Statute of the Foundation Scoala Normala Superioara

I. Founders, denomination, head-office, duration and initial patrimony


the foundation

Art.1. The founders of the Foundation Scoala Normala Superioara, a

Romanian legal person of private law, non-governmental, non

Party-spirited, independent and without a patrimonial purpose are:

1. Andruh Marius, university professor, with his domicile in


1 Aleea Lunca Bradului, bloc H4 bis, scara C1, apartment 10, sector

3, Romania, identified by the identity card RX no. 083951.

2. Brinzanescu Vasile, mathematician, with his domicile in Bucharest,


Spatarul Nicolae Milescu Street, sector 2, Romania, identified by


identity card RR no. 071257.

3. Cazanescu Virgil Emil, university professor, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 107 Lacul Tei Boulevard, bl. 14, sc. A, et.1, ap. 6,

sector 2, Romania, identified by the identity card RT no. 016999.

4. Coltoiu Mihnea Dragomir, mathematician, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 7-9 Piata Amzei Street, sc. A, et. 6, ap. 26, sector 1,

Romania, identified by the identity card RD no. 078928.

5. Dan Nicusor Daniel, mathematician, with his domicile in Fagaras, 60

Gheorghe Doja Street, Romania, identified by the identity card GK



6. Diaconescu Razvan, computer scientist, with his domicile in


32 B Democratiei Street, Romania, identified by the identity card


no. 091133.

7. Florescu Viorica, university professor, with her domicile in

Bucharest, 43 Dacia Boulevard, ap.1, sector 1, Romania, identified


the identity card BT no. 159723.

8. Grigore Dan Radu, physicist, with his domicile in Bucharest, 2 Zece

Mese Street, bl.14, sc. 1, ap. 13, sector 2, Romania, identified by

the identity card RX no. 115484.

9. Moroianu Andrei, mathematician, with his domicile in Bucharest, 2-6

Baneasa Street , bl. 7/1, sc.3, ap. 33, sector 1, Romania,


by the identity card GD no. 0920602.

10. Moroianu Sergiu, mathematician, with his domicile in Bucharest, 23.

Regina Elisabeta Boulevard, sc. B, ap. 7, sector 5, Romania,

identified by the identity card RD no. 081297.

11. Nenciu Gheorghe, university professor, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 31A Henri Coanda Street, sector 1, Romania, identified


the identity card BZ no. 395207.

12. Papadima Ovidiu Stefan, mathematician, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 423 Elev Stefanescu Street, bl. 423, ap. 26, sector 2,

Romania, identified by the identity card RD no. 021352.

13. Parvulescu Vasile, university professor, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 4 Pictor St. Dumitrescu Street, bl. 19, ap. 76, sector


Romania, identified by the identity card DB no. 015602.

14. Popescu Dorin Mihail, university professor, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 55 Elena Cuza Street, sector 4, Romania, identified by


identity card DA no. 656433.

15. Scutaru Horia, academician, with his domicile in Bucharest, 33


Zanoaga Street, bl. M8, sc. A, ap. 25, sector 6, Romania, posesor


BI seria GN nr. 782354.

16. Stanasila Octavian Nicolae, university professor, with his domicile

in Bucharest, 8 Aleea Faurei Street, bl. 11, ap. 9, sector 1,

Romania, identified by the identity card DA no. 016318.

17. Stefanescu Gheorghe, university professor, with his domicile in

Bucharest, 24 Ghencea Boulevard, bl. C89, sc. 1, et. 4, ap. 15,

sector 6, Romania, identified by the identity card DP no. 035053.

18. Tomescu Ioan, university professor, with his domicile in Bucharest,


Soseaua Colentina, sc. B, ap. 64, identified by the identity card


no. 540710

19. The Association "Tinerii pentru Actiune Civica", a Romanian legal

person of private law, non governmental, non Party-spirited,

independent and without a patrimonial purpose, with its head-office

in Bucharest, 2A Lt. Saidac Gh. Street, bl. 12A, sc. A, ap. 3,


6, Romania

Art.2. The denomination of the foundation is the Foundation Scoala

Normala Superioara (called hereinafter the Foundation).

Art.3. The Foundation will have its head-office in Bucharest, 21 Calea

Grivitei Street, VIth floor, room 603. The head-office of the


can be modified by decision of the Director Council and with the


out of legal formalities.

The Foundation can create subsidiaries in Romania or abroad by decision

of the Scientific Council and with the fulfillment of legal


Art.4. The Foundation is created and will function for an indefinite

period of time. The foundation will function since the date of its

inscription in the register of legal persons and will cease its


according to the provisions of the present statute.

Art.5. On the date of its creation, the patrimony of the Foundation is

10.000.000 (ten million) lei, assigned to the set purpose by the


through the constitutive act.

The patrimony of the Foundation will be completed through donations,

sponsorships, grants, cessions and copyrights as well as through other

means allowed by law. All donations will be registered in a Donation


II. Purposes, objectives and activities

Art.6. The purpose of the Foundation is the enhancement of higher

education and scientific research in Romania and the limitation of the

exodus of young people.

Art.7. The general objectives of the Foundation include:

1. The creation of an institution of advanced studies.

2. The creation of a framework for the recognition of scientific and

cultural values.

3. The promotion of academic exchanges among Romanian and foreign


Art.8. In view of carrying out these objectives, as well as the short


medium term priorities set by decision of the Director Council, the

Foundation will carry out activities such as:

1. The creation and administration of an institution of advanced


2. The granting of scholarships and grants to students and academics.

3. The publication of scientific and cultural papers.

4. The organization of lectures, conferences, seminars, colloquies,

study workshops, work teams, on a permanent or temporary basis.

5. The enhancement, fulfillment and support of all activities destined

to ensure the achievement of the set purpose.

Art.9. In order to carry out its activities, the Foundation can hire,


a permanent or temporary basis, scientific or administrative personnel.

III. Honorary President and Honorary Members

Art.10. The quality of Honorary President and Honorary Member is


by the Scientific Council of the Foundation, with the approval of at

least two thirds of its members.

Art.11. The Honorary President and the Honorary Members cannot

participate in the decision making within the Foundation.

IV. Organization, management and internal control of the Foundation

Art.12. The Foundation has the following management, administration and

internal control bodies:

1. the Scientific Council.

2. the Executive Council.

3. the President.

4. the Executive Director.

5. the Auditing Commission.

Scientific Council

Art.13. The Scientific Council is the executive body of the Foundation,

ensuring the carrying out of the purpose and objectives of the


Art.14. Members in the Scientific Council have a 4 year mandate. A


cannot cumulate more than 2 consecutive mandates. Every 4 years the

Scientific Council replaces half its members. The first Scientific

Council is appointed by the founder members during the constitutive


Art.15. The Scientific Council meets twice a year in ordinary session

any, any time necessary, in extraordinary session.

The convocation of the Scientific Council is made by the President by

mail or by publication in a newspaper of high circulation figures, at

least 15 days prior to the date of the meeting. The convocation will

mention the date, hour, location and agenda.

The convocation of an extraordinary meeting will be made at the

initiative of the Executive Council or upon proposal of one third of


members of the Scientific Council.

Art.16. The meeting of the Scientific Council is statutory if at least

haft its members are present or represented. If upon the first

convocation, the statutory number of participants is no met, a new date

will be set. Upon the second convocation, the Scientific Council is

statutory, irrespective of the number of members present.

The meetings of the Scientific Council are presided by the President of

the Foundation and a presidium of 2-4 members. Debates and decisions


be noted in a special register by a secretary, appointed by the

President, and certified by the signature of the members of the


Art.17. The Scientific Council has the following attributions:

1. Sets the strategy and the cultural and scientific priorities of the


2. Sets the timetable and ensures the accomplishment of all scientific

and cultural activities.

3. Decides the affiliation of the Foundation to other national and

international bodies and programs.

4. Elects the President.

5. Draws up a yearly scientific report for financing bodies.

6. Decides the employment and release of scientific personnel.

7. Approves upon proposal of the Executive Council the organization


salary schemes for the personnel of the Foundation, including the

President and the Executive Director.

8. Decides the creation of subsidiaries.

9. Appoints the Auditing Commission.

10. Decides the admittance / release of the members of the Executive


11. Proposes to the founder members the modification of the statute,


dissolution and liquidation of the Foundation.

Art.18. The members of the Scientific Council exercise their right to

vote personally or through a representative.

If a member of the Scientific Council tenders his/her resignation, dies

or is in any way incapacitated in the exercise of his/her mandate, the

Scientific Council will designate another member by a simple majority

vote of its members.

The decisions of the Scientific Council are taken by a simple majority


the members present of represented.

The proposal of modification of the statute, of dissolution and

liquidation will be adopted by 2/3 of the total number of the



Executive Council

Art.19. The Executive Council is the executive and administration body


the Foundation, ensuring the accomplishment of the purpose and


of the Foundation.

Art.20. The first Executive Council is appointed by the founder members

during the constitutive meeting.

Admittance / release of members in/from the Executive Council is done


the Scientific Council upon proposal of the Executive Council.

Art.21. The Executive Council meets twice a year in ordinary session


any time necessary, in extraordinary session.

The convocation of the Executive Council is made by the Executive

Director by mail or by publication in a newspaper of high circulation

figures, at least 15 days prior to the date of the meeting. The

convocation will mention the date, hour, location and agenda.

The convocation of the extraordinary meeting is done upon initiative of

the Scientific Council or upon proposal of one third of the members of

the Executive Council.

Art.22. The meeting of the Executive Council is statutory if at least

half its members are present or represented. If upon the first

convocation, the statutory number of participants is no met, a new date

will be set. Upon the second convocation, the Executive Council is

statutory, irrespective of the number of members present.

If a member of the Executive Council tenders his/her resignation, dies


is in any way incapacitated in the exercise of his/her mandate, the

Scientific Council will designate another member by the vote of a


majority of its members.

The meetings of the Executive Council are presided by the President of

the Foundation and a presidium of 2-4 members. Debates and decisions


be noted in a special register by a secretary, appointed by the


Director, and certified by the signature of the members of the


Art.23. The Executive Council has the following attributions:

1. Approves the budget of income and expenditure taking into account


proposals of the Scientific Council and approves the balance sheet.

2. Executes the income and expenditure.

3. Elects and revokes the Executive Director.

4. Receives the report from the Executive Director and gives


5. Draws up the organization and salary schemes for the personnel of


Foundation, including the President, the Executive Director and the

Auditing Commission, which it submits for approval of the



6. Acts in order to obtain the necessary funds for the Foundation.

7. Makes proposals to the Scientific Council for the admittance


of its members.

Art.24. The members of the Executive Council exercise their right to


personally or through a representative.

The decisions of the Executive Council are taken with a simple majority

of votes of the number of members present or represented.


Art.25. The President of the Foundation is appointed by the Scientific

Council among its members for a 4 year mandate. The President cannot

cumulate more than two mandates.

The President is a member of right of the Executive Council.

Art.26. The President has the following attributions:

1. Represents the Foundation in the relation with third parties. In

order represent the Foundation in current activities or in case of

temporary unavailability, the president can mandate, on a temporary

or permanent basis, a member of the Scientific Council of the

Executive Director, stipulating in writing the domain, duration and

limitations of competence.

2. Convokes the Scientific Council and presides its sessions.

3. Hires and relieves scientific personnel according to the resolution

of the Scientific Council.

4. Hires and relieves administrative personnel upon proposal of the

Executive Director.

Art.27. The President can be remunerated for his activity.

Executive Director

Art.28. The Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Council


a 4 year mandate. The Executive Director cannot cumulate more than two


Art.29. The Executive Director has the following attributions:

1. Convokes the Executive Council and presides its meetings.

2. Takes part at the meetings of the Scientific Council, without a


to vote, except for the case in which this function is cumulated


that of member of this council.

3. Solves current administrative problems between two sessions of the

Executive Council.

4. Proposes the hiring and relief of administrative personnel.

5. Elaborates the budget of income and expenditure and the balance


6. Facilitates and maintains connection with other Romanian and
