Biology 103– Nutrition

Quizzam 1 2018-10-19 / Session:
Class Location:
Days / Time: Instructor: / Summer 2017
71200 4 Units
NVC 2210 and LAB TBD
MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM

Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake)

Chapter 1 What Is Nutrition?

Legend: For sentences / statements that DO NOT HAVE answer choices,

Answer A if TRUE

Answer B IF False

1.Which nutrient is so vital to health that you wouldn't live more than a few days without it?

A) vitamins

B) water

C) minerals

D) protein

2.Which of the following is not a reason why a food becomes a favorite?

A) convenience

B) food trends

C) culture

D) food color

5) Which of the following does nutritional genomics study?

A) the protein content of an individual

B) how certain nutrients affect an individual's gene expression

C) the genetic sequence of an individual's genome

D) the precise amount of micronutrients the body needs

3.Which nutrient class supplies glucose as the major source of energy for the body?

A) proteins

B) vitamins

C) carbohydrates

D) lipids

4.Which nutrient class is used to build body tissues and make enzymes?

A) lipids

B) proteins

C) vitamins

D) carbohydrates

5.All of the following are correct about the typical American diet except that it is

A) high in sodium.

B) low in vitamin D.

C) high in fiber.

D) low in calcium.

6.Americans need to consume more

A) oils and fewer vegetables.

B) meat and saltier foods.

C) meat and refined grains.

D) fruits and vegetables.

7.What percentage of American adults are considered obese and or overweight?

A) 25 percent

B) 70 percent

C) 75 percent

D) 42 percent

8.Jane is sitting in the library, cramming for a nutrition test. She has eaten a plate full of brownies and is now ordering a pizza. Which of the following factors is probably affecting the way Jane is eating?

A) cost

B) advertising

C) culture

D) emotions

9.The defining characteristic of an organic compound is that it

A) contains carbon.

B) is grown in rich soil.

C) contains nitrogen.

D) contains hydrogen.

10.Which of the following substances is organic?

A) minerals

B) water

C) salts

D) vitamins

11.A well-balanced diet includes all of the following actions except

A) relying on dietary supplements.

B) eating a variety of foods.

C) consuming phytochemicals and fiber.

D) consuming essential nutrients.

-Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake)

Chapter 2 Tools for Healthy Eating

12.The average amount of a nutrient that is known to meet the needs of 50 percent of the individuals in a similar age and gender group is known as the

A) Estimated Average Requirement (EAR).

B) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).

C) Adequate Intake (AI).

D) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs).

13.The highest amount of a nutrient that can be consumed without likely harm in a group of individuals of a similar age is the

A) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).

B) Adequate Intake (AI).

C) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI).

D) Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL).

14.According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR), what percentage of your daily calories should be provided by carbohydrates?

A) 40 to 70 percent

B) 45 to 65 percent

C) 20 to 45 percent

D) 5 to 25 percent

15.Which of the following was developed out of concern over the incidence of overnutrition among Americans?

A) Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)

B) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)

C) Dietary Guidelines for Americans

D) Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

16.According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, what should be the daily sodium intake for a healthy person?

A) more than 2,300 mg

B) more than 2,600 mg

C) less than 2,300 mg

D) less than 2,200 mg

17.According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, an adult woman should consume no more than how many alcoholic drinks per day?

A) 0-1

B) 0-2

C) 3-4

D) 4-5

18. When estimating portion size, a woman's fist is about

A) a quarter cup of pasta or vegetables.

B) a half cup of pasta or vegetables.

C) one cup of pasta or vegetables.

D) two cups of pasta or vegetables.

19.A food is considered high in a nutrient if it provides

A) 5 percent or more of the Daily Value.

B) 10 percent or more of the Daily Value.

C) 15 percent or more of the Daily Value.

D) 20 percent or more of the Daily Value.

20.The average amount of a nutrient that is known to meet the needs of 50 percent of the individuals in a similar age and gender group is called the


B) AI.

C) UL.


21.The average amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 97 to 98 percent of the individuals in a similar group is called the


B) AI.

C) UL.


22.The specific amounts of each nutrient that an individual need to consume to maintain good health, prevent chronic diseases, and avoid unhealthy excesses are known as the


B) AI.

C) UL.

D) DRIs.

23.Having a diet made of many different foods is known as a

A) balanced diet.

B) varied diet.

C) moderate diet.

D) paleo diet.

24.A food guidance system released by the USDA that depicts five food groups using the familiar mealtime visual of a place setting is called

A) MyPyramid.

B) the DASH diet.

C) MyPlate.

D) the Food Circle.

25.Eating breakfast provides more energy throughout the day and results in the consumption of fewer calories.

26. It is recommended that proteins comprise between 10 and 35 percent of your daily caloric intake.

27.7The substances in active cultures in fermented dairy products (such as yogurt) that may support intestinal health are antibiotics.

Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake)

Chapter 3 The Basics of Digestion

28.Which of the following processes is not involved in mechanical digestion?

A) chewing

B) grinding

C) enzymes

D) peristaltic movement of food

29.The majority of digestion occurs in the

A) mouth.

B) stomach.

C) small intestine.

D) large intestine.

30.Which of the following lists of structures correctly sequences the segments of the small intestine?

A) duodenum; jejunum; ileum

B) jejunum; ileum; duodenum

C) duodenum; ileum; jejunum

D) ileum; duodenum; colon

31.Which of the following actions does not occur in the colon?

A) absorption of water

B) production of some vitamins

C) absorption of the majority of nutrients

D) absorption of electrolytes

32.Which of the following statements about the small intestine is false?

A) It contains villi.

B) It absorbs water.

C) It produces digestive secretions.

D) It absorbs most nutrients.

33. Which of the following functions is the "sloshing" motion that thoroughly mixes chyme with the chemical secretions in the small intestine?

A) pendular movement

B) peristalsis

C) segmentation

D) absorption

34.Which of the following is likely not a component in feces?

A) bacteria

B) sloughed-off gastrointestinal cells

C) undigested fiber

D) sucrose

35.The ______produces bile, whereas the ______stores it.

A) pancreas; bladder

B) gallbladder; pancreas

C) liver; gallbladder

D) gallbladder; liver

36.During digestion, the blood picks up nutrients absorbed through the GI tract and transports them to the

A) liver.

B) heart.

C) brain.

D) lungs.

37.Which of the following foods should be avoided by a person with celiac disease?

A) broccoli

B) eggs

C) pasta

D) milk

38.Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

A) detoxifying alcohol

B) storing glycogen

C) producing insulin

D) producing bile

39. Food high in which of the following substances leaves the stomach first?

A) carbohydrates

B) fats

C) protein

D) fiber

40. Which of the following processes occurs in the esophagus?

A) protein absorption

B) movement of food to the stomach

C) bile production

D) fat emulsification

41.Which of the following processes occurs in the liver?

A) bile storage

B) HCl production

C) bile production

D) production of most digestive enzymes

42.Which of the following body systems eliminates waste from the circulatory system?

A) lymphatic system

B) nervous system

C) excretory / urinary system

D) digestive system

43.Ingested food that is chewed and mixed with saliva is called a bolus.

44.The constrictive wave that involves both forward and reverse movements of chyme is referred to as peristalsis.

45.Digestion converts whole foods into individual nutrients that can be used by the body's cells.

46.Oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products are carried throughout the body primarily by the vessels of the Cardiovascular system.

Describe the pathway food takes through the body from start to finish.

Select the 5 In-Path GI Structures from the following list

51.__ / A
BE / Blood Vessels
Gall Bladder
Transverse Colon

Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake)

Chapter 4 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber

52.Carbohydrate digestion begins in the

A) stomach.

B) small intestine.

C) large intestine.

D) mouth.

53.The process of photosynthesis produces which of the following molecules?

A) glucose

B) fructose

C) glycogen

D) triglycerides

54.The function of glycogen is to

A) store energy in plants.

B) create membrane structures in plants.

C) lower blood glucose levels when they rise after a meal.

D) store glucose in humans and animals.

55.Which of the following substances is not a polysaccharide?

A) galactose

B) fiber

C) glycogen

D) starch

56.Which of the following statements regarding the amount of carbohydrate you should consume daily is incorrect?

A) The minimum amount of carbohydrate needed for the brain to function efficiently is 130 grams per day.

B) The AMDR for carbohydrates is 20 to 35 percent of your total daily calories.

C) Eating the recommended daily servings for each food group in MyPyramid will ensure that you meet your minimum amount of carbohydrate.

D) In the United States, adult males and females consume more than the minimum DRI for carbohydrates.

57.To which of the following organs do monosaccharides go after absorption?

A) pancreas

B) gallbladder

C) liver

D) small intestine

58. What is the source of glucose to supply the energy needs in a person who has not eaten for seven hours?

A) stored fat

B) muscle protein

C) liver glycogen

D) the brain

59.Approximately how long does it take for liver glycogen stores to be depleted?

A) 4 hours

B) 8 hours

C) 12 hours

D) 18 hours

60.According to the latest DRIs, what is the recommended minimum amount of carbohydrates that should be consumed daily?

A) 25 grams

B) 50 grams

C) 130 grams

D) 250 grams

61.Which of the following conditions in a person with diabetes does not result from nerve damage?

A) numbness in the toes, feet, legs, and hands

B) a decreased ability to feel changes in temperature or pain in the legs and feet

C) changes in sexual function

D) cloudy vision and eventual blindness

62.The by-products of incomplete fat breakdown and excessive alcohol ingestion are known as

A) ketones

B) glucose monomers.

C) keratin fibers.

D) collagen fibers.

63.Simple carbohydrates include monosaccharides and disaccharides.

In the following 2 Tables, Classify the attributes of each function. Marl ALL that Apply for each.

Function / Produces
A / Consumes C02
B / Produces
C / Consumes Glucose
D / Produces Glucose
64.Cell Respiration
Function / Occurs in Animal Cells
A / Occurs in Plant Cells
B / Occurs in the Mitochondria
C / Occurs in the Chloroplast
D / Occurs outside of the Cell

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