaranteed time to work in your subject area and develop the skills needed to be academically successful. Please use time wisely and responsibly. Students should bring all of the necessary materials to class (be ready!), and will need to participate in class fully for the duration of the period (be respectful!). Also, students may be required to prepare and/or complete some assignments and projects outside of class, as well as study for upcoming tests and quizzes.


Each student must have an agenda with them at all times during the school day. This is not an option. Agendas may be purchased in the front office for $5. Students will use the agenda to keep track of school assignments, club meetings, and school events; the agenda is also a student’s pass out of class to go to the restroom, get a drink of water, or visit a counselor. Teachers may assign an agenda check and give students a quiz or daily grade for keeping up with classroom assignments. The agenda is one of the most important tools for a successful 6th grade year.

Late Work

Students are expected to complete all assignments in a timely fashion. Team 6-2 will follow the district’s make-up policy assigned in the agenda. One day late on an assignment will equal a maximum grade of 70%; two or more days late will equal a maximum possible grade of 50%. Therefore, it is extremely important to complete all assignments on time.


Students will be counted absent if not present in the first 15 minutes of class. Please take all notes to excuse an absence to the main office. District policy allows students who are absent one day plus one additional day to complete all make-up assignments. Make-up assignments turned in by the expected due date will not receive a late grade penalty.


Students are expected to follow all district and school policies in regards to appropriate behavior. In addition, Team 6-2 students are held to high expectations in working cooperatively with other students, having all necessary materials, and respecting others and their property. For a first offense, students will be required to sign The Book. After three signatures within a 6-week period, the student will receive a writing detention. If the detention is incomplete by the due date, the student will receive a doubled writing detention. If the doubled detention is not turned in or is incomplete, the student will be referred to the assistant principal. For more serious offenses, students will be sent directly to the assistant principal at the teacher’s discretion.


Parents, you are more than welcome to meet with the team for a conference to discuss concerns about your student. We meet between 9:20 A.M. and 10:10 A.M. Please call or e-mail Rene Thompson to schedule a conference.


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We are looking forward to an exciting 2008-2009 school year!


Team 6-2 Teachers

Please detach and return to Ms. Sanchez by Friday, August 29.

I understand and agree to the rules and expectations for Team 6-2.

Student signature: ______Date______

Parent signature:______Date______