MInor alteration and conversion works


Conditions of Tender

School Ref. No. XXXXX

1.The following documents are issued to Tenderers:-

(a)One copy of a booklet containing: -

(i)Tender Form

(ii)Conditions of Tender

(iii)Conditions of Contract

(iv)Particular Specification

(v)Materials Schedule, Schedule of Ratesand Summary of Quotation

(vi)Site Information Schedules and Drawings

(b)One additional copy of the Tender Form.

2.The following documents shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed, endorsed and deposited as required by the letter of invitation to Quotation:-

(a)One copy of the booklet referred to at 1(a) above with the Materials Schedule, Schedule of Ratesand Summary of Quotation completed, the Tender Form completed, signed, witnessed and dated. The total of the Summary of Quotation must agree with the sum shown on the Tender Form.

(b)One extra copy of completed Tender Form.

(c)The document referred to in the Particular Specification.

(d)Any other document requested in connection with the Quotation including acknowledgements of receipt of corrigenda or addenda, etc.

3.Unless otherwise provided, the Quotation shall be in Hong Kong Dollars.

4.Quotations shall be completed in ink or typescript; Quotations not so completed may be excluded from consideration.

5.Any unauthorized alteration or erasure to the text of the Quotation documents or any qualification to the Quotation may cause the Quotation to the disqualified.

6.The Tenderer shall check the number of the pages of all Quotation documents against pages numbers given in the summaries and should he find any missing, in duplicate or indistinct, he must inform the School at once and have the same rectified or explained.

7.The Tenderer before submitting the Tender is strongly recommended to visit the Site, and make himself thoroughly acquainted with the nature and extent of the Works, the location, general site conditions, accessibility, existing building conditions, proposed alteration and conversion work, the associated building services alternation and conversion works, restrictions and other conditions which might affect his quotation. Prior to the submission of the tender, the Contractor may consult the Authorized Person to verify the technical feasibility in carrying out the tendered work in full compliance with the Laws of Hong Kong. Should the Tenderer for any reason whatsoever be in doubt about the precise meaning of any item or figure contained in the Quotation documents or the TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY IN CARRYING OUT THE SPECIFIED ALTERATION WORK IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THELAWS OF HONG KONG (INCLUDNING THE BUILDINGS ORDINANCE AND THE EDUCATION ORDINANCE ETC.) TOGETHER WITH THE DESIGN INTENT OF THE ALTERATION WORK SPECIFIED BY THE SCHOOL, he shall seek clarification from the School Contact Person in order that the correct meaning or design intent may be decided before the date for submission of Quotations. No claim will be entertained on the grounds of ignorance of the conditions under which the Works are to be carried out.

8.No liability will be admitted, nor claim allowed, in respect of either errors in the Quotation due to mistakes in the Quotation documents which should have been rectified in the manner described in condition 6 or any doubt about the precise meaning of any item or figure contained in the Quotation documents or the technical feasibility of work mentioned in Condition 7 which should have been clarified in the manner described in Condition 7.

9.In the event of a Tenderer discovering a genuine error in his Quotation after it has been deposited, alteration in writing should be drawn to error and an amendment submitted which, provided that the amendments shall have been deposited in the manner described in condition 2 before the time fixed for receipt of Quotations, shall be accepted and form part of the Quotation.

  1. Should it be found on examination of the Quotation that the Tenderer has made mistakes, such mistakes shall be corrected in accordance with the current Works Branch Technical Circular on Examination of Tenders which may be inspected at the Development Bureau Web site at
  1. Any qualification of the tender may cause the tender to be disqualified.
  1. The Employer reserves the right to negotiate with any Tenderer about the terms of the offer.
  1. Without prejudice to the generality of other clause of the Conditions of Tender, the Employer mayregard a tender as not being the most advantageous, irrespective of whether or not it is the lowest tender or the tender with the highest overall score, if in the Employer’s opinion the Schedule of Rates of the tender have been priced erratically; and

(i)the erratic pricing is such as to expose the Employer to an unacceptable level of financial risk (for the purpose of this Clause, “erratic pricing” means the situation where an item or certain items in a Schedule of Rates are priced or structured in such a way as to suggest significant and unjustified)

(ii)inconsistency, irregularity or non-uniformity as compared with item or items of the same or similar nature in the same Schedule of Rates submitted by the same Tenderer in the same tendering exercise; or

(iii)deviation from prevailing market prices in respect of the same or similar item or items

  1. Tenderers should inform the Employer in their tender submissions of any factor which might affect their qualified status. The Employer reserves the right to review a Tenderer's qualified status in the light of any new information relevant to their qualification.
  1. The Employer will not consider any clarification or information submitted by a Tenderer after close of tender irrespective of whether or not the clarification or information is submitted at the invitation of the Employer if such clarification or information would alter the tender in substance or give the Tenderer an advantage over the other Tenderers.
  1. Without prejudice to the generality of other Conditions of Tender, the Employer may reject a tender which in the opinion of the Employer is unreasonably low in terms of price and may therefore affect the Tenderer's capability to carry out and complete the Contract and/or deliver work of the quality required in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
  1. The Tenderer shall submit a Materials Schedule to detail the Tenderer’s offer. The Tenderer shall ensure that only materials and equipment of the correct model number, appropriate materials of construction, suitable protection against corrosion, performance quality, size, rating, etc. which are in compliance with the Specification and the Drawings and other requirements of the Contract are selected. The proposals shall be standard products of known makes with local agent for supply of essential spare parts and commercially available in Hong Kong market for at least one year. The Materials Schedule shall be complete with detailed information on all items indicated in the Materials Schedule and the Tenderer shall offer up to three proposals for any item indicated in the Materials Schedule, all of which shall comply with the Specification and the Drawings and the otherrequirements of the Contract. The information filled in the Materials Schedule by the Tenderer would be used in assessing the Tenderer’s capability in carrying out the contract work and is an essential element in tender assessment.
  1. Without prejudice to other Conditions of Tender providing for invalidating a tender submitted by a Tenderer, the failure of a Tenderer to submit a duly completed Materials Schedule, the Tender Form and the Schedule of Rates shall render his Tender invalid.

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