Minutes: Alabama Chapter of the National Emergency Numbers Association Quarterly Meeting. Demopolis. Alabama. April 24 1997,
I. Call To Order:
President Seth Phelps called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
II. Opening Prayer:
The prayer was led by Dr. Art Luckie, pastor of First United Methodist Church, Demopolis.
III. Approval of Agenda:
President Phelps added to the agenda under item 9c. Language line and item I I changed appointment to election. Motion and second. Approved.
IV. Welcome:
Eleanor Parks of Marengo County introduced Commissioner Kelvin McKinney, Mayor Austin Caldwell and Chamber of Commerce Director, Jane Gross.
V. Introduction of New Members and Guests:
There were a number of new members and guest introduced.
VI. Approval of Minutes of the January 23, 1997.
VII. Financial Report:
Art Faulkner gave a financial report. There was a motion and second, approved.
VIII. Committee Reports:
A. Historian Larry Duncan expressed need to get past minutes from NENA members.
B. Membership and public relation: Rubye Hahn talked about membership. Bill Brodeur spoke briefly on public relations. They are getting their committee together and hopefully they will have a report at the next meeting.
C. Legislative and wireless report: Roger Wilson gave a report on wireless and some of the problems we have encountered and that he had been talking with the cellular people . Art Faulkner also talked about the changes of the bill that we are trying to get introduced and also talked about the Attorney General's opinion. Roger Wilson also read a new proposal, there was a motion and a second to accept the proposal. There was a lot of discussion about the proposal. Ron Sparks also gave his position on the wireless situation and he also gave a report on his and Seth's meeting in Montgomery with the Lt. Governor and Governor's Legislative Assistant. He also talked with rules committee chairman Sen. Lindsey and he felt very positive about the people he had met with, but he had encountered some opposition on the legislation . We are going to continue to move forward and to see how far we can move our legislation. John Ellison also gave his position on the legislation and which direction NENA should move in trying to get legislation passed and also some of the problems he sees. There was a motion and a second to withdraw the first motion to accept the new proposal that Roger Wilson read, motion carried. There was a motion and a second to move in the order that President Seth Phelps had presented to membership that order was:
1. Write a letter to wireless carriers asking that they collect and distribute the 911 fees.
2. Negotiation with wireless carriers.
3. Legislation
4. Public Relations measures.
5. Court
Motion passed.
IX. Old Business:'
A. Outsourcing: Debbie Higgins gave a report on SCC and advised they are in phase 1.
B. Address and fax for membership was discussed.
C. Language line: Art Faulkner talked about problems we were having in not being able to identify who was using the language line. He said it was very import to use AL Chapter of NENA 911 and also your membership Id, which would be the Director of the 911 Centers NENA membership number.
X. State Conference:
President Phelps asked the membership for input in determining subjects and speakers, and also for help in securing vendors.
XI Election of Nominating Committee:
Pres. Phelps noted that according to the bi-laws a committee should be elected to serve as the nominations committee for 2nd Vice President, and that the immediate past President would serve as Chairman. After discussion the following members were elected to serve on the committee: North Region. Rubye Hahn, North Central Region, John Ellison, South Central Region; Eleanor Park, and South Region, Susan Bozeman.
XII. New Business:
There were some questions raised and some discussion about liability insurance. To be continued at next meeting.
XIII. For the Good of the Association:
There was also some question on overload in the phone systems in case of an emergency, Vernon Lee of BellSouth advised he would look into this matter and have a report at the next meeting. Max Armstrong advised of a seam that had been taking place in some of the areas around North Alabama and cautioned everyone in NENA to be alert in case of a seam.
XIV. July meeting Date/Site:
The July meeting will be in Huntsville at the 911 center on July 24, 1997.
XV. Adjourn:
There was a motion and second to adjourn, motion carried.