Update of the State Road 100

Community Redevelopment Area (CRA)

Master Redevelopment Plan

Request for Work Order Proposal


2 COMMERCE BOULEVARD, PALM COAST, FL 32164 • TEL (386) 986-3736

Request for Work Order Proposal- (RFP-CD-07-05

Update of the SR 100 CRA Master Redevelopment Plan

Section I. Background

The State Road 100 (SR100) Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Master Redevelopment Plan (Master Plan) was adopted by the City Council on June 15, 2004 (Master Plan available on the City’s website – www.ci.palm-coast.fl.us). The CRA is approximately 2,926 acres and is generally bounded by Royal Palms Parkway on the north, SR 100 on the south, Belle Terre Parkway on the west, and Old Kings Road on the east.

The boundary of the CRA contains the Town Center Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The 1,560 acre Town Center DRI is a mixed-use development that includes three sites for major public facilities: a city hall and central park complex, a community center, and a cultural arts center. The Town Center DRI is considered the City’s new downtown area.

The adopted Master Plan includes an analysis of existing conditions, a concept plan with graphic illustrations of potential public improvements, a set of implementation strategies, a capital projects program, a projection of revenues, and an analysis of issuing a 15-year Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Revenue Bond.

The City’s desire is to re-evaluate and update the findings of the original plan based on changing conditions and priorities. Since the adoption of the plan, the City has acquired various properties along the Bulldog Drive corridor (attached). This land acquisition necessitates an evaluation of potential uses for the newly acquired property. Other issues now in the forefront and which need to be re-evaluated include: the deletion of the SR 100 service road as proposed in the original plan, the Bulldog Drive gateway entrance design to the Town Center, and use of public property.

Section II. Scope of Services

The selected firm will update the Master Plan in order to assist the City in implementing the goals and objectives of the SR 100 CRA and provide an implementation plan for prioritizing capital projects within the CRA. The update to the Master Plan will address and/or include, but not be limited to, the following:

§  Reevaluate the Master Plan’s statement of statutory requirements and regulatory framework.

§  Update and analyze the existing conditions.

§  Evaluate the Master Plan’s programs and projects, including, but not limited to, the SR 100 Gateway, Bulldog Drive Town Center Entrance, Belle Terre Parkway/Old Kings Road streetscape enhancements, the need for the proposed service road, and use of public property.

§  Address the School District’s concerns with regard to the unloading and loading of school buses at Flagler County High School and traffic circulation on Bulldog Drive.

§  Evaluate traffic circulation and make recommendations for access, mixed use internal capture, circulation, multi-modal linkages, and the need for the proposed service road.

§  Acknowledge the on-going planning efforts for the airport area south of SR 100 by creating a stronger link between the CRA, the Town Center, and the Flagler County Airport and surrounding area.

§  Evaluate and propose amendments, if necessary, to the City’s Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies.

§  Address the development and use of public/private partnerships.

§  Evaluate implementation strategies and make recommendations.

§  Evaluate the proposed Capital Projects Programs and make recommendations.

§  Update the revenue projections, especially in light of recent tax reforms.

§  Evaluate the funding options, including public and private financing alternatives and make recommendations for implementation.

§  Develop guidelines for the use of TIF revenues.

§  Update the existing Master Plan with specific recommendations for the efficient use / redevelopment of City-owned parcels.

§  Recommend development standards for the CRA that is consistent with the emerging mixed use development of the neo-traditional style Town Center DRI.

§  Evaluate the Town Center Architectural Guidelines and make recommendations for architectural and aesthetic standards for new development and redevelopment that incorporates civic and artistic design of the built environment and its public and open spaces.

§  Develop a consensus building / public involvement and outreach plan which shall include, but shall not be limited to, affected property owners and stakeholders.

The selected firm shall provide a draft of the updated SR100 CRA Master Plan to the City for review within 90 days after the work order is executed. The final draft of the updated SR 100 CRA Master Plan shall address City comments and be provided to the City for review within 120 days after the work order is executed. Following City review and approval of the final draft, the selected firm shall publish 15 copies and provide an electronic portable document format (PDF) version to post on the City’s website. The selected consultant shall coordinate and attend all public meetings related to the update of the SR 100 CRA Master Plan.

Section III. Instructions / Proposal Format

Firms, under the Service Agreement for Planning Services, interested in providing planning services to update the State Road 100 Community Redevelopment Area Master Redevelopment Plan shall submit seven (7) copies of the response for evaluation. The total number of pages shall not exceed 50 pages. Failure to provide the required copies and information may result in the proposal not being considered.

Submittals shall be clear, concise, indexed by subject, typed on letter size paper, and individually bound. Submittals shall be mailed or delivered in a sealed package clearly marked on the outside with the project name and due date. Packages shall be received in the City of Palm Coast by no later then 5 p.m., October 11, 2007. Delivery of a package to any location other than City Hall does not constitute official receipt by the City. Any package delivered after the stated deadline will not be considered.

Questions related to the Update of the SR 100 Master Plan Request for Work Order Proposal should be directed to Brian Rothwell, Purchasing Manager, City of Palm Coast, 2 Commerce Blvd., Palm Coast, FL 32164. Inquiries related to this request must be in writing – by fax, e-mail, mail, etc. – and received no later than 5 p.m., October 3, 2007, to allow adequate time for response. Please do not contact any other staff member of the City, except the above, with regard to this request. All inquiries will be routed to the appropriate staff member for response.

At a minimum, the response should include the following sections and information:

Tab 1 – Project Team

Identify the project team members and provide their addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and technical resumes.

Tab 2 – Project Narrative

Discuss the project approach and rationale to address the scope of services. Provide a schedule and description of key tasks, responsible project team members, and deliverables to address the scope of services.

Tab 3 – References

List similar projects with references and provide a short description of each project, including the name of the project, location, type, scheduled completion date, and value.

Tab 4 – Project Budget

Provide a project budget consistent and in accordance with the Service Agreement for Planning Services, outlining for each key task, the responsible project team member(s), hourly rate(s), number of hour(s), and any other costs authorized in the Service Agreement for Planning Services.

Section IV. Method of Evaluation and Award

An Evaluation Team selected by the City Manager will review and evaluate the work order proposals. The criteria listed below will be used to evaluate proposals for the purpose of ranking them in relative position based on how fully each proposal meets the criteria.

Criteria Criteria Weight

Project Approach 40%

-  Understanding of Scope of Services

-  Approach to Address Scope of Services

Project Team 30%

-  Key Personnel

-  References (Past Performance and Experience)

Project Budget 30%

-  Total Cost

-  References (Staying within Budget)

In addition to the written proposal, the Evaluation Team, at its discretion and after a preliminary evaluation of the written proposals, may request one or more of the responding firms to make a presentation to the Evaluation Team. Firms requested to make a presentation to the Evaluation Team will be contacted and a mutually convenient time will be arranged.

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