Gunnison City Council Staff Meeting Minutes draft

Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 12:00 PM Noon

Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, Gunnison City Councilmembers: Robert Andersen, Blake Donaldson and Andy Hill, City Recorder Janell Braithwaite, City Treasurer JoAnn Taylor, Parks and Cemetery Supervisor Matt Reber, Public Works Supt. Donald Childs, Police Chief Trent Halliday, Officer Tyler Donaldson, Gary Keddington with Keddington and Christensen

Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham

Review Spring Beautification Projects

Councilmember Hill reviewed the beautification projects he has lined up and those scheduled to help. Recorder Braithwaite will get this advertised. The planter boxes on Main Street were discussed and those that needed to be repaired. The Council offered their help if needed.

Update on Road Projects

Mayor Blackham commented he would like to see all of the weeds gone and the ruts filled on the side roads. This was discussed further with Supervisor Reber noting he is certified to spray the weeks and suggested the City hire more part time summer help to allow him time to take care of the needed spraying. The discussion included the equipment needed to take care of this process. The river bed, gravel and those permits that have been received for work on the river bed in the past were reviewed.

Update on Court Department

Councilmember Hill reported the Court Clerk job was open and the interviews for the position would be held next week. Chief Halliday reported he would like to be involved with this process and he was sure the Judge would like to as well.

1:00 p.m. Councilmember Hill left

Mayor Blackham noted the tentative budget would be reviewed at the work meeting scheduled for 6:00 p.m. tonight. The preparation of a schedule of the sewer man hole inspections and valves and fire hydrants that need to be exercised yearly was discussed.

Recorder Braithwaite will print out the history of the street weed spraying expenditures for council meeting tonight. Discussion ensued regarding the equipment for spraying the weeds. This will be discussed further.

Officer Donaldson reviewed the training he recently attended and the benefits of the training.

1:15 p.m. Adjourn


Janell Braithwaite, City Recorder


Bruce A. Blackham, Mayor


Approval Date