The Vital Port of call for Fishermen and their families

Registered Charity no: 232822

Registered Charity no. Scotland: SC039088

There are two main ways to gain sponsorship for the event you are participating in, the traditional sponsor form or an online donation page.

This pack includes help on how to set up a donation page with Virgin Giving or Just Giving, and some important information about gift aid.


The Fishermen

How your fundraising helps

How to set up Virgin money giving

How to set up Just Giving

What is Gift Aid?

Sending your sponsorship money to us

Thank you for helping the Fishermens Mission


The sea is the most unpredictable and dangerous working environment there is.

Can you imagine what it’s like going to work every day and never being sure if today will be that day?

That day when the Sea wins and you lose. It could happen at any time, on any trip, on any day.

And what about when everything is going well? There’s never any guarantee that you will catch enough fish to even make the smallest of profits at market.

And for all that risk you are rewarded with freezing cold, soaking wet, physically exhausting, hostile conditions every working day.

The Fishermen’s Mission is here to care for those who take that risk to catch our fish.

Think for a second of the wife who kisses her husband goodbye as he goes to work and then never sees him again, not even a body. Who will help her to cope with the life ahead.

Think for a second of our once great fishing ports now depressed and stricken with poverty. Who will be there to help the sick, retired fishermen, struggling to even make it through the day on the most meagre of living standards?

Think for a second of the UK fishing communities who are seeing the decline and the dismantling of their way of life before their very eyes. Who will be there for them?

The Fishermen’s Mission has been carrying out its unique caring work amongst our brave fishermen, their families and communities for the past 131 years. Will you be there for us?

How your fundraising helps

Thank you so much for choosing to raise funds for the Fishermen’s Mission thanks to our supporters fundraising efforts we were able to…

  • Last Year we helped 280 Fishermen after emergencies at Sea
    (59 Emergency Accommodation, 175 Sick and injured and 46 who were survivors ofincidents)
  • Last year we made 10,744 home & hospital visits to Fishermen and theirFamilies
  • Last year we travelled 98,795 miles doing our work
  • We helped Fishermen access grants in excess of £1.1 million
  • Last year we visited 4,861 Fishing boats and had meetings with 2,452 Fishermen.
  • We conducted 291 Funerals for Fishing families
  • Last year we responded to 17Fishing fatalities at sea and provided support tothe families whilst continuing to support over 752 Widows of Fishermen.
  • 9 Fishing Boats were lost at sea over this period(1st Nov 2013 to 31st Oct 2014)
  • Helped 152 Children of Fishermen
  • For every £1 generated we spend 88 pence delivering our services

Providing a lifeline of welfare and support to fishermen and their families

The national charity that delivers emergency response and welfare help to activeand retired fishermen and their families

How to set up

An ideal way for your family, friends or colleagues to support your fundraising is with online donations using Virgin Money Giving. This is a very simple and effective way to monitor how much money you are raising and Virgin Giving will automatically transfer your donations and gift aid to us.

Go to their home page where you will see ‘Start Fundraising’ then ‘Create your Page’. Select this and follow the easy to use on-screen instructions.

The Fishermen’s Mission is a registered charity with Virgin Money Giving so our logo will be available for your page. You will also be able to add a personal message, perhaps letting people know why you have decided to support The Fishermen’s Mission.

When you have set up your page, email the link to all your family, friends and colleagues who can then support your efforts by donating on-line with Virgin Money Giving, you will be able to visit your page and see just how much had been donated on your behalf.

Transaction fees

Virgin Money Giving charge us a transaction fee of 2% of the gross donation.

For example:

If a donation is received for £10 and it is gift aided at 25% (£12.50 gross), we receive £12.15.

However, we will always credit your fundraising with the gross amount (£12.50)

If you have any questions about using the Virgin Giving website please contact Hashim on 01489 566912 or email

Good luck with your online fundraising

How to set up

An ideal way for your family, friends or colleagues to support your fundraising is with online donations using Just Giving or Just Text Giving. This is a very simple and effective way to monitor how much money you are raising and Just Giving will automatically transfer your donations and gift aid to us.

Go to their home page where you will see ‘StartFundraising’ click ‘Make your Page’ and follow the easy to use on-screen instructions.

The Fishermen’s Mission is a registered charity with Just Giving so our logo will be available for your page. You will also be able add a personal message and upload your own photos, to let people know why you have decided to support The Fishermen’s Mission.

When you have set up your page, email the link to all your friends and family who can then support your efforts by donating on-line. If you have aFacebookpage or Twitter account you can link your Just Giving page to these. This is a great way to let people know what you are doing and to get support for your fundraising and you will be able to visit your page and see just how much has been donated on your behalf.

You can also create a text code with just giving that you can give to your friends to help with your fundraising.

Transaction fees

Just Giving charge us a transaction fee of 5% of the gross donation.

For example:

If a donation is received for £10 and it is gift aided at 25% (£12.50), we receive £11.74.

However, we will always credit your fundraising with the gross amount (£12.50)

If you have any questions about using the Just Giving website please contact Hashim on 01489 566912 or email

Good luck with your online fundraising

What is Gift Aid?

Gift aid is extremely important as it can increase the value of donations you or your sponsors make to us, at no cost to you!

If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid offers a simple way to increase the value of your gift to charity by allowing the charity to reclaim the tax on your gift. Currently charities are able to claim an additional 25p from every £1 donated by UK Tax Payers.

Your sponsors can Gift Aid their sponsorship donation if the amount of tax and/or Capital Gains Tax they have paid (not including VAT or council tax) in any tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) is at least equal to the amount that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that they donate to will reclaim on their gifts for that tax year.

Important Information

Applicable if taking part in: Edinburgh Marathon Festival, Royal Parks, Nightrider, Great South Run

The place you have been allocated is worth more than the £35 registration fee you have paid. This means that you are receiving a financial benefit in participating in the event for the Fishermens Mission. As a result, HM Revenue & Customs rulings state that donations received from people who are “connected to you” are not eligible for Gift Aid.

People who are “connected to you” are:

- Your husband, wife, civil partner or direct relative - for example son, daughter, parent, grandparent or grandchild

- Any direct relative of your wife, husband or civil partner

- A company under your control, or under the control of any of the above

In summary, this means that if any of the above people sponsor you through Just Giving or Virgin Giving, then they must not tick to have Gift Aid applied to their donation.

If You Are Holding Events To Fundraise

If you hold an event such as a car boot sale or quiz evening the money raised is not a personal donation from you and it cannot therefore be Gift Aided. Money raised in this way should be sent by way of a cheque to Head Office.

Any advertising, posters, etc. must display our charity number found on the front cover.

Sending your sponsorship money to us

Paying money in by post

All cheques should be made payable to ‘The Fishermens Mission’ and forwarded to us at:

Mather House

4400 Parkway

Solent Business Park


PO15 7FJ

Please ensure it is clear who it has come from and the event you participated in.

Please do not send cash in the post.

Paying money into the bank

If you are paying in money from lots of sponsors it may be easier to pay it direct into our bank account. If you contact our head office we will send you a paying in slip with a reference number, for you to use at any Lloyds TSB branch.

Online donation pages

If you chose to set up a Just Giving/Virgin Giving page the sponsorship and any gift aid will be paid directly to The Fishermens Mission.

Please send in any sponsorship forms you have used, ensuring (if we can claim gift aid on their donation) sponsors have completed their address, post code and ticked the gift aid box.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call

01489 566910