Mechanical Engineering Sector Committee
Agenda of meeting 03-Nov-2015 in Brussels
industriAll Europe Committee on Mechanical Engineering
Brussels – European Economic & Social Committee, Room JDE 61
03 November 2015
09:00 – 09:45 Social Dialogue Project “Working safer with construction machines” by EFBWW
Our colleagues of the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) have presented for financing by the European Commission a social dialogue project called “Working safer with construction machines”, together with industry associations FIEC (construction firms) and CECE (manufacturers of construction machines). The purpose is to improve the health & safety of construction workers. industriAll Europe is an “associate partner” in the project, because workers inthe companies that design and manufacture construction equipment (a part of the Mechanical Engineering sector) can play a role to support this goal.
Speaker: Rolf Gehring, EFBWW
09:45 – 10:15 Social Dialogue project "Sustainability policies, consequences on skills & employment in the Machine tools & Robotics sector"
This ambitious project started in March 2015, in cooperation with industry associations Cecimo (machine tools) and EU-nited Robotics, and our social partner Ceemet. The consultants hired for the project have identified the main environmental sustainability policies that can be expected to be implemented in Europe over the next 20years, and will have estimated their impact on the required skills in these sectors, as well as on employment volume. The results of this first phase of the project will be presented briefly – given that a full conference on this topic will be held in Brussels on 27November 2015.
Speakers: Laurent Zibell, industriAll Europe
Dominique Ghiglione, FGMM-CFDT
10:15 – 11:00 Harmonised Europe-wide statistical description of the Mechanical Engineering sector: challenges and methods
The harmonised description of the Mechanical Engineering sector at European level is a challenge for statistical bodies, considering the great diversity of the sector. This issue is addressed by the Directorate for Methodology, corporate statistical and IT services within Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg.
Speaker: Michael Mietzner, Eurostat
(11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break)
11:15 – 12:15 European Commission initiative “Digitisation of European industry”
The European Commission has launched an initiative on “Digitisation of European industry”, championed by Commissioner G. Oettinger, responsible for the Digital Economy & Society. This initiative is likely to have a great impact on the automation of industry, and thus on the Mechanical Engineering sector.
Speaker: Dr. Anne-Marie Sassen, European Commission, DG Connect
(12:15 – 13:45 Lunch break)
13:45 – 15:00 Draft Position Paper + conference on "Digitising manufacturing"
The comprehensive Discussion Paper “Digitising manufacturing whilst ensuring equality, participation and cooperation” (Policy Brief 2015-07) was written collaboratively with the members of the ICT and Mechanical Engineering committees, and disseminated to the affiliates of industriAll Europe on 02 July 2015. It contains 4 parts:
(1) What is “digitisation of manufacturing”?
(2) Concrete examples
(3) Potential impacts of digitisation on manufacturing (on employment, on supply chains, onlabour and employment relations, on working conditions, on trade union work)
(4) Recommendations for digital technologies to be a tool for democratic coordination inmanufacturing.
Among the 27 policy proposals listed in this Discussion Paper, a priorities list was established, leading to a first draft of a focused, political Position Paper, to be adopted by the Executive Committee meeting of December 2015. The Mechanical Engineering Committee is requested to comment on and contribute to this draft Position Paper.
A large-scale conference will be organised in Brussels, on 04 and 05 November 2015, to discuss these issues.
Speaker: Laurent Zibell, industriAll Europe
15:00 – 16:00 Round table on the current economic situation of the sector at national level
Speakers: all
International Trade Union House (ITUH) - Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5 (bte 10) - B-1210 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 226 0050
October – 2015 2