Roman Catholic majority

in SC's National RTL chapter annual march in Columbia

South Carolina Citizens for Life (SCCL) is the SC state chapter of

National Right to Life (NRL). SCCL is based in Columbia, SC.

S.C. Citizens for Life hold 34th annual march to the State House

The State, January 14, 2007

On Saturday, Jan. 13, SCCL conducted its annual march and rally to the

SC State House, attended by hundreds of participants, a large majority of

whom appeared to be Roman Catholic, including a sizable contingent

of the Knights of Columbus (with swords drawn) and a large poster of

the "Our Lady of Guadalupe," an idolatrous, perverted rendering of the

biblical Mary, the mother of Jesus (not the "Mother of God" !).

"The National Right to Life Committee which had been founded in 1968

under the auspices of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in

1973 became autonomous and non-sectarian."

Dictionary of Christianity [sic] in America, 1990, pp. 1017, 1018.

National Right to Life is today still largely led by Roman Catholics, especially

at the national level. It is also ecumenical. For example, in South Carolina,

the current SCCL executive director is Roman Catholic (and a former nun),

and the woman who is president is Presbyterian. In the past, SCCL has

had Roman Catholics, born-again Christians, and even a Mormon on its

Advisory Board.

Knights of Columbus, lined up at the front of the SC Citizens for Life march, swords drawn,

on Greene Street, in front of the USC Russell House Student Union, Columbia, SC (1/13/07).

The Virgin of Guadalupe "is a 16th century Roman Catholic Mexican icon

depicting an apparition of the Virgin Mary."

"Mainstream Catholics believe that Guadalupe was a manifestation of the

Virgin Mary in the Americas, and recognize her as "Empress of the Americas."" (see article and picture, just like the picture

below taken at the beginning of the SC Citizens for Life march in Columbia, SC on January 13, 2007).

Idolatrous image of "Our Lady of Guadalupe" (left), lined up in the assembly area of

the SC Citizens for Life march, on Greene Street, in front of the USC Russell House

Student Union, Columbia, SC (1/13/07).

The Roman Catholic false goddess known as the (perpetually) Virgin Mary

is but a re-worked version of the false goddess referred to in the Bible as

the "queen of heaven" (e.g., Jeremiah 7:18; Jeremiah 44:17,18,19, 25), the

worship of which by the people of Judah, God said, "provoke[s] me to anger." (Jeremiah 7:18, KJB).

The Roman goddess Mary; and the "queen of heaven" idolatry referred to in

the Bible in Jeremiah; the Egyptian goddess Isis, and the historical, ancient

pagan self-proclaimed goddess Semiramis (mother/wife of Nimrod, builder

and king of ancient Babylon), all represent different names/manifestations

of the same demonic, satanic, blasphemous idolatry.

There is a traceable stream and history from ancient Babylon to modern

Rome of this false goddess worship. An excellent source and scholarly

study on the roots of Roman Catholicism in historical, ancient Babylon is

available in the book, The Two Babylons - Romanism and Its Origins,

by Alexander Hislop (Scottish minister), 1916.

(The book can be ordered on-line at

How many evangelical Christian pro-lifers grasp the serious danger

of following Romanists in the noble battle for the lives of the unborn ?

Of course there are many individual Roman Catholics who have given

much, and sacrificed much, to save the lives of the unborn. There are

many examples of individual Roman Catholics who have exemplified lives

of dedication and sacrifice for the cause of the unborn which quite frankly

put many less-committed evangelical efforts to shame. Sadly, unless these

Roman Catholics are saved, or become saved, all their good "works" will

not "earn" them heaven. We are not saved by "works," but by grace alone,

through faith alone, in the Messiah alone (Ephesians 2:8,9).

The Messiah said, "Ye must be born again." (John 3:7, KJB)

As laudable and praiseworthy as it is for anyone, saved or unsaved, to be

about the work of speaking up for the innocent unborn being slaughtered

with the de facto consent of both Republican and Democratic officeholders,

born-again Christians should still avoid being "unequally yoked" with those

of false religions, such as Romanism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses,

Seventh Day Adventists, Muslims, etc., etc.

The Bible says:

[underline emphasis added]

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what

fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness ? and what

communion hath light with darkness ?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial ? or what part hath

he that believeth with an infidel (unbeliever) ?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols ? for

ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, "I WILL







MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS, saith the Lord Almighty."

2 Corinthians 6:14-18, KJB

Perhaps the failure of evangelical Christian leaders to honor God's command

to be separate and not unequally yoked to unbelievers, however "pro-life"

they may be, is part of the reason that God has not chosen to bring an end

to child-murder-by-abortion in America, despite all our efforts for 34 years.

For an excellent, first-hand testimony and insightful history of the ongoing damage

that has been done to the cause of Christ and His Church by ecumenical efforts

within the pro-life movement, read "More Than These: A Call for Reformation,"

by Mr. Ralph Ovadal, pastor (Wisconsin).

More Than These: A Call for Reformation

270 pages

© 2004 Heart of the Matter Publications

t"This book details how Roman Catholic influence and even doctrine has permeated the pro-life movement,

including street-level activist ministries, Christian radio, the pregnancy center networks, and the hearts of

major Christian ministries. It documents the damage that such influence has had on the cause of Christ,

including actual stories of Protestants converted to the Roman Catholic Church due to Christians being

involved in pro-life ministry with Catholics. More Than These is an exposé and a history book, but it is so

much more than that. It is a personal story, a testimony, a documentary, a Bible study, and a clarion call

for reformation. The lessons learned from this book should be applied not only to pro-life ministry but also

to any and every Christian ministry work."

May the day come, when the people of God, will follow the true men of God,

to do the work of God, in "Establishing Justice" for the innocent unborn,

for the Glory of God !



Five Reasons Why Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity

The website is the ministry outreach of former Catholic priest Richard Bennett.


The Pope Kissing The Koran

Here is a photo of the Pope at the end of an audience with Patriarch Raphael I of Iraq where

"the Pope bowed to the Muslim holy book the Qu'ran presented to him by the delegation and

kissed it as a sign of respect".

The Pope Kissing The Qu'ran

Here is a photo of the Pope at the end of an audience with Patriarch Raphael I of Iraq where "the Pope bowed to the Muslim holy book the Qu'ran presented to him by the delegation and kissed it as a sign of respect".


Quotes from "The Two Babylons - Romanism and Its Origins," by Alexander Hislop (1916):

[highlighting emphasis added]

"It has been known all along that Popery was baptised Paganism; but God is now making it manifest,

that the Paganism which Rome has baptised is, in all its essential elements, the very Paganism

which prevailed in the ancient literal Babylon,..." (Introduction., p. 2)

"In the Apocalyptic visions,..., John sees the Apostate Church with the name Babylon the Great

"written upon her forehead" Rev. xvii. 5)." (Introduction, pp. 2-3).

"Her judgment is now evidently hastening on; and just as it approaches, the Providence of God,

conspiring with the Word of God, by light pouring in from all quarters, makes it more and more

evident that Rome is in very deed the Babylon of the Apocalypse; that the essential character

of her system, the grand objects of her worship, her festivals, her doctrine and discipline,

her rites and ceremonies, her priesthood and their orders, have all derived from ancient

Babylon; and finally, that the Pope himself is truly and properly the lineal representative

of Belshazzar." (Introduction., p. 3).

"If the position I have laid down can be maintained, she must be stripped of the name of a

Christian Church altogether;..." (Introduction., p. 3).


See text, history, and additional information on RTL Act of SC (H.3213 and S.111):

1), homepage, and also click on "RTL Act of SC" button


National Right To Life: The Judas Of The Preborn

Anti-abortion constitutional amendment petition falls short in Michigan

National Right to Life does it again - this time in Michigan...

National Right to Life does it again - this time in Michigan...

Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity. The religious system of Romanism

is a "Christianized" form of the ancient pagan religion of historical Babylon.

Among the many unbiblical practices, beliefs, and doctrines of the Roman Catholic

system of religion are: transubstantiation (witchcraft); the Rosary (praying to Mary);

the Mass (the blasphemous "re-sacrifice" of Christ); papal infallibility; the claim of

the "Immaculate [sinless] Conception" of Mary herself, prayer to a host of other "saints,"

and on and on it goes.

That said, as a former Roman Catholic (raised and infant-baptized as an Episcopalian;

infant baptism being another unbiblical practice), who made a profession of faith as

a boy, but who then lived wickedly as a young man in high school, at West Point and

in the Army, before becoming active in Roman Catholicism in the 1980's, I would not

be one to absolutely assert that it is completely impossible for a particular individual

who at the moment is involved in the Roman Catholic system, to be a Christian (in spite

of the false teaching of this false "church"), because salvation is a sovereign work of

God, by the Holy Spirit. However, if such a one is a Truth-Seeker, and reading his or her

Bible daily, and walking in obedience to the opportunities that the Lord may put before

them to come to a knowledge of the Truth, then I believe that God can deliver such a

one from the spiritual bondage of the idolatrous, blasphemous, unbiblical, and heretical

Roman system, just as He did for me, by His grace and mercy, in 1989. Today I am a

born-again Christian, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) for my salvation,

set free of the chains of Rome !

Hallelu-Yah !

Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) said,

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

PO Box 50358

Columbia, SC 29250

(803) 765-0916

January 15, 2007

Revised February 16, 2007