Coordinating Group Meeting

Monday 30 July 2012

Meeting Minutes

Chair: John O’Reilly [Rushey Green Assembly Coordinator]

Attendees: Cllr John Muldoon, Cllr Peggy Fitzsimmons Tessa Pearce, James Dobson, Bill Rouse, Gloria Rouse, James Walshe, Nalina Ramanah, Bill Tutt, Karen Small, Robert Turkentine

1 Welcome and Apologies
John opened the meeting at 6:36pm by thanking everyone for attending. The following apologies were received prior to the meeting:
Cllr Helen Klier
James Walsh
No other apologies were received / Action Points
2 Minutes of the last co-group meeting held on 23 May 2012
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. John drew attention to Page 1, section 2. The corporate policy team were happy to attend a Rushey Green assembly. However, the assembly will need to decide whether a formally constituted body such as the Rushey Green Society would need to take shape first. This could then act as the focal point for the development of a neighbourhood forum.
3 Rushey Green summer festival debrief
The notes of the debrief meeting (held on Thursday 5 July) were circulated at the meeting. It was unanimously agreed that the festival was a success and should be repeated in 2013. The ways in which it can be improved include more involvement with local businesses with a structured programme of activities. The group concluded that funding streams for next years festival needed to be identified early on in the process. It was also felt that the creation of a ‘Rushey Green Society’ or ‘Friends of Rushey Green’ might be beneficial in the future development of the festival.
James asked how much this years festival cost. John replied that the total expenditure was just under £1,700. It was agreed that the Rushey Green devolved budget would be the primary source of income for the 2013 festival. However, this could be look at again closer to the event.
4 Discussion about the proposed Rushey Green Society
John explained that the summer festival committee had requested a discussion about a possible Rushey Green Society or Friends of Rushey Green. This was one of the recommendations of the summer festival debrief meeting (see item 3 above). The purpose of the group would be to represent residents of the ward and plan community events. The closest example is the Hither Green Community Association who have been existence for over 10 years. They have become one of the most active residents associations in the Borough and amongst their achievements have been Hither Green week which takes place every summer. The Chair, Jo Honeybell, has agreed to act in an advisory capacity with the setting up of a Rushey Green Society. Voluntary Action Lewisham (VAL) will also be able to advise on the practical steps involved in becoming a residents association.
Karen said that the offices of the Rushey Green Time Bank would be available for initial meetings of the group. Due to time commitments there were no volunteers to chair the first meeting of the group. It was agreed to open the process to the public at the next assembly in October. John will draft a flyer for inclusion in the assembly literature. Nalini said that she would be able to help with this process.
The programme management team based Laurence House have proposed a pan-Catford group which will include representatives from both Rushey Green and Catford South wards. The purpose is to seek a wide range of views and opinions with regards to the future development of Catford Town Centre. The group will also include the business community, council officers directly involved with the process and representatives from housing associations. It was agreed that representative/s from the Rushey Green coordination group should attend this forum and John will provide more detailed information when a meeting has been set up.
/ John to draft flyer for October meeting
John to liaise with Eleanor Hoyle on pan Catford group
5 Assembly Fund 2012/13
John said that the Mayor of Lewisham has given each ward assembly £18,750 to spend on their ward priorities in 2012/13. The Rushey Green assembly funding from 2009 was circulated at the meeting. John met with Cllr Helen Klier, who will be chairing the next assembly. The following shortlist was drawn up:
·  new trees ( 11 trees were purchased in 2011/12 costing £5k
·  Lewisham Youth Theatre
·  Rushey Green Timebank
·  Community Toilet Scheme
·  activities in Mountsfield Park
·  Youth Aid
·  Bowels club
From the above list, the trees programme and community toilet scheme were the most popular choices. A number of streets in Rushey Green had benefited from a new tree and it was suggested that a particular area is identified rather than a scattering of streets. This might have a better impact in an area which has a number of deteriorating trees or no trees.
Although welcoming the proposed community toilet scheme Cllr Fitzsimmons expressed surprise and disappointment about not being consulted by Eleanor Hoyle or a member of her team. John said that Eleanor’s team had agreed to take on this area of work following his initial visits to local businesses in Rushey Green.
It was proposed that the full allocation of £18,750 is allocated to the regeneration of the former Blockbusters store. The basis idea is that the site will become a community asset for the residents of Rushey Green. This would be an 'intergenerational hub' used by the Positive Ageing Council and Rushey Green Timebank amongst others. RGTB would give up their existing premises in Hawstead Road and the store would become their permanent home. The Jimmy Mizzen cafe in Hither Green Lane was working for the benefit of the community and could be used as a best practice model .
It was agreed that John will make initial enquiries with Steve Gough’s team who are coordinating the letting arrangements of the premises. The support of the community sector and other parts of the councils services (such as the programme management team) would be required to secure additional funding streams to ensure the success of the project. It was also agreed that an urgent meeting of the group would be convened to progress developments. / John to contact Steve Gough in the first instance
6 Planning the next assembly Wednesday 17 October 2012 in Rooms 1 and 2 of the Civic Suite
The broad outline of the next assembly is as follows:
·  Safer Neighbourhood Team report
·  Catford Town Centre Redevelopment
·  Summer Festival Feedback (Gloria and Bill)
·  Role of the Rushey Green Society
·  Assembly Fund 2012/13
·  Community Updates
·  AOB
7 AOB and date of next meeting
There being no other business the meeting was concluded at 8:10pm.
The date of the next coordination group meeting was Monday 24 September 2012 between 6:30pm and 7:30pm in Room 8 of the Civic Suite. Everyone was asked to be prompt as councillors will be leaving at 7:30pm sharp to attend the regular Labour group meeting.
Members will be advised if urgent meeting is required by e-mail or letter
There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting
/ Bill and Gloria to note