Training Record Book


Certificate IV in

Business Sales

“What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching it”.Zig Ziglar

Trainee Details

Trainee Name: ______

Trainee Registration Number: ______

Name of Qualification: ______

Address: ______

______Post Code ______

Home Phone Number: ______

Supervising Registered Training Organisation: NationalCollege of Business______

Contact Name: ______Phone: 1300 767 774

Employer: ______

Address: ______

______Post Code ______

Supervisor’s Name: ______

Phone Number: ______


Australian Apprenticeship Centre: Phone:

Nearest DET Regional Office: Phone: 1300369935

Wageline (Wage enquiries, entitlements, etc) Phone: 1300 369 945

Hello, welcome and congratulations on commencing or continuing your journey as a business owner or manager.

By completing this workbook you will learn much about yourself and the business you are involved with. This is a journey of discovery and enlightenment as well as a practical way to implement everything you are learning through the course for a better life and a fulfilling career.

To receive your BSB40607 Certificate IV in Business Sales, you must complete several forms of assessment in order to measure your skills and abilities. The forms of assessment include:

1)A Unit Assessment Workbook; and

2)Competency-based projects.

This book is a record of all of the assessment for the:

Certificate IV in Business Sales BSB40607

If you are an employee or manager you may need to ask the business owner for some input when answering the questions, or you may use a mock (made up) business. You may also like to create some new ideas and input in conjunction with the owner of the business. This way you will be making a great contribution to the success of the business as well as learning much for your own journey as a manager and senior team player.

Let’s get started! Remember the team at the National College of Business is here to support you. Please ask for assistance and help at any time!

Gold Coast Campus

(07) 5575 9653

Brisbane Campus

(07) 38313732

Your Name: ______

Date you commenced your program: / / 200 .

Date you have to complete your assessment: / / 200 .

Date submitted: / / 200 .

To achieve the BSB40607 Certificate IV in Business Salesyou are required to competently complete the following assessment activities. This is an integrated assessment which means it is practical.

Participants choosing to complete certain units only should discuss the most appropriate assessment activities to be undertaken with their Coach.

Notes regarding assessment:

Before commencing the assessment it is recommended that you read through all of the requirements at least once.

The courses you undertake will apply to different sections of your assessment.

To complete the assessment you are required to conduct research, compile information and present information to a standard and format that is acceptable in a business environment. This includes providing an appendix for any supporting documentssuchas surveys used to gather research data.

Third party assessment requires you to nominate another person to observe relevant activities and to complete a report to accompany your assessment. This person may be a supervisor, employer, business partner etc. The same person does not need to be used each time.

I understand the above points, and I am committed to completing the assessment by the due date.

Your Signature: ______

1. Introduction

Congratulations on commencing your Traineeship. This Traineeship will assist in developing the necessary skills to become competent in Business Sales work throughout Australia. The flexibility available in this delivery allows for a practical on-the-job approach through competency-based assessment.

Becoming competent involves both you knowing what to do and doing it.

Through competency assessment you can demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform a task to industry standard. This means that you can gain your competencies through actually demonstrating a task, answering verbal or written questions, making a presentation, or by simply having a Workplace Coach /Supervisor observe your daily work routine.

2. Purpose

The purpose of a training record book is to record the achievement of competencies agreed to in the training plan. It provides evidence that all competencies required for the chosen qualification have been achieved.

3. Information for the Trainee

Your training record book is an important document for you to keep throughout your traineeship. It contains a record of all competencies required for the qualification and needs to be signed by you, your employer and Supervising Registered Training Organisation as each competency is achieved.

The National College of Businessis the Supervising Registered Training Organisation chosen by you and your employer to deliver the training throughout your traineeship. When you have achieved all competencies required, we will issue you with your qualification.

The National College of Businesswill also develop a training plan that will form part of the training record book. A training plan outlines the training to be delivered during your traineeship, showing time frames for completion of each competency and the agreed method of delivery. Together with you and your employer we will review the training plan regularly to ensure your training is progressing satisfactorily. As you complete each of the competency units, ask your employ/supervisor to sign and date the appropriate pages.

During your period of training you must:

  • Accurately update your training record book as competencies are achieved; and
  • Produce your book when requested by an authorized by officer of the Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations.

Your Training Record Book is yours to keep and may be used to:

  • Show employers the training you have completed
  • Gain credit or exemptions in another training course; and
  • Assist in preparing future job applications

Your Training Record Book is to be kept at your place of employment at all times. If it is lost or mislaid, you will be issued another one a replacement cost of $1000.00, so it is important that you look after it!

BRISBANE Level 1, 74 Astor Terrace, Spring Hill GOLD COAST Level 2, Eastside, 232 Robina Town Centre Dr, Robina GPO Box 950, Brisbane Qld 4001

4.Language, Literacy and Numeracy

The National College of Business will identify your level of language, literacy and numeracy when developing a training plan and arrange for assistance in these areas if needed.

5. Assessment

The National College of Business will ensure that you have acquired the supporting knowledge and skills to enable you to apply that knowledge and skill to industry standards and to new situations and workplaces.

Assessment will be fair and non-discriminatory. How you will be assessed, and what the assessor will be looking for, should be made clear to you by your assessor at the beginning of each competency.

It is essential that:

  • Your employer signs off that you can do the work
  • Your employer monitors your progress on the range of tasks undertaken
  • As the Supervising Registered Training Organisation we ensure that you have learnt the supporting theory behind the task; and
  • As The Supervising Registered Training Organisation we validate your employer’s assessment

6. Tips for Workplace Supervisors

  • Involve yourself in the progress of the program. Regular reviews with all concerned will help you get the results you want from your trainee and the Traineeship.
  • Allow sufficient time for quality supervision, training and assessment.
  • Talk to your trainee about the training. They may have valuable suggestions about how to progress their skills and knowledge.
  • Rotate the trainee around different areas of the enterprise to provide an appreciation of how the enterprise operates. This will assist the trainee to develop a broad range of skills.
  • Use a ‘guide and prompt approach where possible. The trainer should be a facilitator of learning.
  • Discuss why a particular task is performed. Explain the task, and then demonstrate it.
  • Break tasks into small, manageable segments. Increase the complexity over time.
  • Allow plenty of time for the trainee to practice.
  • Use realistic, relevant and interesting examples with the trainee.

7. Evaluation

Your employer/supervisor should evaluate your performance continually by:

  • Observing you perform and practice tasks on the job;
  • Discussing your progress with supervisors and co-workers;
  • Asking questions about the tasks you are performing on the job;
  • Reviewing client comments on the quality of the completed job;
  • Checking the quality and progress of your work;
  • Setting you projects; and
  • Asking you to explain how you perform the task.

The Training Record Book divides the competencies into workplace tasks to be undertaken by you. Your employer must check that you are completing each task to the required standard. They are often in the best position to know the standard of the work completed by you. Your employer must also ensure that you have learnt and practised the work to industry and company standards and applied workplace health and safety practices.

8. Credit Transfer/Mutual Recognition/Recognised Prior Learning

Within this traineeship there is an opportunity to apply for the following:

Credit Transfer – is used for units of competency completed either as part of a different training package or a superseded qualification that can be mapped (competed) to the unit of competency required.

Mutual Recognition – is used when the same unit of competency has been completed with another Registered Training organisation

Recognition of Prior Learning – allows you to have current skills and knowledge assessed by a Registered Training Organisation t see if they meet today’s industry standards. RPL assessment recognises your skills and knowledge, no matter how, when or where your learning occurred.

Evidence must be provided to gain Credit Transfer, Mutual Recognition or RPL for training competencies. This will be discussed by your Consultant when developing the Training Plan.

9. Training Tips

To make the most of your Traineeship it is important that you become as actively involved as you can.

Ask questions – this allows you supervisor to know how you are progressing.

Understand clearly exactly what is required – be sure to get clear instructions, correct examples of work required and a demonstration of tasks. If you are not 100% sure, ask!

Practice your skills – practice tasks when you know exactly what to do, this will maximize your assessment success.

Keep a portfolio – to assist in your final workplace assessment it is always a good idea to keep copies of material produced, whether it be a business letter, marketing flyer or financial documents.

If you are having concerns or problems that may affect the way you perform in the workplace, it is your responsibility to let your supervisor know. Being able to discuss these problems are fundamental to establishing good work habits and attitudes. It is always better to approach problems sooner rather than later!

10. Completion

As your SRTO we are responsible for completing the final Verification of Competency section at the end of each unit assessment. You will be awarded the Certificate after successful completion of all the training.

Undertaking competency assessments

  1. When you feel confident that you are ready for assessment, check the assessment criteria as noted for each unit (in this book) to self-assess your competence.
  2. If you decide that you are able to meet the criteria, then initial in the ‘Trainee’ section of the assessment.
  3. Arrange to meet with your workplace supervisor to discuss the assessment and evidence requirements. When the Workplace Supervisor deems you competent, he/she initials the ‘Workplace Supervisor’s’ section.
  4. Both the trainee and workplace supervisor sign and date in the space provided on the bottom of the Unit when all learning outcomes for that unit have been assessed as competent.
  5. Our consultant will undertake the final assessment during a workplace visit and will initial and date the final SRTO column and ‘date’ and sign off the unit.
  6. Our consultant will record competency in the unit on your Training Plan.
  7. Once all the necessary units have been signed we will sign the Statement by Supervising Registered Training Organisation section. Your certificate will be issued at the completion of your training agreement.

Unit:BSBWOR404A: Develop Work Priorities

Methods of assessment: Workbook and Project
Elements and performance criteria / Assessor initials / Date & Result
  1. Establish personal work goals.
1.1 Identify purpose of the business plan
1.2 Identify and review the essential components of the business plan
1.3 Identify and document business goals and objectives as a basis for measuring business performance
  1. Set and meet own work priorities.
2.1 Take initiative to prioritise and facilitate competing demands to achieve personal, team and organisational goals and objectives
2.2 Use technology efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
2.3 Maintain appropriate work-life balance, and ensure stress is effectively managed and health is attended to
  1. Develop and maintain professional competence.
3.1 Assess personal knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans
3.2 Seek feedback from employees, clients and colleagues and use this feedback to identify and develop ways to improve competence
3.3 Identify, evaluate, select and use development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s to develop competence
3.4 Undertake participation in networks to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships
3.5 Identify and develop new skills to achieve and maintain a competitive edge
Critical Aspects of Evidence:
Systems and processes (electronic or paper-based) used to organise and prioritise tasks, which show how work is managed; personal development plan, with career objectives and an action plan; knowledge of relevant legislation.
Employer Signature:
Date: / Candidate signature:
Assessor signature:
Date: / Follow up Action:

Unit: BSBWOR402A: Promote team effectiveness

Methods of assessment: Workbook & Project
Elements and performance criteria / Assessor initials / Date & Result
  1. Plan to achieve team outcomes
1.1 Identify, establish and document team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives in consultation with team members
1.2 Support team members in meeting expected outcomes
  1. Develop team cohesion
2.1 Provide opportunities for input of team members into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team
2.2 Encourage and support team members to take responsibility for own work and to assist each other in undertaking required roles and responsibilities
2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
2.4 Recognise and address issues, concerns and problems identified by team members or refer to relevant persons as required
  1. Participate in and facilitate work team
3.1 Actively encourage team members to participate in and take responsibility for team activities and communication processes
3.2 Give the team support to identify and resolve problems which impede its performance
3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image within the work team, the organisation and with clients/customers
  1. Liaise with management
4.1 Maintain open communication with line manager/management at all times
4.2 Communicate information from line manager/management to the team
4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by the team/team members to line manager/management and ensure follow-up action is taken
4.4 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems related to the team/team members raised by line managers/management to the team and ensure follow-up to action is taken
Critical Aspects of Evidence:
Develop teamwork plan with details of how it was generated and how it will be monitored so that team goals can be met; techniques in communicating information, dealing with team conflict and resolving issues; knowledge of organisational goals, objectives and plans.
Employer Signature:
Date: / Candidate signature:
Assessor signature:
Date: / Follow up Action:

Unit: BSBCUS401A: Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

Methods of assessment: Workbook & Project
Elements and performance criteria / Assessor initials / Date & Result
  1. Advise on customer service needs
1.1 Clarify and accurately assess customer needs using appropriate communication techniques
1.2 Diagnose problems matching service delivery to customers and develop options for improved service within organisational requirements
1.3 Provide relevant and constructive advice to promote the improvement of customer service delivery
1.4 Use business technology and/or online services to structure and present information on customer service needs
  1. Support implementation of customer service strategies
2.1 Ensure customer service strategies and opportunities are promoted to designated individuals and groups
2.2 Identify and allocate available budget resources to fulfil customer service objectives
2.3 Promptly action procedures to resolve customer difficulties and complaints within organisational requirements
2.4 Ensure that decisions to implement strategies are taken in consultation with designated individuals and groups
  1. Evaluate and report on customer service strategies
3.1 Review client satisfaction with service delivery using verifiable data in accordance with organisational requirements
3.2 Identify and report changes necessary to maintain service standards to designated individuals and groups
3.3 Prepare conclusions and recommendations from verifiable evidence and provide constructive advice on future directions of client service strategies
3.4 Maintain systems, records and reporting procedures to compare changes in customer satisfaction
Critical Aspects of Evidence:
Identify the needs and priorities of the organisation in delivering services to customers; respond to and report on customer feedback; design strategies to improve delivery of products and services; display knowledge of the principles of customer service.
Employer Signature:
Date: / Candidate signature:
Assessor signature:
Date: / Follow up Action:

Unit: BSBOHS407A: Monitor a safe workplace