Risk Management


-  if in need of extra labor -- Family

-  if need more produce or more diversity of product -- buy from others or sell for others at a profit to self

-  crop failure – have successions of crops and/or replant if appropriate

-  insects/diseases – preventative monitoring, spray or hand pick; use of row covers

-  animals damage – hot pepper spray

-  keep up with weeds (preventative)


-  if in need of extra labor -- Family and/or other farmers

-  if need more produce or more diversity of product -- buy from others or sell for others at a profit to self

-  crop failure – have successions of crops and/or replant if appropriate

-  insects/diseases – preventative monitoring, spray or hand pick; use of row covers

-  animals damage – hot pepper spray

-  keep up with weeds (preventative)


-  if in need of extra labor -- Family and/or other farmers

-  if need more produce or more diversity of product -- buy from others or sell for others at a profit to self

-  crop failure – have successions of crops and/or replant if appropriate

-  insects/diseases – preventative monitoring, spray or hand pick; use of row covers

-  animals damage – hot pepper spray

-  keep up with weeds (preventative)


-  if in need of extra labor -- Family

-  to have more time at farm, Hawa got herself released for English class till after the growing season

-  if need more produce or more diversity of product -- buy from others or sell for others at a profit to self

-  crop failure – have successions of crops and/or replant if appropriate

-  insects/diseases – preventative monitoring; spray or hand pick; use of row covers

-  animals damage – hot pepper spray

-  keep up with weeds (preventative)