Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is an independent statutory authority responsible for developing, varying and reviewing all domestic food standards based on scientific/technical criteria, anda range of other functions including co-ordinating national food surveillance and recall systems, conducting research, assessing policies about imported food and developing codes of practice with industry. FSANZ is managed by a Board with membership appointed by the Australian Government through the Minister responsible for the Health portfolio.

All decisions made by FSANZ must be approved by the Australia and New Zealand Forum on Food Regulation (Forum ), which is composed of the Health Minister from each of the Australian states and territories, and the Health Minister from New Zealand, as well as other participating Ministers nominated by each jurisdiction.

Under the FSANZ Act, the FSANZ Board is appointed by the Australian Minister responsible for food regulation, in consultation with the Forum and must include qualified people from all walks of life. The Board has twelve members. Members are drawn from specialist areas such as public health, food science, human nutrition, consumer affairs, food allergy, medical science, microbiology, food safety, biotechnology, veterinary science, primary food production, the food industry, food processing or retailing, small business, international trade, food regulation, consumer rights and consumer affairs policy, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and government. The Board meets eight times a year (four face-to-face meetings and four by teleconference).

FSANZ Board Membership Biographies

Dr Dave Roberts (deceased)[116(1)(g)]

Dr Dave Roberts was nominated by food industry organisations and served as a FSANZ Board member for seven years. He made important contributions to the strategic direction of FSANZ and the shape of its capability and capacity.

He was Chair of the Board’s Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee and a member of the Board’s Remuneration and Senior Staff Committee. He brought great intellectual capacity, technical expertise and extensive research and industry knowledge and experience to the role. His passion for robust science and forensic examination of the scientific evidence and logic of the technical information underpinned his thoughtful and common-sense contributions to Board deliberations and decisions.
Professor Lynne Daniels (nominated by NHMRC CEO)[116(1)(e)]
Professor Lynne Daniels has been a member of the FSANZ Board since 2013. She is an academic dietician with over 35 years of experience. She is currently Head of the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). From 2006-11 Professor Daniels held a research capacity building chair in the QUT Institute Health and Biomedical Innovation. Professor Daniels spent the first 10 years of her career as a clinical paediatric dietitian and during this time completed a research MSc.
In 1988 she was appointed to an academic post in the School of Medicine at Flinders University and in 1995 completed her PhD examining the selenium status of preterm infants. At Flinders her primary role was co-ordinator of the nutrition and dietetic education programs.
Professor Daniels' research interests include feeding practices in early childhood and the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. She currently leads the NHMRC-funded NOURISH project that is evaluating an early feeding intervention to prevent childhood obesity and the TRIM Kids project that will deliver PEACHTM, a weight management program for moderately obese primary school aged children and their families across Queensland.
Mr Steve McCutcheon (Chief Executive Officer of FSANZ) [s.116(1)(b)]

Mr McCutcheon, who holds aBachelor of Economics degree and has undertaken further studies in public law and public policy, was reappointed as CEO of FSANZ in October 2011. Prior to his appointment in October 2007, Mr McCutcheon held a number of senior executive positions in the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

During that time he led the team that developed the new food regulatory framework for Australia and New Zealand under the auspices of the Council of Australian Governments.He also led the Australian delegation to annual sessions of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Emeritus Professor Mary Barton AO (nominated by science and/or public health organisations)[116(1)(f)]

Emeritus Professor Mary Barton, AO was appointed to the FSANZ Board in 2013. Mary is recognised for her significant contribution to veterinary microbiology, public health and education. A retired Professor of Microbiology, Mary has had a lifetime involvement in animal welfare. She is a graduate of BVSc, PhD, Dip Bact, MBA, FACVSc, FASM, Hon DVSc from the University of South Australia.

She has served as a board member and director of RSPCA SA since 1999; has been a member of the CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory Security Assessment Group since 1990 (and its chair from 1990 to 2002); Science Fellow of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority since 2009; former National President of the AVA; a member of the Veterinary Testing Accreditation Advisory Committee of the National Association of Testing Authorities since 2005; and a myriad of organisations, boards and working groups.

Mary has been a strong contributor to laboratory standards and a leader in Rhodococcus equi, antibiotic resistance, food-borne diseases and zoonotic diseases. She worked for many years in veterinary diagnostic and research laboratories in NSW, Vic and SA.

​Ms Lyn Bentley (nominated by food industry organisations) [116(1)(g)]

Ms Bentley is a chef and successful small business owner. Ms Bentley’s passion for food began with a chef apprenticeship in London and although sidetracked by studies in the fields of Business and Accountancy, she returned to her first love of food.

She started WA based Sticky Fingers Gourmet Foods as a home based business 15 years ago, and has been instrumental in its continued growth within Australian and international markets. Ms Bentley has been an active participant in the Food Industry Association of WA as well as the CCIWA Food Industry Advisory Group, and was a member of the team chosen to provide evidence to the Senate Committee for the Australian Food Processing review.

As a member of the FSANZ Board since 2013, Ms Bentley’s experience brings a fresh perspective as to how Board level decisions may be perceived and effectively implemented by the Food Service Industry and Small Business.

Professor Martin Cole (nominated by science and/or public health organisations) [116(1)(f)]

Professor Martin Cole is the Director of Food and Nutrition Flagship at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Prior to joining CSIRO, Professor Cole was the Director of the US National Centre for Food Safety and Technology (NCFST), one of the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Centres for Excellence and Research Professor of Biology at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, Illinois.

Professor Cole was appointed member of the FSANZ Board in 2013 and brings many years of experience in food policy and the development of international food safety standards. Professor Cole has frequently been called upon as an expert by organisations such the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as well as the US House of Representatives. Professor Cole currently chairs the International Commission on the Microbiological Specifications for Food and serves on the boards of Institute of Food Technology and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

He has received numerous awards including election as a fellow of the International Academy of Food Science & Technology.

Ms Jenni Mack(nominated by consumer organisations) [s.116(1)(d)]

Ms Jenni Mack is an experienced consumer advocate and governance professional with over two decades of board experience, including eight years as a chair of a board. She has particular expertise with non-for-profits operating in commercial environment. Ms Mack has been a valued member of the FSANZ Board since 2013.

Her work has spanned food, chemicals, telecommunications, energy and financial services policy incorporating areas such as industry self-regulatory and co-regulatory practices, professional standards and codes of practice. Ms Mack has worked closely with regulators and government agencies on good regulatory science, community education, licensing, best practice enforcement and compliance schemes, and community and social research projects. Ms Mack was the Chair of Choice, Australia’s leading consumer group, from 2003-2013.

Associate Professor Stephen Corbett(nominated by science and/or public health organisations)(s.116(1)(f)]

Associate Professor Stephen Corbett has had more than 20 years of experience as a public and environmental health physician, with qualifications in public health and medicine.

He is currently Director of the Centre for Population Health in the Western Sydney Local Health District, and part-time general practitioner at the Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney.

Professor Corbett's experience includes holding senior executive positions in NSW Health-Public Health; being Conjoint Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, University of Sydney and Western Clinical School, Westmead Hospital; and being Associate Editor on the journal Evolution, Medicine and Public Health. He has been a member of the FSANZ Board since 2011.

His research interests broadly include public policy and the interface between human health and the environment. This interest has included research air and water quality and health, environmental lead contamination and remediation, bioaerosols, chronic disease prevention, regulatory policy and practice, food borne illness and environmental health in Aboriginal communities.

Mr Andrew McKenzie(nominated by New Zealand lead Minister on the Forum)[s.116(1)(c)]

Dr Andrew McKenzie is qualified as a veterinarian with post graduate qualifications in veterinary public health and has a background working for the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries with a focus on the meat, seafood and other food industries.

In 2002, Dr McKenzie set up the New Zealand Food Safety Authority and led it until his retirement in June 2010. He has been a member of the FSANZ Board since 2011 and has extensive experience in domestic food safety policy and standards, as well as international food safety and trade standards at the bilateral and multilateral level. Dr McKenzie has a continuing interest in management and governance, as well as contemporary regulatory approaches to food safety/quality and trade, particularly around standard-setting.

Mr Tony Nowell CNZM (nominated by New Zealand lead Minister on the Forum)[s.116(1)(c)]

Mr Tony Nowell has had extensive senior executive experience across various industries (including food) both internationally and within New Zealand. This has included holding positions such as CEO of Zespri International; Managing Director of Griffin's Foods; Regional Vice President of Sara Lee Asia; Zone Manager for Sara Lee Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand; Managing Director of Sara Lee Indonesia; Managing Director of L’Oreal Indonesia; and Operations Manager of L’Oreal New Zealand.

Mr Nowell has served on the FSANZ Board since 2010. Mr Nowell’s other roles and responsibilities have included being the former Chair of the New Zealand Packaging Accord Governing Board and the New Zealand Government Food and Beverage Taskforce; and include Chairmanship of the New Zealand Forest Research Institute and Wellington Drive Technologies, as well as directorships at New Zealand Food Innovation Auckland and the Export Advisory Board of Business New Zealand. Mr Nowell has represented New Zealand as a member of the APEC Business Advisory Council since 2007.

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