Policy for Students who Stop the Teacher from Teaching or

Stop Other Students from Learning in Mr. Strawn’s Classes

Students must follow all district and class rules and procedures at all times. It is also critically important that students behave appropriately during the lesson when the Teacher is giving the instruction. Students who prevent, interfere with, or disrupt during instruction are stopping the teacher from teaching and stopping the other students from learning. Students who have problems concentrating and focusing may have a difficult time returning to the lesson after they have been distracted by the inappropriate behavior of disruptive and inconsiderate students. Therefore, behavior which interferes with the learning of other students will result in after school detention.

The following will be consequences for stopping or interfering with class instruction:

1st time--- Warning

2nd time—15 minutes detention after school (The student will call his or her parent)

3rd time---Note to Parents or phone call to Parents or Legal Guardians

and 30 minutes detention

4th time--- Parent or Legal Guardian, Student, and Teacher Meeting

Continuing behavior of this nature will result in a Referral to an Assistant Principal.

All detention will be served in classroom, D5003. Detention will be served the next school day either before school or after school. Students who have detention cannot bring their friends with them to the classroom, and they must remain quiet during their time for detention. Other students may be in the classroom at the same time for tutoring or help from the teacher. If the student serving detention speaks to the other students while serving detention his or her time will restart. It is the student’s responsibility to notify Parents or Legal Guardians and make arrangements for transportation after school if the student normally rides the bus home after school.

Students who do not show up for detention will have their detention time doubled and receive an office referral along with consequences given by the Assistant Principal in charge of discipline.


Mr. Robert Strawn- Chemistry and Physics Teacher at Americas High School

937- 2800

Please complete and return this part of the note.

Note to Parents about the Policy for Students who Stop the Teacher from Teaching or Stop Other Students from Learning in Mr. Strawn’s Classes

As a parent you want the best education possible for your son or daughter. You do not want other students preventing your son or daughter from receiving an opportunity to be successful and experience a quality education. You would expect me to do something about it. Other parents feel the same way about their sons’ and daughters’ education and if your son or daughter is interfering with their education they want me to do something about it.

Please fill out the following and return it to me.

Student ______was given this note on ______

To be given to his Parents or Legal Guardians ______


I ______have read this note and I am aware of the consequences given to students who interfere with or stop Mr. Strawn from teaching his lesson, and interfere with or stop other students from learning.

Home Phone Number ______

Work Phone Number of Father ______

Work Phone Number of Mother ______

Emergency Phone Number ______

E-mail address ______

Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s Signature ______


Mr. Robert Strawn, Chemistry and Physics Teacher at Americas High School

Telephone Number 937- 2800
