Meeting Minutes Template


Present: [names of attendees]


Officer Reports

·  President Ana Jaramillo

·  President Elect Kacy Mixon

·  Secretary Kristin Tyburczy (approval of previous minutes)

o  Kristin Tyburczy motioned to approve the minutes from April 12 and July 17. Jeanne-Marie Ritter seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.

·  Treasurer Emily Campbell (treasury report)

o  Given by Ana Jaramillo - $1582.54 in budget, not including the TCBY fundraiser which will add $41.70 to total $1624.24.

·  Past President Cheryl Pence Wolf

o  Counselor education does not have the money to cover the expenses for the summer graduation ceremony. Cheryl Pence Wolf made a motion for $23.97 reimbursement for expenditures for the ceremony. Ana Jaramillo seconded the motion. Motion approved.

·  Faculty Advisor Dr. Sondra Smith-Adcock

Committee Reports

·  Awards Olivia Chen

o  Needs to put out notifications for awards (listed on CSI Beta website). Nominees will need to submit packages by November. Packages due to CSI International by December 1.

·  Bulletin Board Meghan Hamlin, Marissa Kelly

o  Leaders having trouble getting access to the supply closet. Kacy Mixon will follow up and help them gain access.

·  Community Service Nikole Duvalle, Samantha Buth, Kertesha Riley

o  Kertesha Riley hopes the community service projects this year benefit different populations on campus and around Gainesville, as well as promote the counseling and mental health field.

·  Fundraising Jackie Colombo, Bindi Shah

o  Over $400 raised from t-shirt fundraiser.

o  People still want shirts. Jackie Colombo wants people to prepay before she places the next order.

o  Ana Jaramillo suggests organizing a professional polo t-shirt order for November.

o  Fundraiser at Pazza Bistro during the week of September 20 (Friday or Sunday). Jackie Colombo will discuss with the manager how much profit CSI will make and select a date.

·  Membership Katy West, Alex Peskin, Trevor Kolski

o  Welcome Week went very well. The pool party was cancelled due to bad weather.

o  The committee plans to host a bowling event again this year due to high demand.

o  Counselor education tailgate before a football game suggested.

·  Newsletter Kertesha Riley

o  An article on Welcome Week will be submitted in two weeks to start the newsletter so articles can be written while memories are fresh.

·  Professional Dev LaTori Griffin, Kenycia Byrd

o  A workshop on cultivating emotional balance tentatively scheduled for October. Can fundraise for CSI by providing CEUs to those within the Counselor Education department as well as to local professionals. Committee leaders will advertise on local listservs and Facebook.

·  Social Justice Adrienne Baggs

·  Website Cheryl Pence Wolf

o  Committee leaders responsible for updating their respective pages. Just let her know the changes and she will make them.

·  Wellness Jeanne-Marie Ritter, Bindi Shah

o  Two seminars suggested for the upcoming semester – a meditation led by Greg Jones and a discussion given by a naturopathic doctor.

o  Jeanne-Marie Ritter plans for two nature outings per term. Two suggestions were a trip to Devil’s Millhopper, and Kanapaha in the spring.

o  There may be outings to local restaurants that feature local and organic food (i.e. Civilization, Sisters), as well as visits to local farmers markets, the downtown arts festival, and the Friends of the Library book sale.

o  There may be a tour of the historic homes downtown in December.

New Business

·  Online Chapter Annual Plan to CSI International

o  Online chapter annual plan must be submitted to CSI International by September 30 in order to get funds.

·  Fall 2010 Graduation Ceremony

o  Waiting for reimbursement from spring ceremony.

o  Jackie Colombo suggests buying honor cords as a fundraiser. Ana Jaramillo will get the number of fall graduates by the end of September.

o  Tentatively scheduled for Friday, December 17.

·  Recognizing committees who have been overly active.

o  Jackie Colombo suggested having an online “Passport to Counselor Education” where members get signatures for attending events throughout the year, and winners (who must be CSI members) will receive a prize for most attendance. Participants and facilitators can earn more points. Can ask for donations for the prize.

·  Ana Jaramillo made a motion to approve $21.35 reimbursement for the summer retreat subs. Jackie Colombo seconded the motion and all in favor. Motion passed.

Follow up

·  Kickball tournament

o  Money cannot be paid at the event if it is held on campus. Jackie Colombo suggests that participants pay $5 ahead of time and they will receive a ticket, which will be surrendered on the day of the game. Cheryl Pence Wolf suggested adding a potluck to the event as well.

o  Tentatively scheduled for the weekend of October 24.

·  Future meeting locations/times

o  Vote to have future monthly meetings back on campus in the Norman Hall Conference Room. Vote passed 6 to 4. The remaining meetings will be scheduled for on campus.

Social at Las Margaritas

·  Immediately following the meeting, members were encouraged to participate in the CSI Beta social at Las Margaritas.

Meeting adjourned at 5:46 by Ana Jaramillo.