Irving Independent School District




Name: ______

Last First Middle

If married, maiden name: ______

Spouse’s name: ______

Address: ______

Street Address Apt. # City Zip Code

Name of Apartment Complex: ______

Home Phone: ___(_____)______Cell Phone: ___(_____)______

Employer: ______Work Phone: ___(_____)______

Daytime Phone: ___(_____)______Hours/days worked per week: ______

If no phone, how can you be reached? ______

With whom do you live: Parent ( ) Guardian ( ) Spouse ( ) Other ( )

If Other, please explain: ______

Name of student’s parent(s) or guardian(s): ______

Address: ______

Street Address Apt # City Zip Code

Home Phone:___(_____)______Work Phone: ___(_____)______

Home Campus: ______Grade: ______Date of Birth: ______

School ID#: ______Social Security #: ______

Email Address: ______

Name of other parent: ______

Is the other parent still in school? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, what school does s/he attend? ______

School City


Irving Independent School District is committed to helping pregnant and parenting teens in the community complete their education and graduate from school. The Teenage Pregnant & Parenting Students (TAPPS) Program is designed to help students meet their educational goals. Pregnant students have the option of attending school classes at their current campus or transferring to Union Bower Center for Learning (UBCL). Regardless of which campus you attend, the following guidelines will help you succeed in the program:

1.  Students will work toward the goal of receiving a high school diploma.

2.  Students will report to school on time and maintain regular school attendance.

3.  Students will keep communication with the TAPPS staff and inform any changes in address, phone number(s), or marital status.

4.  If using the TAPPS bus service, the student will follow all bus rules, informing the bus driver when absent and not riding the bus.

5.  Students will bring a doctor, WIC, Medicaid note when absent for pregnancy related issues. The notes must have an official stamp or be on letterhead of the professional agency. A note from the parent/guardian/spouse is required for all absences. The notes for absences must be received the first day back after the absence.

6.  Upon delivery of the baby:

a.  The student or parent is required to call the TAPPS PRS Coordinator at their campus on the day of the delivery or the first weekday if delivery occurs on a weekend, to advise that the child has been born.

b.  The student will receive six weeks (30 days) of instruction by the TAPPS maternity leave instructor at a facility off campus. The instruction will be provided twice weekly for two hours each time. The student will be marked present for the entire week if a total of 4 hours of instruction is provided. If a holiday occurs during the six weeks period, the day or days of the holiday will be counted toward the total of 30 weekdays for maternity leave.

c.  Contact by the maternity leave instructor will be made the day the students notifies the TAPPS office of delivery and an instruction schedule will be set, beginning the week of delivery.

7.  Students will obtain a doctor’s release before returning to regular school schedule after delivery. The doctor’s release should be in writing and presented to attendance upon returning to school full time.

The TAPPS Program is ready to help you set and reach your goals. Your cooperation is necessary to make the program work for you.


Student’s Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

The TAPPS Program has a licensed social worker to assist students with obtaining valuable community resources and to offer supportive counseling as needed for social or emotional issues. Services provided are confidential to the extent allowable by law. Parental consent for social work services for students under age 18 is requested.

_____ I give consent for my child to receive school social work services for this academic year, through the Irving ISD TAPPS Program. I understand that if I have any questions I can contact Angela Lutts, LMSW, at the Administrative Annex Building, (972) 273-6038.

_____ I do NOT give consent for my child to receive school social work services for this academic year.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


State law requires the regular school attendance of this student. Please complete the following information so that an alternate education plan, if necessary, may be considered. Please direct inquiries to the TAPPS Coordinator


Patient’s Name: ______Phone: ___(_____)______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Are there complications with this pregnancy? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, please explain: ______

Date pregnancy diagnosed: ______Expected Delivery Date: ______

Is there any reason why this student cannot attend school regularly? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, please explain: ______

Is there any reason why this student could not ride a school bus? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, please explain: ______

What specific arrangements would permit regular class attendance? ______


Physician/Mid-Wife Signature Date

Name of Clinic/Office: ______

Clinic/Office Address: ______

Phone: ___(_____)______Fax: ___(_____)______

I give my permission for the above information to be released to Union Bower Center for Learning:


Signature of Student Date


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


I authorize release of medical information, as needed, concerning ______

Student’s Name

to the Irving Independent School District Teenage Pregnant & Parenting Students (TAPPS) Program.

Name of physician/medical agency for prenatal care:______

Address: ______

Street/Suite No./PO No. City, State Zip Code

Phone: ___(_____)______Fax: ___(_____)______


Signature of Student Date


Signature of Parent/Guardian/Spouse Date



The information requested will enable the PRS Coordinator to assist you in accessing support services. Please answer the following questions.

Name: ______ID#: ______

Are you: pregnant? ____ a parenting student? ____ If you are a parenting student, please list the names and birthdates for your child(ren):


First and Last Name(s) of child(ren) Child’s date of birth

Does your child (or will your child) attend a daycare provided through the TAPPS program? Yes___ No___

If yes, which daycare does your child (or will your child) attend?______

If no, who takes care of (or will take care of) your child while you are in school?______

What are your goals for the next 5 years? ______

10 years? ______

Future educational plans:______

Check needed services only if you currently need them or will in the near future. Then check how important your need for the service is:

Need: Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important

____Complete school ______

____Academic Tutoring ______

____Financial help ______

____A place to live ______

____Food ______

____Clothing for me ______

____Clothing for my child ______

____Job counseling ______

____Personal counseling ______

____Family counseling ______

____Medicaid/Insurance for me ______

____Medicaid for my child ______

____A doctor for myself ______

____A doctor for my child ______

____Parenting Information ______

____Transportation ______

____Daycare for my child ______

____Birth control information ______

____Child Support ______

____WIC ______

Other information you would like us to know in order to help you: ______
