Date 1 August 2006 / Time Period 3 (11.30 – 12.45)
Stage Stage 4 - Preliminary Course / Year 8
Lesson Title – Robotics – getting started with Lego Kits
Syllabus – Information and Software Technology
Aim Students arrange kits, students create sign for kits (labels), students set out classroom rules for kits, students start work using Constructopedia to create a zoobot.
A student:
5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions
5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems
5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions.
Students learn about / Students learn to
definition of robots and robotics • define and describe robots and robotics
• historical perspective of robotics • investigate the image of robots from
Hollywood and the scientific community
• the contribution of Asimov to the concept of
robots, leading to the Laws of Robotics
• examine the work of Asimov and discuss the
concept of the Laws of Robotics
Types of robots
• industrial such as a welding arm
• domestic such as toys
• develop and conduct a study of industrial and
domestic robots
Purpose of robots including
• repetitive or dangerous tasks
• operating in remote locations
• explain the purpose of robots and the roles
they perform
Use of robots such as
• exploration
• assembly
• investigate and evaluate the use of robots in a
range of situations
• maintenance and repair • design and construct a robot for a particular
Required resources
Data Projector
Computers for students
Create ‘Topic’ thread in Moodle
Lego Robotic kits for students – issue with 1 missing kit
SPARE PAPER – no print functionality – need to provide 2 sheets paper per group instead
Prior learning assumed
Students are Microsoft Word capable
Students can perform Internet search
Teaching strategy
Sequence of activities
Period Runs 10.10 – 11.25
1.  Mark Roll
2.  Overview the lesson: Essays, Kits, Starting work on building Robots
o  Finish Essays
o  Finish Signs
o  Build Robot
o  Do the Lego Exercises for Week 3
3.  Reminder of the “Robotics Rules”
4.  Extension 1 – write up the Investigative report for the Exercises
5.  Extension 2 – start work building web site for the robot project
6.  PACK AWAY EARLY – 12.35pm
7.  RECAP of the Lesson – what did we learn today?
Include tasks for Students whose partner is still doing the essay
·  Start work on the sign for the cupboard and kit
·  Start work on the web page for the assignment
70 Mins in , between 11.10 and 11.15 (normal time)
Today we have:
·  Worked/completed the Essay
·  Started work on our Sign
·  Started sorting our kits
·  Started building a robot
·  Who has sorted their kit? Were all the pieces there?
·  Who has started building their robot? What do you think?
Next Lesson
·  Building Robots
·  Build web page
Homework set
Complete essay if have access to
Evaluation comments