Lake to LakeQuilt Guild Show
at Phelps Community Center
Completed registration forms must be postmarked or received in person byApril 2, 2014to:
Lake to Lake Quilt Show 2014c/o Dawn Dennis
3550 Old County Road
Penn Yan, NY / Or via email to:
please send picture as attachment
Each entry submission must have:
- Entry Form completed.
- 3”x5” photo attached to the Entry Form or a description of the colors of the quilt indicated on the form.
- Attach a 4” sleeve back to quilts for hanging.
Entry Submission Guidelines:
- Entries are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. All quilts are eligible for the “Viewer’s Choice” award.
- An individual may enter up to 5 total quilts (does not include challenge quiltor wearable art entries). Entries in excess of five from one quilter will be included only as space permits.
- Entries must have been completed after January 1, 2000
- Entries will not be accepted if they have been entered in any previous Lake to Lake Quilt Guild Show, with the exception of Honorary Member quilts.
- The show committee reserves the right to re-categorize your quilt if necessary
- Entries must be postmarked or received no later than April 2, 2014.
- To withdraw an entry, call Dawn Dennis at 315-536-2769or email Sally o later than May 6, 2012.
Quilts must be dropped off on Thursday, May 15, 2014 between 9:00AMand 1:00PM at:
Phelps Community Center Gym
8 Banta St., Phelps, New York
If you can not bring your quilt in during this time, it is suggested that you make arrangements with another guild member, friend, or family member to bring them in for you. If this is not an option, then please call Dawn Dennis at 315-536-2769 to work out an alternative before May 6, 2012.
Quilt Drop-off Procedure:
- Three (3)Entry Label Forms (Form A, Form B, Form C) must be completed for each entry.
- Each entry must have Label Form A securely basted to the lower back corner of the entryand placed in its own pillowcase, folded so the label is visible from the opening of the pillowcase. If an entry is brought without the label, you will be supplied with needle and thread to baste it.The pillowcase must have Label Form Bsecurely basted to the open end of the pillowcase with the arrow pointing to the edge of the case.
Quilt Pick-up Procedure:
Quilts must be picked up on Saturday, May 17, 2014 between 6:00PM and 7:00PM (no exceptions). You must present Label Form C to retrieve your entry. If having a friend pick up your quilt, please give them the Form.
CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:Dawn Dennis, 315-536-2769 or Sally Acomb, dditional forms may be found at