Koko: the gorilla that talks to humans
STARS such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Sting have travelled to her home in San Francisco for an audience. She is the subject of a best-selling children’s book. And now the BBC is to mark her upcoming 45th birthday with an hour-long documentary to be screened tomorrow.
PUBLISHED:07:59, Tue, Jun 14, 2016| UPDATED:09:37, Tue, Jun 14, 2016
She is the world’s most famous ape, Koko the gorilla. What makes Koko unique is that she has been taught sign language by Penny Patterson, the psychologist who has been her companion since she was a baby, and is now said to have a vocabulary of more than 1,000 words.
What’s more, Patterson claims that Koko can even talk about her feelings, expressing whether she is happy or sad.
The BBC producers’ job was made easier by the fact that Patterson’s life with Koko has been filmed at every step by Dr Ron Cohn, a fellow academic who met “definitely the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen” when they were both graduate students at San Francisco’s prestigious Stanford University.
Part scientific record and part home video, his 2,000 hours of archive footage chart the most dramatic moments of Patterson and Koko’s life together. The resulting film shows that what started out as a scientific experiment in 1971 evolved into something resembling a motherdaughter relationship – except the daughter weighs 300lb and has the strength of 10 men.
Patterson, 69, first had the idea of devoting her PhD project to teaching a gorilla to sign after reading an account of some other academics trying to do the same thing with a chimpanzee. Their work appeared to show that while apes do not have sufficient lip and tongue control to enable speech they do have the brainpower to master elements of American Sign Language.
Patterson’s first stop was San Francisco Zoo. When she initially asked to work with the infant Koko she was told the young gorilla could not be separated from its family group. But after Koko had to be moved to the zoo’s medical centre to be treated for an intestinal parasite the authorities agreed to have her hand-reared for fear she would be rejected if returned to the gorilla enclosure.
Under Patterson’s tutelage Koko’s first words were “eat”, “drink” and “more” and the gorilla was soon picking up new words at a rate of one a month
Under Patterson’s tutelage Koko’s first words were “eat”, “drink” and “more” and the gorilla was soon picking up new words at a rate of one a month. The project almost ended after four years when a change of management at the zoo resulted in the new director demanding the return of its gorilla.
After an appeal to the mayor of San Francisco, Patterson was given the opportunity to buy Koko for about £8,500 on condition she could procure her a mate. A male gorilla called Michael was located in Vienna and, with the aid of a fundraising campaign, the crisis was averted.
Koko enjoyed her first brush with international fame in 1978 when a picture she took of herself in a mirror made the cover of National Geographic magazine. The very next year Patterson published her PhD thesis. It claimed that Koko knew 300 signs and could use them to convey deep and complex emotions.
While the media presented her study as a major breakthrough, many scientists were less convinced. Chief among the sceptics was Professor Herbert Terrace who had been involved in an attempt to teach sign language to a chimpanzee called Nim.
He concluded that while apes respond to prompts from their handlers in the expectation of treats as a reward they were incapable of meaningful communication. Terrace attacked Patterson’s findings in a magazine article, Why Koko Can’t Talk, above the subtitle, “The ape’s fooling most of the people, most of the time”.
He told the documentary makers: “I believe that Penny Paterson is an over-zealous mother who is very proud of her surrogate children and tends very much to project meanings on to those children that may not be apparent to another observer.”
Her course at Stanford complete, Patterson faced another crisis when she and her gorillas were ordered off the campus. While she was ostracised by the academic establishment, Patterson won over the public and raised sufficient funds to relocate to Woodside, 25 miles south of San Francisco, where Koko lives to this day in a mobile home with reinforced walls and a large outside recreation area.
Over the years Koko’s fame grew. When Patterson adopted a kitten for her childless gorilla, pictures of the huge ape cuddling it were carried by newspapers and magazines the world over. A children’s book based on their relationship became a bestseller and, when the cat was run over and killed, the news that Koko cried hit the headlines.
Patterson’s one regret is that her beloved ape has never had a family of her own: “We started asking what she wanted for her birthday. She always said ‘baby’. “She’d have been more fulfilled if we’d been successful building a family group here.”