Anisette sphere with quinoa crackling and mixed berries

Serves 4
100 g sugar, juice of ½ lemon
4 egg yolks, 0.4 dl anisette liqueur
1 neutral gelatin (2 g)
3 dl fresh cream 35% fat
A little mineral water or syrup / For the anise parfait.
In a thick bottom pot place the sugar and the lemon juice with a little mineral water. Mount the egg yolks. When the sugar reaches 121 ºC remove from the heat and let it rest for one minute. Mix the sugar in a thread with the egg yolks stirring constantly. Place the gelatin in thee liqueur and dissolve it. Beat the cream to the point of medium peak. Mix ¼ of cream with the gelatin, add the rest of the cream and at the end the cooked yolk meringue. Fill the silicone semi-spheres before it curdles.
100 g Blé corn flour
200 g condensed milk
70 g inverted sugar (gold)
30 g glucose, 30 g anise
2 g crystallized anise powder / For the crackling.
Prepare a syrup with the sugar, the glucose and the anise. Remove from the heat and add the crystallized anise powder. In a soup tureen mix the condensed milk with the hot syrup and at the end the sifted flour. Fill a pastry bag with the mixture and let it rest closed. With a very thin cornet, make threads 8 cm long on a silpat. Bake briefly at 180 ºC. This dough is very flexible and can be heated to five form.
300 g blackberry
40 g raspberry
100 g glucose
100 g blackberry liqueur
75 g blackberry liqueur (well chilled) / For the blackberry juice.
In a thick bottom pot place the glucose and the blackberries, cover with plastic film and cook in the Bain Marie for 40 minutes. Remove the pot from the water and reserve uncovered overnight. The next day, strain pressing lightly. Reduce with the 100 g of blackberry liqueur to a syrup texture, for around 20 minutes at medium heat and 5 minutes on the hot-plate. At the end add the rest of the liqueur very cold stirring vigorously. With the heat almost all the alcohol will evaporate but being cold the blackberry flavor will remain.
100 g Royal quinoa from the Andes
4 dl water
50 g sugar
30 g butter
A tablespoon of peanut oil / For the quinoa crackling.
Cook the quinoa with the water for about 20 minutes. Roll it onto a silicon sheet and dry it at 70 ºC. When it is dry it has to be loose. Fry the quinoa in the peanut oil to inflate it and dry on a paper towel. Prepare a syrup with the sugar, add the butter and the inflated quinoa. Make a hole in the anise semi-spheres, fill them with the quinoa syrup and join the halves with the finger tips. Reserve the rest of the quinoa to secure the sphere on the plate.
Cranberries, blackberries,
Passion fruit
Raspberry powder
Lemon thyme
Let the spheres rest for a few minutes at room temperature to obtain texture. On the plate, draw a circle with the blackberry juice and a line that cross the circle. Place in an elegant way the berries, the raspberry powder and the thyme. Place a tablespoon of caramelized quinoa in the center of the plate, on top the sphere crowned by two crackling canes of condensed milk.