Meeting 2/06 of the Monash Student Experience Network was held on Friday, 9 June, 2006 at 11.00am in the Council Room, 1st Floor, Building 3A, Clayton campus.
1. / Attendance and apologies
There were present:
Prof Rob Willis (Chair), Ms Margaret Heagney (for Ms Kay Gardner), Prof Rod Devenish, Prof Tony Dingle, Mr Martin Doulton, Mr John DuBois, Ms Judy Duffy, Ms Sue Gleeson, Ms Loretta Hambly, Ms Cathrine Harboe-Ree, Dr Tanya Kantanis, Ms Michelle King, A/Prof Heinz Kreutz, Prof Merilyn Liddell (via telephone from Malaysia), Ms Katherine Lock, Ms Lee-ann Norris, Mr Andrew O’Brien, Ms Megan Petrass, Mr Andy Poon, A/Prof Louis Roller, Mr David Taft, Mr BruceThomson, Dr Cristina Varsavsky, Ms Andrea Waller, Ms Janet White, Mr Peter Yates, Prof David Copolov, Ms Marian Costelloe, A/Prof Tony Luff, Prof David Murphy, Ms Ally Dickson (for Ms Margo Hellyer), Ms Sue Gleeson, Ms Charmaine Paramanathan (via telephone from Malaysia), Prof Phillip Steele, Ms Gilda Moss and Mr Vlad Prpich.
Apologies were received from:
A/Prof John Hurst, Ms Sue Bell, Ms Lynda Caldwell, Ms Jill Dixon, Mr Rick Lau Yee Wai, Mr Robin Coventry, Mr Stephen Davey, Ms Kay Gardner, Ms Paula Langley, Ms Helen Fletcher-Kennedy, Ms Jenny Allen, Ms Lynda Caldwell, Prof John Loughran, Ms Sue Webb, A/Prof Gary Codner, Prof David Arnott, Dr Jeannie Paterson, Ms Glenda Key, Ms Nicolene Murdoch and Ms Margo Hellyer.
In attendance:
Mr Weldavi Acharige Rahula (via telephone from Malaysia), Ms Kathy Racunica, Ms Pamela Peters, Ms Jacqui Perdriau (for item 5), Dr Melinda Hildebrandt (Committee Secretary).
2. / Confirmation of minutes meeting 1/06
The minutes of meeting 1/06 of the Student Experience Network held on 17 March, 2006 were confirmed.
3. / Matters Arising
Refers to Item 4.
Professor Rob Willis provided an update on the status of the Campus Student Experience Networks. All of the campus networks, excluding Clayton and Parkville, have met at least once. The feedback from these sub-networks has been positive, as they provide a forum where a broad range of issues can be raised, and in some cases solved immediately.
More detail on the current issues raised by the existing CSENs was discussed under in item 8.
4. / Update from Education Committee
Professor Willis reported on the recent feedback from Education Committee at meeting 3/2006 held on 31 May, 2006 on the Student Experience Framework draft discussion paper. The response was positive and included a suggestion that VSU developments be included in the paper. Ms Michelle King added that the paper would now be redrafted to reflect the latter point, and to include other important university projects, such as the Education Plan. It would also be strengthened to fill the perceived thinking gap between the framework’s overarching vision and the smaller pilot projects assigned to the LLWCG dimensions. The SEN will present to Education Committee on a regular basis.
Professor Willis also stated that he had invited the SEN student representatives to bring along their colleagues as observers. He restated this invitation to stress the importance to the Network of student input and participation.
5. / SE Project Report: Orientation 2006
During the “Orientation 2006” presentation, Ms Jacqui Perdriau highlighted the following points of interest:
·  In addition to the documents circulated, a consolidated report on Orientation and Student Survival Week (SSW) 2006 by campus, faculty and support services areas is available at:
·  The overall response rate to the 2006 Orientation survey was as follows: 1832 responses; 12.4% indicative response rate determined by 2005 student population size (14840 new students). The final response rate will be available when 2006 student population data is certified.
·  A further breakdown of the overall survey results showed that 83.8% found Orientation beneficial, while 80.1% were satisfied with the Orientation program provided
·  For international students, the response rate was as follows: 279 responses; 7.6% indicative response rate determined by 2005 student population size (3662 new international students). Again, the final response rate will be available when 2006 student population data certified.
·  Of the international students who responded, 85.6% found Orientation beneficial, 80.1% felt Orientation helped them to adjust and 79.6% were satisfied with the Orientation program provided.
·  Campus Workshops will be held in June and July and will cover: Evaluation of current format; Consultation with key stakeholders on campus; Planning for 2007.
·  Among the action items, policies and/or procedures for Orientation events are being developed in the following areas:
Food serving & preparation
Responsible serving of alcohol
It was noted that various parties, such as the MSA, are already developing policies to govern the responsible serving of alcohol. Accordingly, it was agreed that an Alcohol Policy Working Party should be convened with the following membership: Peter Yates, Jacqui Perdriau, Martin Doulton, Kathy Racunica, Vlad Pripch, David Taft, Megan Petrass, Andy Poon.
6. / Campus report: Parkville
Ms Marian Costelloe provided an overview of the student experience at the Parkville campus, focussing on:
·  Brief history of the campus and a summary of courses offered;
·  Parkville results from the 2003 MEQ which highlighted issues such as excessive workloads, concerns with student space, IT facilities and the quality of student life on campus;
·  In 2005, the MEQ results for Parkville showed improvement in all areas except student feedback;
·  An overview of the Parkville student experience, including the student services partnership, improvements to space and IT facilities (common room, cafeteria, computer kiosks) and improvements to student programs (recruitment of Student Activities Officer, establishment of Mathew Peck scholarship, success of the Careers Expo).
Looking to towards the future, Parkville will further develop its growing student/Faculty partnership, continue to upgrade teaching facilities and find more space for student activities.
7. / Marketing of the SEF
Mr John DuBois, Director of Public Affairs, presented a progress report on the research and marketing campaign for the student experience website to be launched in 2007. The update contained the following key points:
·  Website research has been conducted using student focus groups at Clayton, Caulfield, Berwick and Gippsland;
·  Responses to the existing website included: information is hard to find; too cluttered; needs to be more streamlined; needs less text; some headings and links text don’t make sense; should be more inviting and inspirational;
·  Students wanted information on what units are available; assessments; workload; course/subject balance; campus information; more contact with other campuses. They also want a University life section (groups, sport and recreation, leadership etc.) given greater prominence;
·  Usability testing is underway with the first round to be completed by end of July. The test site will be created by September and a second round of testing scheduled for the end of October. The site will be finalised in December and go live for the start of the academic year in 2007;
·  Promotional posters carrying the slogan “Study. Life. Monash. Experience it all” will be installed around campuses, especially at key times like Open Day.
8. / Campus Student Experience Networks
The following reports from each of the Campus Student Experience Networks were delivered by the respective Chairs.
8.1 Caulfield: Chair, Rob Willis
Issues highlighted at the last Caulfield CSEN were:
1.  Timetabling - students who have classes at various campuses;
2.  Maintenance of lecture theatres; logging complaints and issues needing attention;
3.  Teaching facilities - want more high-tech;
4.  Want one (or more) extra 250 seat lecture theatres.
8.2  Clayton: Chair, Rob Willis
The first meeting of the Clayton CSEN is scheduled for August 25. Recent issues raised at the campus include SWOTVAC and the increased expectation among students for a firm date of return of assignments.
8.3 Berwick: Chair, Phil Steele
At Berwick, the CSEN discussed items such as:
1.  Indoor sporting facilities;
2.  Activities to enrich student life;
3.  Integration of domestic and international cohorts.
8.4 Peninsula: Chair, Phil Steele
The Peninsula CSEN raised the following issues:
1.  Increased support for postgraduate students to ease isolation;
2.  Social cohesion among student cohorts;
3.  Student employment on campus;
4.  Managing expectation of international students
5.  Progression and retention.
8.5 Malaysia: Chair, Merilyn Liddell
Major points of interest from Malaysia included:
1.  Quality of student accommodation, which is run by a private company. Steps are being taken to make improvements in this area;
2.  Student employment, such as work permits for international students which are difficult to arrange;
3.  Student exchanges and mobility. The development of opportunities for Australian students to go to South Africa and Malaysia would be welcomed;
4.  A report from Peter Yates on his recent visit to Malaysia will be available shortly.
8.6 Gippsland: Chair, Loretta Hambly
The Gippsland CSEN is well-serviced and meets on a fortnightly basis. The issues identified include:
1.  Improvements to the nightlife on campus. In collaboration with Monash Residential Services, a shared meal initiative is under development;
2.  Opportunities for student employment, with a survey underway to identify possibilities.
8.7 South Africa: Update, Nicolene Murdoch
The following report was submitted to the SEN by Ms Nicolene Murdoch for Professor Tyrone Pretorius.
Monash South Africa has introduced the Student Liaison Committee (SLC) as part of the governance structure on the South African campus. This committee is fully operational and the terms of reference are mainly to be the primary communication channel between students and staff and it deals with all student related issues. At the last meeting of the SLC, documentation received regarding the SEN was submitted, and it was decided that these issues would be handled by the SLC, as we have a small infrastructure. So SEN is now a standing item on the agenda of SLC, acting as the CSEN on the SA campus. The documents you sent for this next meeting would serve at the next SLC meeting.
There is a student representative from each school on the SLC (BusEco, IT and Arts), as well as representatives from MUSASA (Monash University Student Association South Africa) and a student representative from the ADP (Academic Development Programme) and the residences. On the staff side, all the relevant sections (both academic and administrative) are represented. So, this would be an ideal forum to discuss SE issues and future developments.
Subsequent to the meeting, Janine Mazzini (Manager Business Improvements Projects Team) was appointed as Chair of the South African Campus Student Experience Network with plans to travel there in August.
8.8 Parkville: Chair, Marion Costelloe
The Parkville CSEN will provide a report to the next SEN meeting.
Secretary’s note – Reports from the CSEN Chairs will be a standing item at subsequent meetings of the SEN.
9. / Retention
The Chair provided an update on a Retention Project to be conducted jointly by the Office of the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International). The project, an initiative of Education Committee, will proceed along the following lines:
·  Stage 1: Identifying the issues. Dr Tanya Kantanis is currently working on a literature review; statistical analyses; consultation process;
·  Stage 2: Addressing underperforming areas;
·  Stage 3: A students at risk focus, such as a review of practices currently employed at Monash.
Stage 1 is well underway, with a project plan to be submitted to Education Committee 4/2006 to be held on 7 August.
10. / Next Meeting
The next meeting of the SEN will be held on Friday, 1 September, 2006 at 11.00am in the Council Room, 1st Floor, Building 3A, Clayton campus.


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