Welcome to Mrs. Noyes’ English IV

I hope you are all ready to wave your nerd flags high and proud as an active participant in the awe-inspiring community that this class will soon become. English IV is an examination of British literature spanning the centuries, from the Old English epic Beowulf to George Orwell’s dystopian, and eerily prophetic, 1984. You will hone your analytical skills and expand your lexicon by delving into great works of literature. You can expect to become an expert on the topic of your choosing through the development and completion of the senior project. Eloquence and articulate speaking will be yours through the many Socratic seminars and presentations in which we will engage. My unit plans are theme-based and embedded in essential questions about the human condition, so we can see how universal themes are treated over various time periods. We be asking questions such as: How does perspective affect one’s reality?How can good and evil be ambiguous? This class is what you make of it. I plan to make it awesome and I look forward to seeing you do the same.

What we’re reading: What you’ll need:

1984 3-ring binder divided into three parts:

Hamlet * Literature Notes

The Picture of Dorian Gray * Writing/Grammar

Grendel * Returned Work

The Romantic Poets Single-Subject Notebook for journaling

Excerpts from Old English & Middle English writings Pens & pencils

Metaphysical poetry Highlighters

Various examples of satire

Other cool stuff that Mrs. Noyes finds

Classroom Expectations:

1. Be on time and be prepared with all your materials ready to go. This means that if something is due, it is ready to be

handed in immediately (stapled, glued, name on it, etc.).

2. Be involved. A major part of success for a student is not to just be present, but also to participate in class discussions and


3. Be kind. This classroom is a bully-free zone where all opinions will be heard and all perspectives can be examined.

4. Be reflective. Look at your work, attitude, and involvement when wondering why you received a grade. I don’t

arbitrarily give grades, so look to yourself to answer the question, “Why did I get a …?”

Grading Scale:

Major Assessments: Tests, Projects, Socratic Seminars, Major Writings 40%

Quizzes: Vocabulary, Reading, Grammar, In-Class Essays 30%

Minor Assessments: Classwork, Homework, Informal Discussions 30%

Final Exam/Midterm: At the middle of the semester you will take a midterm and at the end a final exam. The exams will assess reading and writing skills learned in class.

Homework: I do not give nightly homework for the sake of given homework. The majority of homework will consist of reading and you will know your reading schedule the day a book is assigned. Therefore, if you know that you have afterschool responsibilities, you can complete your readings at a pace that best works for you. Other homework assignments (research, finishing work not completed in class, reading logs) will be minimal.

Homework Policy: Reading quizzes are assigned following each reading assignment, therefore, if you do not read, you will not be successful. Written homework is due at the beginning of class; I will not accept homework turned in halfway through or at the end of class. If your homework is not complete, you may turn it in the next day with a deduction in points.

Cheating, Copying, or Plagiarism: These actions will not be tolerated and will be handled in the following manner: The student will initially receive a zero for the assignment and the parent or guardian will be notified. Following this, the student will have the option to redo the assignment within an assigned time frame. However, the student will not be able to earn higher than a 70%.

Electronic Devices: We will be using phones, tablets, and/or laptops as a part of classroom activities. Please keep phones put away (in your purse or backpack) at all other times. I will give you a verbal warning and if the phone cannot stay out of your hands, then I will hold onto it for you. If this becomes a persistent problem, the phone will be turned in to the office where a parent/guardian may pick it up for you.

Tardies and Absences: In order to be successful, you need to be in class, on-time, every day. Please see your student handbook for the tardy policy. If you are absent it is your responsibility to get any notes and all assignments from the time of your absence.

Senior Project: This is big! If you don’t complete your Senior Project, you will not graduate! We will be completing the research paper portion of the project in class, so keep up, do well, and pay attention to deadlines! This does count towards you English IV grade.

Extra Help:

If you would like extra help with anything you may come and see me during lunch or after school. I will be on campus until 3:30 every day and you may stop by my room before school or during lunch to schedule some one-on-one time. I will gladly assist you with college essays (we will do these in class, as well), scholarships, papers for other classes, etc.

Contact Info:


Remind.com and Edmodo codes will be shared in class