South End Neighborhood Council (SENCo)

Minutes of the Board Meeting held March 18, 2013

Present: Earl Brydson, Chair; Cary Nilson, Vice Chair; John Pellessier, Treasurer; Kristin King; Brian Kilen; William Ferrell; Tony Caldwell

Fire Department Liaison: Jeff Chandler reported that it was Poison Prevention Week and that, fire-wise, the South End is the second busiest council district.

Police Department Liaison: Corey Darlington gave an update on the 8018 Pacific House rape/assault case, reporting that due to evidence such as prints, dna, and video surveillance, they expect an arrest within the next week. They are also focusing on prostitution on Pacific Ave., particularly the 84th - 96th blocks, as well as on the 34th and McKinley area, where they are seeing more proactive calls for service, more arrests, and diminished crime. In the Lincoln District, the Dahuru motorcycle club has presented themselves to the area with the mission of mentoring youth in the 600 block of S 38th St. Officer Darlington distributed a Tacoma Police Department Budget and Staff Reductions information sheet, outlining positions eliminated, total calls for service, crime trends (violent crimes decreasing; property crimes increasing), and budget percentages.

Metro Parks Liaison: Roxanne Miles reported that the STAR Center on S 66th St. and S Adams St. has an Urban Adventure Playground with a Tot Trek Gym for children ages 2 to 5 and an outdoor, covered obstacle course for children ages 6 to 12. Saturday, March 23 will hold a Camp Fair with the various Summer Camps represented. Parks Appreciation Day will be April 20, with 9am-12pm cleanup projects. Swan Creek now has a community garden, Douglas Fir forest, and a mountain bike course. The "3 Dont's" remain: No Smoking, No Feeding Wildlife, and No ATVs.

City Manager’s Liaison: Nadia Chandler informed us that the City of Tacoma is overhauling their website and is in the process of getting feedback from residents over the few weeks. The City will do a temporary launch, get more feedback, then do the official launch.

Board Member Voting: The SENCo Board had two openings as Gia and Jim are no longer on the board. The two applicants were Janis Clark, present, and Shannel Ball, absent. Janis Clark remarked on her work in the Hilltop District, on the Central Neighborhood Council, and in helping women veterans incorporate as civilians.

A motion was made by John to postpone the vote on Shannel Ball until next month so that the board could hear from her in person. There was discussion as to whether to postpone votes on both applicants, but it was approved to vote on Janis Clark at the current meeting for the first open position, as she was present, and to vote on Shannel Ball at the following meeting for the second open position.

Janis Clark was approved by vote and will receive the bylaws binder from Earl.

Chair's Report: Earl is working on getting addresses from Carol Wolfe so that SENCo can distribute fliers, particularly to residents south of S 72nd St, and gathering cost information for mailing out 50 to 100. Earl was notified of Thompson Ave. improvements, potentially including bike lanes. Roxanne recommended use of the bulletin board at Wapato Dog Park and having a SENCo booth at a park event as ways of disseminating information.

The CCoT will decide at their next meeting if they will pay the $200 registration for NUSA. The conference will be held May 22-25 in Minneapolis, MN. SENCo estimates $2,000 per person, and will cover the amount less what the CCoT contributes.

Treasurer's Report: John reported the $200 donation made to the Pacific Avenue Business District and the $4,000 received from the City of Tacoma. The current account balance is now $5,781.27.

Old Business: Tony inquired as to the status of the Gas Station Park mural. Brian reported the design tweak requested and is currently working on getting in touch with the artist. Completion of the project will be dependent on the weather and the artist's schedule. Earl reported that the grass is taking at the park, though the basketball court is still to be fixed. Earl put a trash can in, and the Gargoyles are still on maintenance. Tony revisited the potential Yard of the Month project and has copies of information to be printed out and distributed to the board.

Minutes submitted by Kristin King, April 1, 2013.

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