Office of Information Systems, Business Systems Support Office
Project Charter
Version 1.3●June28, 2012
Using this Template
To create a deliverable from this template:
- Delete the template title page (previous page) and this page.
- Replace [bracketed text] on the cover page (next page) with your project and the requesting Office name.
- Replace [bracketed text] in the tool header area at the top of page i (Contents page) with the same project and office name as on the cover page.
- Do not remove or modify content in the footer area.
- Each section contains abbreviated instructions, shown in italics, and a content area. The content area is marked with a placeholder symbol () or with a table.
Note: Feel free to remove the italicized instructions.
- Update the table of contents by right-clicking and selecting “Update Field,” then “Update entire table.”
Template Revision History
Version / Date / Name / Description1.0 / 2/5/2012 / Lani Nash / Original Creation
1.1 / 3/5/2012 / David Davis / Correct typos/change italicized text
1.1 / 3/23/2012 / David Davis / Add “Project” to Section Header, CCT description change, add BSSO Portfolio Mgr
1.2 / 4/27/2012 / David Davis / Remove references to Project Initiation Stage and phase dates, added new signatures
1.3 / 6/25/2012 / David Davis / Remove references to Project Initiation Stage in milestones. Fix Hyperlink, replace OIS with BSSO, Added Template version/date to footer
PDM Project Charter Template v1.3|6/25/2012
ProjectDelivery Methodology (PDM)
[Functional Office(s) Name]
VERSION: [VERSION NUMBER] / REVISION DATE: [DATE]Approval of the Project Charter indicates an understanding of the purpose and content described in this deliverable. By signing this deliverable, each individual agrees work should be initiated on this project and necessary resources should be committed as described herein.
Executive Sponsor[Name] / [Email] / [Telephone]
Signature / Date
Project Sponsor
[Name] / [Email] / [Telephone]
Signature / Date
Chief Information Officer
[Name] / [Email] / [Telephone]
Signature / Date
Business Systems Support Office (BSSO)Portfolio Manager
[Name] / [Email] / [Telephone]
Signature / Date
<Business> Functional Coordinator
[Name] / [Email] / [Telephone]
Signature / Date
BSSO Program Manager
[Name] / [Email] / [Telephone]
Signature / Date
[Project Name] [Version Number] | [Revision Date]
Section 1Project Definition
1.1Project Problem Statement
1.2Project Description / High-Level Requirements
1.3Project Goals and Objectives
1.4Initial Project Scope
1.5Project Critical Success Factors
1.6Project Assumptions
1.7Project Constraints
1.8High Level Project Risks
Section 2Project Authority and Milestones
2.1Project Funding Authority
2.2Project Oversight Authority
2.3 Initial Project Estimate
2.4 Major Project Milestones
Section 3Project Organization
3.1Project Structure
3.2Project Roles and Responsibilities
Section 4Project Glossary
Section 5 Project Charter Revision History
Section 6Appendices
PDM Project Charter Template v1.3|6/25/2012
[Project Name] [Version Number] | [Revision Date]
Section 1Project Definition
1.1Project Problem Statement
Briefly describe the business problem the project would solve. State the business problem in simple terms, without describing how the problem will be addressed. Identify in a concise statement any related federal, state, statute, or rule mandates.
1.2Project Description / High-Level Requirements
Describe the approach the project will use to address the business problem as described in the Problem Statement. Provide a general definition of the information and/or high-level requirements associated with the proposed business process or solution. The description should summarize key information, including how the project will deliver the expected business outcomes and performance objectives.
1.3Project Goals and Objectives
Describe the business goals and objectives of the project. Goals state what the desired end result is, and objectives state how the desired result will be achieved. Refine the goals and objectives stated in the Business Case Study if a Business Case Study was provided.
1.4Initial Project Scope
Describe the project scope. The scope defines the project limits and identifies the products and/or services delivered by the project. The scope establishes the boundaries of the project and should describe products and/or services that are outside of the project scope.
Project IncludesProject Excludes
1.5Project Critical Success Factors
Describe the factors or characteristics that are deemed critical to the success of the project. A critical success factor (CSF) should be understandable by all project stakeholders and should be focused on major concerns of the organization, such that, in their absence the project will fail.
1.6Project Assumptions
Describe any additional project assumptions related to business, technology, resources, scope, expectations, or schedules. Below are three project assumptions that must be considered for each project.
a)Project resources, both BSSO and Functional Office(s), must be available for planned tasks as determined by the posted project schedule in order to meet the deadline.
b)A formal change control process will be utilized as defined in the project plan.
c)Unplanned tasks will be communicated and coordinated by the Project Manager with all affected parties in a timely manner. Reasonable accommodation for availability is required in order to minimize impacts.
1.7Project Constraints
Describe the limiting factors, or constraints, that restrict the project team’s options regarding scope, staffing, scheduling, and management of the project.
1.8High Level Project Risks
If applicable, identify up to three high level risks facing the project. BSSO managed projects can look at project risks tables found in PDM Chapter 8, Risks Management for examples and ideas.
Section 2Project Authority and Milestones
2.1Project Funding Authority
Identify the funding amount and source of authorization and method of finance (i.e., capital budget, rider authority, appropriated receipts) approved for the project.
2.2Project Oversight Authority
Describe management control over the project. Describe external oversight bodies and relevant policies that affect the agency governance structure, project management office, and/or vendor management office.
2.3 Initial Project Estimate
Provide a high-level estimate for the duration of the requested IT Project. This preliminary estimate is based on the Project Scope and subject to change as the IT Project is refined in future phases.
2.4 Major Project Milestones
Outline the PDM stages with tentative start and end dates. Use the IT Projects dates reflected in the Annual BSSO WorkPlan as a guideline for estimating the milestone dates.
Stage/Phase / Begin Date / End DateProject Planning
Application Development
Project Closure
Section 3Project Organization
3.1Project Structure
Specify the organizational structure of the project team and stakeholders by providing a graphical depiction or a table containing the project organization. Include all roles as described in theRoles and Responsibilitiessection.
Example Table
Project Role / Name / TitleExecutive Sponsor / Exec Name
Project Sponsor / User Name
Functional Coordinator / User Name
Functional Expert(s)* / User Name
BSSO Portfolio Manager / Vicki Bradford
BSSOProgram Manager / Name
Project Manager / Name
BSSO Project Coordinator / Name
Change Control Team / BSSO Program Manager,
Project Manager, BSSO Project Coordinator,
Functional Coordinator
* Include as many functional experts as needed
3.2Project Roles and Responsibilities
Summarize roles and responsibilities for the project team and stakeholders identified in the project structure above.
Role / ResponsibilityExecutive Sponsor / Introduces the project within the organization and demonstrates commitment to its success.
Project Sponsor / Ensures the needed resources from the Functional Office are available to serve in various roles throughout the application's life cycle.
Functional Coordinator / Accountable for the accurate representation of all business requirements within the project.
Functional Experts / Ensures the business requirements of the project are accurately identified and defined.
BSSO Portfolio Manager / Responsible for portfolio management and provides leadership and facilitation for all projects and resources within the Business Systems Support Office.
BSSO Program Manager / Provides leadership to Project Managers and facilitates development projects assigned to the development team. The BSSO Program Manager manages work performance of all resources on the development team (DOT and contracted).
Project Manager / Accountable for maintaining project scope, cost and schedule in accordance with the baselines established in the Project Plan. The Project Manager assigns and oversees the deliverables provided by team members.
BSSO Project Coordinator / Provides oversight for the project and ensures the project team follows the PDM methodology, processes and project deliverables adhere to PDM Quality control standards. Oversees and ensures project stays within project baselines as defined by the project plan. Assist in the resolution and/or escalation of project issues and risks as needed.
Change Control Team / Responsible for reviewing and determining the outcome of all change requests submitted to the project during the project life cycle, and for notifying/coordinating authorization for any impacts to scope, schedule or budget.
Section 4Project Glossary
Define all terms and acronyms required to interpret the Project Charter properly.
Section 5Project Charter Revision History
Identify document changes.
Version / Date / Name / DescriptionSection 6Appendices
Include any relevant appendices.
PDM Project Charter Template v1.3|6/25/2012
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