~ AP Gov 2012 Senate Simulation: Overview ~

You are now a US Senator representing the great State of ______.

You are a member of the ______party. And you have served ______terms.

Part 1: Bill-Writing ~ On Your Own

  1. Research – You will research the law on your subject as it exists at present and propose a change that you think would be beneficial.
  2. Expenditures – How will expenditures called for in your bill fit into the current budget picture? Try to locate areas of waste in the national budget that might be eliminated to free funds for your bill.
  3. Writing the Bill – Remember as you write your bill that it must provide for the welfare of the entire nation, today and as far into the future as you can project. No twoSenators may write a bill on the same topic.
  4. Introducing the Bill – You must address the Senate when your bill is first introduced. This speech needs to be carefully prepared. You will need to have two copies of the bill typed and ready to submit to the Presiding Officer and myself.
  5. Supporting Your Bill – As you think through and write your bill, you will also need to be organizing your arguments for floor debate. Be certain you can cite the evidence in favor of passage of your bill. You will also need evidence to refute arguments of those who oppose your bill.

Part 2: Standing Committee ~ In a Group

  1. The Committees – You will be assigned to a Standing Committee to consider the passage of the bills that fall under your jurisdiction. The chairperson for each Committee will be the most senior member of the majority party. If you have two people with equal standing, a round of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” will determine who will be chairperson.
  2. The Task – The Standing Committees must discuss whether there is a need for the proposed legislation. The Committees will also explore how monies appropriated for carrying out the legislation will fit into the overall national budget. They may conduct hearings by taking testimony from any member of the Senate who wrote the bill. Finally, the Standing Committee will vote. They may:
  1. Report the bill out to the floor of the Senate for debate
  2. Change the bill and then report it out
  3. Kill the bill

Part 3: Senate Debate ~ As a Class

  1. Debate Schedule – The Senate will take up debate on bills in the order they are entered on the Senate calendar by the Senate Majority Leader.
  2. Senatorial Debate Responsibilities –You may argue for or against the passage of any particular bill that interests you. Unlike the United States Senate, our Senate will allow no filibusters.
  3. The Rule about Names – You will refer to each other as “Senator ______.”
  4. Voting – Each student must vote on each bill.

Suggested Topics for Bills

Below is a list of possible topics, or you may choose something not at all related to this list.


  1. Gun Control
  2. Terrorism
  3. Women in the Military
  4. Capital punishment in federal courts
  5. Mandatory sentences for some crimes
  6. Regulation of medical technology
  7. Economic sanctions on various nations
  8. Immigration
  9. Balancing the national budget
  10. Direct Presidential election
  11. Increased taxes on tobacco and alcohol
  12. Financing campaigns
  13. Lowering / raising the drinking age
  14. Environmental legislation
  15. Education reform

16. Health care- related issues



Bill Format

  1. The bill should have all the following information: definitions of any terms that could be interpreted more than one way; exactly what the bill would change from the current way things are; the controlling agency (who is going to be responsible for enforcing the law); penalties if the new law is broken.
  2. Please follow the basic format below, using the introduction and conclusion provided for you.
  3. Research Note: You DO NOT need to include all your reasons and evidence within the bill itself.


Senator Bridges introduced the following bill:

The “Let’s Join the Kyoto Protocol Party” Bill

To establish participation in the Kyoto Protocol by the United States of America.

  1. Be it enacted by the Senate of the United States of America inCongress assembled, that
  2. The United States of America will official join with the other nations of the world
  3. as a participant in the international treaty and agreement commonly known as
  4. The Kyoto Protocol, with its stated goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  5. As the original agreement called for a return to pre-1990 levels by the year 2010,
  6. and since there is very limited time left in which to meet that deadline,
  7. The United States shall commit only to a 5% reduction by the end of 2010,
  8. while supporting other nations in their continued work towards
  9. meeting the original treaty goal.
  10. The Environmental Protection Agency is hereby given the responsibility for
  11. overseeing that businesses, government agencies and state governments
  12. make the necessary adjustments to meet this goal.
  13. This shall be done by an expansion of our current emissions trading system.
  14. States failing to meet this goal shall hereby forfeit all
  15. federal grants related to transportation.
  16. All laws or parts of laws in conflictherewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
  17. If any portion of this act is declared unconstitutional, it is the intention
  18. of this legislature that the other portions shall remain in full force and effect.
Order of Events

PRESIDING OFFICER: This session of the United States Senate will now come to order.Are there any special resolutions?

CHAIRPERSON OF STANDING COMMITTEE: I move to consider Senate Bill ______.

PO: Is the motion seconded?

PO: The motion has been seconded to take up the Senate Bill ______. Will all in favor signify by raising their right hand?

PO: Will the chairperson of the Standing Committee please come to podium and read the bill?

PO:The Chair will now recognize a member of the bill-writing team who will give a sponsoring speech.

SENATOR: Rises and delivers speech.

PO:The Chair will now entertain a statement in the negative.

PO: The Chair will now entertain a statement in the affirmative.

The preceding two statements alternate until debate seems at an end.

PO: Are you ready for the question?

RESPONSE:I move the previous question.

PO: Is there a second?

PO: The question is concerned with the adoption of Senate Bill ______. All those in favor of passing the bill into law will rise and remain standing while the vote is taken.

PO:All those opposed likewise.The ayes (or nays) have it.

PO: The chair will now entertain a main motion. Note: The order given above is followed until business is completed or the class period is over.