17 May 2011

Derek Tickles
[By e-mail to: “whatdotheyknow.com”] / Our Ref:
F0004716 / 4759 / 4792 / 4793
Your Ref:

Dear Sir/Madam


I am replying to your e-mails of 12 and 28 April and 7 and 10 May 2011 in which you asked the Department for Communities and Local Government to provide you withinformation. The full text of your requests is at Annex A.

Your requests have been considered under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.

The Department is not obliged to comply with your requests, by virtue of section 14(1) of the FOI Act, on the grounds that the requestsare vexatious. The FOI Act does not define what is meant by a vexatious request, but the Information Commissioner has issued guidance which the Department follows and which can be found on the Commissioner’s web-site at:

The Department is committed to meeting its obligations under the FOI Act and to responding positively wherever possible to serious requests for information.

However, the general language and tone used throughout your e-mailsis in our view designed to irritate, has the effect of harassing the Department and its staff, is potentially offensive and serves to undermine any serious purpose or value that there might be in your requests.

I remind you of the Department’s letter to you of 12 April 2011 which stated that you should take that letter as notice that the Department would consider vexatious for the purposes of the FOI Act any future requests for information made in the name of “Derek Tickles” through the “whatdotheyknow” web-site or otherwise.

In view of the fact that you have, notwithstanding this, continued to make requests using the name “Derek Tickles” and which are vexatious, you should now take this letter as notice that the Department will not consider or respond to any such requests it receives in future.

As an organisation we aim to be as helpful as possible in the way we deal with requests for information under the FOI Act. If, however, you are not satisfied with the way in which your request has been handled or the outcome, you may request an internal review within two calendar months of the date of this letter. Information about the Department's review procedures and how to apply for an internal review of your case can be found on the Department's website at This also explains your right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision in the event that you remain dissatisfied following the Department's review.

Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the internal review procedure provided by this Department. The Information Commissioner‘s address is in the leaflet referred to above.

If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

I am copying this letter to “MySociety”, the owners of the “whatdotheyknow” website.

Yours sincerely

Martin Harding


From: Derek Tickles [mailto:

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:51 PM

To: FoI Requests

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Who you gonna call?

Dear Chums

A few months ago I was busily replacing the toner cartridge of a

well used and loved laserjet printer when I heard some singing

coming from a meeting room deep within Eland House. At first I was

slightly confused and could only faintly make out the familiar

tune. I hunted down the room and managed to peak a look into at the

meeting. I am fairly certain I saw Nick Sheridan-Westlake dancing

badly as he belted out the following...

If there's something strange

in your neighborhood

Who you gonna call? - Ghostbusters!

If there's something weird

and it don't look good

Who you gonna call? - Ghostbusters!

His audience sat impassive, slightly embarrassed and bored but Nick

continued with his best Ray Parker Jr impression. He then insisted

that everyone joined him another rendition and he cunningly

substituted the word 'Ghostbusters' to 'Barrierbusters'. The man is

a genius - No wonder the LGC recently awarded him 15th place in his

list of 50 local government movers and shakers. Though from Nicks

dance moves I think he is more a shaker. Actually, I am expecting

to make the top 50 next year after the lovely Emma Maier tweeter an

apology for the "huge oversight"of my exclusion.

So this meeting was the start of the venture which now is known to

the millions (or possibly handful) of users who routinely use the

DCLG's Barrier Busting website


Can I request the following information in these difficult economic


1) How much has be spent on developing the website and how much is

being spent on maintaining, updating, moderating website.

2) Who built the website and how many person days were involved in

the development and project management,

3) Number of pageviews and unique visitors by month since launch.

I know there are rumours within DCLG that a shed load of cash has

been wasted on this website and it is attract as much traffic as

the fresh fruit aisle during Uncle Eric's weekly shop.

Yours here to save the world,



From: Derek Tickles [mailto:

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 6:13 PM

To: FoI Requests

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Return of the Saint

Dear Chums

As an avid follower of Uncle Eric, I look forward to his

informative updates to the House of Commons.


This week Uncle Eric said:

"With Easter, St George's day and the impending royal wedding,

there are great opportunities for communities across the nation to

come together and celebrate. [...] The Department flew the flag of

St George above its headquarters and I encouraged public bodies to

fly the English flag as a unifying symbol for the English nation,

to be followed by flying the Union flag come the royal wedding."

Normally when reading such pomp as this I would feel my chest

swell, a tear form in my eye and my heart quicken. As a patriot I

have for many years flown a St George Cross from the aerial of my

Rover 25 and a JD sports flag has been hung out the bathroom window

since Euro 96 at TicklesTowers. I have often contemplated a tattoo

to display my patriotic fervor but have not gone through as I am

scared of pricks, especially blunt ones.

But on reading this I was quite simply outraged, my blood quite

literally boiled. I have rarely read such blasphemy from someone

who I thought respected the church and the Lord. As every hard

working Christian family knows Holy week takes precedence over

Saints days. Hence, us real hard working Christian families will

not be celebrating St George’s day until 2nd May. I really find

DCLGs ignorance of this fact quite stunning. So please can I


1. Which Senior Civil Servant, Minister or Special Adviser was

responsible for the flying of the St George Cross on the incorrect


2. What action will be taken against the member of staff who made

this critical error?

3. And can you assure me that the St George Cross will be hoisted

up to proudly fly above Eland House on 2nd May and an apology to

the nation made?

Secondly, I was joyful that Uncle Eric has been encouraging all

public bodies to fly the English flag as unifying symbol of the

English nation. Can you provide information on:

1) As DCLG has responsibilities in Wales, such as fire authorities,

can you tell me how many Welsh public bodies have followed the

request from the Secretary of State and proudly flown the English


I am very upset about all of this mix up over St George’s Day and I

fear it may spoil my royal wedding. Time to go and dig out the


Yours un-saintly,



From: Derek Tickles [mailto:

Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 4:57 PM

To: FoI Requests

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Some people think I’m bonkers

Dear Chums

I write firstly applaud Uncle Eric and all at DCLG in allowing me

to take part in a truly wonderful street party to celebrate the

Royal Wedding last week - wow what a day we had! There were about 6

of us for most of the day, though Mrs T did have take the twins to

a birthday party at 11am for a few hours. So it was left to me, Bob

with the dodgy knee from number 3 and his collie called Shep to get

the party started.

We sat about in the street drinking Stella and munching on a KFC

family feast bucket (one each natch). We were having so much fun we

forgot to put the tv on to watch the wedding, but we had a blinder

of a day. Really magic and the the only downer was we had to deal

with a few irate motorists and a nasty incident when an ambulance

tried to spoil our fun but we continued to exercise our right to

party. So thanks chums.

Before the wedding I was pleased to see poor Grant Shapps comments

in The Mirror.


I love it that poor Grant Shapps appears to be a fan of Dizzee

Rascal, more of a Scrufizzer fan myself. Mr Rascal once sang:

“I wake up everyday it’s a daydream

Everythin in my life isn’t what it seems

I wake up just to go back to sleep

I act real shallow but I’m in to deep

And all I care about is sex and violence

And a heavy bass line is my kind of silence

Everybody says I got to get a grip

But I let sanity give me the slip”

B.O.N.K.E.R.S!!!!... Indeed. Sounds like my life – apart from the

sex and violence reference. Respect MC Shappsy….. but sooo last

year really.

Mr Shapps , in his considered think piece in The Mirror, quite

rightly attacked councils for their ‘bonkers’ approach to applying

Health and Safety laws. I am so glad this he is the voice of

reason. I now hope that he will tackle other bonkers acts so that I

can continue to send one of the twins up the chimney from time to

time – or at least until they get too big and not have to justify a

little spring cleaning to some interfering social worker. Also it

would help if he could stop those busy bodies forbidding me from

fitting my own gas boiler and finally allow me next week to use the

job lot of out-of-date sausages that I picked up down the boozer at

the twins schools sports day next week. I am sure that with a

little ketchup they will be fine after a couple of minutes on the

BBQ and will really get the kids going.

Anyway time to get to the substantive request. Can you please

supply me with the following information?

1) A list of councils who DCLG are aware applied ‘bonkers health

and safety rules [to] prevent simple celebrations taking place’

2) Any evidence that councils were going, in Grant Shapps, words

‘bonkers?’ Please include the name of the council and details of

the ‘bonkers’ decision, act or intent.

Yours bonking



From: Derek Tickles [mailto:

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 2:33 PM

To: FoI Requests

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Cheque the Hols!

Dear Chums

I learnt two new amazing music-related facts over the weekend.

Firstly, the delightful Sarah Harding suggested the name Girls

Aloud to the other lovely lasses as she is a big fan of Radio 4's

Thinking Allowed -because she simply loved the pun.

The other fact is even more amazing. I was in Eland House's

(subsidised) cafe recently and I saw Great Uncle Eric tucking into

a mixed grill. He was listening to an iPod and I think I could just

make the Dizzee Rascal hit 'Holiday' leaking from his headphones.

Amazing, both poor Grant Shapps and Uncle Eric are fans of the

Rascal - I hope they have not been sharing music illegally though.

It does seem their music taste is different from Greg Clarke who

loves the pomp of attending the Last Night of the Proms - of course

only when the tickets are a gift!

The 'Holiday' tune got me thinking about trips abroad - perhaps

Uncle Eric too was reliving some fine recent memories? Everyone

knows in these difficult all-in-it-together times that work trips

come under close scrutiny, especially when Ministers are expected

to publish all expenditure. So how could a Minister possibly grab

their 'passport and bikini ' and escape that 'same old scenery 'as

D Rascal might put it, for some overseas fun? Hey, why not get a

junior member of staff to tag along and get him/her to put in the

expense claim? Surely no one would look there, would they???

Can you please supply the following information?

1. A list of locations and dates, since May 2010, where DCLG

Ministers have been on foreign trips?

2. For each trip can you provide details any other DCLG staff

member that accompanied for all or part of trip? Please supply name

and job title?

3. Please supply detailed expense claims for each attendee of the

trips? Include if possible claims that were submitted and

subsequently rejected.

I fear you may try to avoid answering this request by declaring it

vexatious, even though the questions are important and legitimate.

I therefore urge anyone else interested to 'dance wiv me' and

submit the three questions above on their own behalf. I understand

we will be surprised by what we find out.

Yours in Grime
