Video Purchase and Use

Videos and video services within the GSE are subject to PSU’s Copyright


Commercial Videos

The GSE maintains a small collection of commercial videos to support instruction in GSE courses, in addition to the collection available through the Millar Library. Videos are typically added to the collection through donations, grant purchases or other GSE technology funds. Due to limited funding, the following criteria are considered when making video purchases:

•Potential audience

•Timeliness of video/topic

•Quality of production

•Programmatic need

All videos purchased with GSE funds, whether departmental or grant, are property of the GSE and must comply with university copyright policy related to public performance of copyrighted material. For this reason copyrighted videos may onlybe used by GSE faculty and staff, as part of instruction in GSE courses or workshops.

The video collection is housed in the MISL (room 310G, Graduate School of Education) in a locked workroom. Faculty and staff can browse the collection in person, online through the MISL Catalog, or can ask a MISL staff person to search and locate a video for them. Videos must be checked out through the MISL Desk. Faculty are discouraged from putting copyrighted videos on reserve for student check-out, as this violates copyright policy and prevents other faculty from using the video in other classes by removing it from circulation.

In-house Videos

GSE faculty and staff are encouraged to produce their own videos to support marketing and instruction. Before an in-house video can be shared, the person responsible for producing it must have signed consent forms from the people who are in the production. In-house videos can be shared in a variety of formats including: streaming, YouTube or TeacherTube, DVD or CD, or videotape. Please check with the Manager of Technology for assistance in choosing the best option for your course and students.

Video Duplication

The MISL provides video duplication service (DVD and CD) for copyright free or in-house videos. When requesting DVD or CD duplication, provide the original, proof of copyright compliance, and blank CDs or DVDs. Most CDs and DVDs can be duplicated within 24 hours. If special labeling is needed, the blank media and text must also be provided.

The IDSC (room 225/226 Broadway Housing, moving in 2014-2015 to Second floor Mezzanine, Smith Memorial Center) have equipment that can transfer copyright free video from VHS format to DVD. Users can either duplicate their own videos, or have IDSC staff duplicate videos for a fee.

Video RecordingService

Trained MISL staff can be scheduled torecordGSE events. We need at least 2 weeks’ notice in order to schedule someone. We also need the following:

Before the event, please provide this information:

•Date and time


•Length of taping (approximate)

•Who we will be recording

•How the recording will be used (e.g., DVD, YouTube, CD)

•Who the contact person is

Before or duringthe event:

•Video release form(s) signed by everyone who is in the video

•Where the video will be stored and for how long

•What type of editing and titles are needed

The amount of editing time will depend on the length of the video and where it will be stored. Signed release forms are required before any editing can begin.

Updated 11/22/10

Reviewed with minor, technical 2/14/2014