Pre-A Lesson Framework

Lesson Component / Target Skills
Working with Letters and Names / Visual Memory (with student’s own names)
Letter Names
Visual Discrimination
Visual Scanning (left to right across a word)
Working with Sounds / Phonological Awareness (hearing syllables and rhymes)
Phonemic Awareness (hearing initial consonant)
Auditory Discrimination (hearing the different between sounds)
Working with Books / Concepts of Print (left-to-right tracking, one-to-one matching)
Concepts of Letter/Word, First/Last, Capital/Lowercase
Oral Language and English Syntax
Vocabulary (high-frequency words and picture concepts)
Interactive Writing / Phonemic Awareness (hearing consonant sounds)
Linking consonant sounds to letters
Letter formation
Concepts of print (left-to-right tracking, spacing between words, capital/lowercase letters, concept of letter/word, and first/last)

Materials for Pre-A Lessons

Put the following in a plastic tub for each group...

●  Alphabet Chart, 1 for each student - LLI letter chart is a great one to use (suggest you put them in a page protector)

●  Name Template for Rainbow Writing - print each student’s first name on a sheet of paper, place this in same page protector on the other side

●  Personal Letter Bags - Label quart-sized bag with the student’s name and insert magnetic letters that student knows (used during ‘Working with Letters’)

○  If the student knows fewer than ten letters, include both capital and lowercase form of the letter.

○  Once the student knows 10 lowercase letters, only use lowercase magnetic letters in the bag

○  As students learn new letters, add these to the bag

●  Letter/Sound Checklist - highlight each student’s known letters and sounds, and update daily

●  Dry-erase markers and erasers, 1 for each student

●  Wooden craft sticks or straws for pointers, 1 for each student

●  Pictures for initial consonant sorts

●  Sentence strips and scissors for Interactive Writing

●  Easy, Level A books with one line of print to use during “Working with Books”

●  Timer


●  The entire lesson last 15-20 minutes and should include 1 activity from all 4 components

●  You should spent 3 to 5 minutes with each component

●  Use a timer and limit teacher talk

●  Must complete all 4 component in each lesson to be most effective