Note of Meeting


Note of the above meeting held at 0900 hours on Tuesday 19 February within the Seminar Room, Conference Centre, Kings Cross, Dundee.


Dr Karen Adam NHS Tayside

Mr Peter Allan Dundee City Council

Ms Allison Fannin Dundee CHP

Ms Sheila McMahon Dundee City Council

Ms Lucy Rennie Dundee CHP

Ms Carole Robertson Dundee City Council

Ms Wendy Third Working Towards Health


Mr Paul Ballard NHS Tayside

Ms Laura Bannerman Dundee City Council

Dr Phyllis Easton NHS Tayside

Ms Gail Forrest Angus City Council

Mr David Lynch Dundee CHP

In Attendance

Ms Maggie Butchart Dundee University

Ms Mary Colvin NHS Tayside (for Paul Ballard)

Mr Jamie McBrearty Dundee City Council

Ms Linda O’Neill British Heart Foundation

Mr Peter Sandwell Dundee City Council

Ms Carol Smith Dundee CHP (note taker)

Ms Lucy Rennie (in the chair)


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Ms Rennie welcomed everyone to the meeting, around the table introductions followed and apologies were noted.
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Ms Rennie asked that any amendments to the above minute be forwarded to Ms Smith for accuracy purposes. / ALL
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All action points have now been completed.
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There were no other matters arising.
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The record of attendance was noted for information.
Dr Karen Adam presented the Audit Commission on Health Inequalities to Healthy Dundee. Dr Adam hoped that everyone had a chance to look at the Summary of the Audit Report (link circulated previously). It was noted that a significant amount of funding had been spent in Scotland on Health and Health related issues by the Audit Commission.
Healthy Dundee was asked to note the contents of the summary which highlights the least and most deprived areas. Dr Adam gave thanks to Dr Phyllis Easton for providing figures for the Dundee area. The following points were highlighted during the presentation:
It was acknowledged that the figures for Dundee were not as good as the figures for Scotland.
Dundee did not fare well regarding life expectancy in comparison to Europe and other parts of the United Kingdom.
Scotland’s most deprived areas per population were highlighted and Healthy Dundee was advised that all figures contained within the Audit Report applied to our own situation.
Access to Hospital Services - notes the percentage of patients who missed their appointment and the group were informed of the elements of good/bad partnership working.
Dr Adam advised Healthy Dundee of the following recommendations:
The Scottish Governments introduction of national indicators. The review of the distribution of Primary Care Services. Outcomes in GP contract – QOF designed to reduce inequalities. Scottish Government & CPP’s – building cost-effectiveness into evaluation of initiatives and aligning performance measures as indicators of progress, (measure what we do and know what this is).
Some of the challenges Dundee face are listed below:
·  Identify preventative spend starting position - baseline
·  Identify and define inequalities - what are the issues?
·  SIMDs the partnership approach/Tayside – the balance of resources
·  Evidence of impacts
·  Partnership approach to resource allocation – look at partnership bodies
·  Mainstream budgets/bridging/switch to preventative spend
A group discussion followed with regard to the points raised. Ms Rennie thanked Dr Adam for presenting to Healthy Dundee.
Ms Maggie Butchart and Mr Jamie McBrearty presented the Active Families Evaluation. Healthy Dundee was informed that Active Families is a British Heart Foundation Programme aimed at improving the health of families living in areas of deprivation to become more active and to make healthier lifestyle choices.
It was noted that 136 families were referred into the programme over the course of the first year, with two out of three families engaging successfully.
All families were predominately living in the top 20% of the most deprived areas in Dundee.
An initial needs assessment is performed within the home of each family to allow for baseline measures to be made e.g. BMI, general health status and notes on current activities. During this assessment they are able to explore the needs of each family and develop a working plan of agreed goals. Continuous support, if required, is given throughout the three month intervention.
Healthy Dundee were advised that referrals are by professionals only at this stage e.g. Social Workers, Health Visitors, Head Teachers, and all families must be willing to make significant changes. Ms Butchart stated that they hoped self referrals would be possible within the next year. Mr McBrearty advised of next steps: the proposal to expand the programme for 12 months, to target ‘less complex’ families, and explore sustainability.
The following points were raised and discussed:
Sustainment from BHF to mainstream funding, the role of the Dundee Healthy Living Initiative, the Dundee City Council’s website Health & Wellbeing tab, family concessions to leisure facilities could be negotiated.
Community centre activities may sit beneath the radar therefore it may be useful to invite one of the centre managers along to a future Healthy Dundee meeting. Ms Rennie thanked Ms Butchart and Mr McBrearty for presenting to Healthy Dundee.
Mr Peter Sandwell advised Healthy Dundee of the outdoor exercise equipment successfully being used by a number of companies; the equipment is already proving to be very popular on the continent.
Photographs of the equipment were circulated to the group and Mr Sandwell advised that Hilltown Park, Morgan Academy and Mill O’Mains community have secured equipment along with a number of Councils.
Estimation of costs as follows: £15,000-£20,000 to erect and install and it was noted that equipment is inspected on a regular basis. Mr Allan advised that if anyone wished to purchase equipment they should submit an application for their area.
Ms Rennie advised that Healthy Dundee would be very interested in receiving regular updates and thanked Mr Sandwell for attending the meeting.
The Choose Life Update was deferred as Ms Avril Smith-Hope was unable to attend today therefore Ms Rennie advised that she would contact Ms Smith-Hope before the next Healthy Dundee meeting. / LR
Healthy Dundee was informed of the Early Years Collaborative which is the first national multi-agency Quality Improvement Programme led by Community Planning Partnerships. It was noted that the Community Partnership Model for the Lochee Pathfinder is aligned to mainstream services, will consist of a locally based team and the team will include community members.
Ms Third spoke to her paper and drew the group’s attention to Level 3, number 9: which adopts a fully integrated service model based on a neighbourhood approach which puts children, their families, and the communities in which they live at the heart of service development and delivery, and in doing so brings together Practitioner’s in a virtual or physical system.
Healthy Dundee was advised that Ms Third would attend a Scottish Government meeting to give updates on the work to date. Sir Harry Burns team to be in attendance: this is to discuss Assets and Communities across Scotland, sharing ideas. The Lochee Pathfinder is to be presented along with information re Ms Sheila McMahon’s Equally Well Transitional Model. It was suggested that what they learn through the collaborative should be shared amongst the partnership.
Ms Rennie thanked Ms Third for updating Healthy Dundee.
Ms McMahon spoke to her paper which informs Healthy Dundee that everything is going according to plan, it is hoped that they may have some form of analysis to circulate soon from the community engagement process across the CRAs. Services are expressing an interest in Mind Yer Heid Sessions and Tayside Police have agreed to participate. It was noted that Equally Well is working with Mr Steven Valentine’s team from Keep Well to develop a short session on maternal wellbeing/inequalities sensitive practice and it is hoped that this may be sustained via the Keep Well training team.
The Dundee Equally Well Test Site for improving community mental wellbeing was supported by the Scottish Government as part of the implementation of its action plan to tackle Health Inequalities in Scotland. Ms Rennie and Mr Allan to meet up shortly to keep this item on the radar and to discuss the event planned for June 11th, Ms Smith to arrange. Ms Rennie thanked Ms McMahon for updating Healthy Dundee. / CS
Mr Allan advised that the biggest discussion with regard to the SOA development was noted previously in the minute. The next version of the SOA requires to be completed by the end of March and prevention would be incorporated.
The governance and the combination of outcomes 4 & 5 of Ms Fannin’s report (from item 13) were approved by Healthy Dundee.
Item noted and approved as above.
Ms Carole Robertson spoke to her paper which informs Healthy Dundee of progress to date and advises that from 31 January 2013 £190,000 has been confirmed as the final figure available for DHWCP developments.
The following points were noted and discussed:
·  Early Years and disadvantaged areas
·  Funding – how will this build capacity
·  Partnership working – encourage working together
·  Successful applicants – progress to be monitored by Healthy Dundee
Ms Rennie thanked Ms Robertson for her paper which clearly sets out the process to support their strategic priorities.
There was no other competent business.
The next meeting will be held at 9.00 am on Tuesday 23 April 2013, within the Seminar Room, Conference Centre, Kings Cross, Dundee.