ShowellPark Health and Walk in Centre

Patient Participation Group minutes 22nd August 2012 11am

Those in attendance:

Jo Brannan – Chair

Dr Kudarooth

Peg Burkett

Jane Johnson


Sandra Fraser

Cath Pearce

Vicky Harvey

Ash Mason – Treasurer

Minutes from last meeting:

All agreed

Action points from last meeting:

  • Guest speakers – Jane will arrange as appropriate.
  • TV for reception area – this is in progress, Ash is overseeing the process
  • Information Board for PPG – The board is up in reception, Ash will put together some flyers to advertise what the group are doing
  • Contact list – this was distributed after the last meeting to all PPG members.


Discussion about the privacy screen for reception. Dr Kudarooth advised that funding had been agreed and that the screen will be fitted within the next 2-3 weeks.

Wolverhampton CCG

Dr Kudarooth gave an overview of the Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group and a discussion was held about the movement of NHS budgets from the PCT to GP’s from 2013. The CCG will be responsible for Commissioning services.

The Board has now voted it’s Chairman and Chief Officer.

The focus will be on seeing patients in the community rather than in the Acute Trust. This will ultimately bring a cost saving against the budget but also a better outcome for the patient; being less traumatic that a hospital stay.

There will be training for GP’s in preparation for the new way of working and GP’s will take on specialism’s, ensuring that community services can respond to the diverse needs of it’s patients.

The Black Country will be covered by services offered in Walsall, Wolverhampton, Dudley and Sandwell.

Some of the budget may be transferred to the Council to administer for social care.

ShowellPark is a raining practice:

Dr Kudarooth explained how the practice has a training status and that he and Dr Chelliah are trainers of GP’s. Being a training practice improves patient care as the teaching process gives an opportunity for resident GP’s to refresh their knowledge and practice.

Over the coming months, patients may be visited by a trainee GP. Dr Kudarooth reassured that they will be fully qualified Registras who are doing their final year to become a GP.

Review of A&E attendance

A patient seen and then admitted to hospital through A&E is very expensive and the service is traumatic and lengthy compared to a referral to hospital by a GP. The CCG will be reviewing attendance at A&E from September; patients that have attended A&E can expect a letter from the GP/CCG to highlight alternative services that could have been accessed and may have resulted in a more positive outcome.

With GP’s taking on specialism’s in the new system, more services will be available e.g. ShowellPark can currently offer minor surgery including stitching of wounds. Having stitches at the surgery is quicker and easier for the patient than going to A&E.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 19thSeptember at 11am