Year (1st January to 31st December):
FGS Contract ID:
Business Name:
General Details
Use this form to submit trapping and sighting records for the Grey Squirrel Control option. You must complete this monitoring form for each year of your Forestry Grant Scheme contract. This form must be submitted to your local Conservancy office between the 1st December and the 31st Januaryin order to enable Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) to approve the annual payment as per your Single Application Form (SAF) submission from earlier in the year.
If grey squirrel control is carried out across several Land Parcels (LPID), you must enter the details for each LPID.
You can save this document to your computer to complete electronically, or you can print and complete it. When complete, pleaseemail or print and post this to your local Conservancy office.
Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels – Data CollectionPlease also submit an electronic (or scanned) copy of this document to Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels at if you are willing to do so. For further information about how your records would be used, please see page6.
Squirrel Pox TestingIf Squirrel Pox testing is desirable on your land you will be contacted by your Red Squirrel Project Officer. A separate form for recording is available at:
Maps RequiredYou must submit a map with your monitoring information. Please read the general mapping guidance prior to submitting your map.
Please include a map(s) that shows:
- the perimeter of the application area – this must be woodland compartment(s) where control has taken place
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SMFSCGSC Monitoring Form v1.0 June 2015
Grey SquirrelControl Trapping RecordSession number: / Start date: / End date:
You must complete one of these forms for EACH individual trapping session.A trapping session does not include the time for pre-baiting, however pre-baiting must take place and any squirrels caught during this time should be recorded on the form in the relevant spaces. You must include OS grid reference data for each trap for recording purposes.
Traps / Pre-bait / Trapping / CapturesTrap No. / LPID / Grid ref (e.g. NH 234 567) / Start date / End date / Total days / Start date / End date / Total days / Number of greys caught / Number of reds caught
Male / Female / Male / Female
Squirrel Sighting Data
Squirrel species (red/grey) / Date sighted / Squirrel condition (alive/dead) / Shot (yes/no) / Location name / Grid ref.
(e.g. NH 234 567) / Recorder name / Comments
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SMFSCGSC Monitoring Form v1.0 June 2015
Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels – Data CollectionThe trapping information provided on this form will be shared with the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels project. Your records will be combined with other grey squirrel control data to help us assess the benefits of regional control efforts for red squirrel conservation. The data will be held in a database by the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) who is leading the co-ordination of the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels project.
Squirrel distribution data will be extracted from the database and periodically added to the NBN Gateway. To see examples of the squirrel distribution maps that the NBN Gateway publishes please see
In advance of passing this data to a third party SWT will
- Restrict all grey squirrel control data to publication at a 10km-square resolution
- Remove any reference to “trapping” from the record
- Remove any personal details associated with the record
I declare that:
- The information provided above is accurate and wholly attributable to the management works approved in the Forestry Grant Scheme contract.
- I do/do not* consent to SWT holding the information in my annual record and including it in a database.
- I do/do not* consent to the publication of a squirrel distribution data from my annual record form on the NBN Gateway.
*delete as appropriate
Signature:(not required if emailing) / Date:
(for example partner)
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SMFSCGSC Monitoring Form v1.0 June 2015