Slave Rebellion Web-Quest Name______

US Civil War

Directions: You will be completing a Web-Quest on Slave Rebellions in the United States during the 19th century. Follow the steps to complete your Web-Quest and fill in your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. To begin your research, go to the following LINK. Read the information about the slave rebellions leading up to and having a causal effect on the Civil War.

2. Now that we know a little more about slave rebellion, let’s learn a little bit about the abolitionist, Henry Highland Garnet (he made attempts to fight and make slavery ILLEGAL). Go to the website linked here. List Garnet’s name and underneath, fill in three important facts about Garnet’s attempts to stop slavery and improve the lives of former slaves on your piece of paper.

3. Garnet’s attempts to stop slavery were a result of many slave rebellions during the 19th century. Gabriel Prosser’s Conspiracy is the first major rebellion you will focus our attention on. Go to this site to learn more about Gabriel and his attempt to promote freedom for slaves. List Prosser’s name and underneath, answer the following questions in complete sentences on your piece of paper.

- Give information about Gabriel’s childhood.

- Describe how Thomas Henry Prosser, Gabriel’s owner, treated his slaves.

- What were some reasons why Gabriel started planning his rebellion?

- What events postponed Gabriel’s rebellion?

- Explain Gabriel’s trial and how he was finally punished for his crime.

4. Much like Gabriel Prosser, a man by the name of Nat Turner is also known for his rebellious attempts to fight back against slave owners. Go to this site and investigate further how Nat Turner is seen as one of the most rebellious slaves of his day. List Turner’s name and underneath, answer the following questions in complete sentences on your piece of paper.

- What occurred during Nat Turner’s religious visions that helped him plan his rebellion?

- What “sign” did Turner see to persuade him to begin the rebellion?

- Describe the sequence of events during Nat’s rebellion.

- How did some southern states react to this revolt?