Indoor Skydiving Field Trip

Optional Field Trip

In December we plan to have one of the field trips I mentioned at Back to School Night: Indoor Skydiving. This is an optional field trip held during school hours. The kids will learn physics the hands-on way: a direct experience of equilibrium and terminal velocity. It is not merely great fun – it is great physics!

If your student does not go on the Field Trip, there will be a class for them to attend instead.

Dates and Schedule

We plan to go Tuesday Dec 15 or Wednesday Dec 16 during the first two periods of each day. We will leave school promptly at 8:15 am (NOTE: EARLY DEPARTURE!) and return by 12:30 for their afternoon class. Depending on which period they have physics (see below), they may miss one or two other classes. They are required to make up any work missed in those classes.

If they have physics Their Field Trip will be:

Period 1 & 2 Wednesday Dec 16 periods 5 & 6

Period 3, 5, & 7 Tuesday Dec 15 periods 1 & 2

Donation for Funding

The school does not provide funds for this optional field trip. The only way we can do this trip is to ask for a donation of $35 per student from each family, which covers the cost of the facility and the bus. It is not refundable if your student does not go on the trip, does not fly, or if (in the rare event) they are precluded from going on the trip by me. There is no administrative overhead aside from taxes. If this cost is a burden for your family please contact me at the email or telephone below. If you are able to help by providing something extra for families for which it is a burden, that is greatly appreciated.


Lunch is not included in the cost but there will be time for lunch and they should bring a sack lunch. There are no facilities for lunch that they can use.


The students should wear comfortable clothing and tie-on shoes. Skirts and dresses are not ideal and long hair should be tied back.

Safety and Waiver

Indoor skydiving is safe when done as per the instructions at the facility. I did it myself this summer and I know several Westmont families that have done so as well. When done correctly, there is no jumping or falling. Usually students are about 3 – 5 feet off the floor. Instructors are always present to help the student establish equilibrium. Nevertheless there could be injuries and a waiver is required by the facility – it is attached. I did the activity myself over the summer and I signed the waiver.

For your student to go on the field trip, you must sign the waiver whether they fly or not. Please make sure there are 3 initials and 4 answered questions in addition to a signature on every form. In addition, a PHOTOCOPY of the parent's driver's license must be attached to the form.

There is also the standard CUHSD Field Trip Form that is required.

What To Do Now

If you decide that your student may attend, please make a check for at least $35 to Westmont School and ask your student to deliver it to me with the iFly Waiver and driver’s license photocopy and the CUHSD Waiver no later than Dec 4. All the materials must be delivered to me at the same time and no later than Friday Dec 4.

There are no refunds. If the student does not attend the field trip, there will be classes and work for them at school.

Information on the iFly facility:


Telephone: 510-489-4359

Address: 31310 Alvarado-Niles Rd., Union City

How to Contact Me

Please feel free to email me or call if you have any questions that I can answer.


Bill Taylor

Physics, AP Physics, Rocketry Club

415 218 6201

To Attend the Field Trip, your student must deliver the following all together by Dec 4:

  1. Non-refundable check for at least $35 payable to Westmont School
  2. iFly Waiver signed and initialed by you with photocopy of your driver’s license
  3. CUHSD Field Trip Waiver signed by you