Working together to benefit our community

Application for Membership

I wish to apply for membership of the Forres Area Community Trust and can confirm that I support the aims and objectives. Please enrol me in the following membership category, (please tick one):

☐Full MembershipI am resident within the Forres Academy catchment area and I am aged 18 or over. I am entitled to vote at local government elections in the area.

☐Junior Membership I am resident within the Forres Academy catchment area and am aged over 12 years and under 18 years.

☐Associate Membership I am not resident within the Forres Academy catchment area. I am aged 18 or over.

I understand that membership is FREE and in the event of the Company being wound up, my liability will be limited to a maximum of £1 (one pound).

Full Name:


Telephone No:

Email :



Forres Area Community Trust was formed in September 2011 to benefit the community of the Forres Academy catchment area with the following objectives:

  • To advance citizenship and community development:

To advance community development including rural regeneration and the promotion of civic responsibility, volunteering, the voluntary sector and charities with the community

To promote, establish, operate and/or support other similar schemes and projects of a charitable nature for the benefit of the community within the Forres Area

  • To advance and protect the environment, culture and heritage:

To involve local people in caring for the area’s environment, heritage and culture and encourage others to visit the area

  • Education:

To advance education and lifelong learning for the benefit of the general public

… and do so following the principles of sustainable development

Forres Area Community Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in Scotland as Company No: SC412275

Forres Area Community Trust is a Charity registered in Scotland, No: SC044953

Registered Office: 1 Leask Road, Forres, IV36 1SW