It has been confirmed on December 2 the
2011th year as the Decree the number
"F-034" by the director of Financial
Monitoring Service under the Central
Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
for the 2012th year
BAKU– 2011
For the purpose of achievement of goals in the Strategic plan of Financial MonitoringService covering 2010-2013 by the Tactical Plan has been made for the 2011th year are successfully reached 85 purposes.
During management of tactical targets for 2011 it is possible to specify by the reached important achievements the following:
For the purpose of fully adaptation of the national base of the legislation on AML/CTF in compliance to the international standardsadditions and changes for projects of legislative acts of civil, criminal and procedural, customs,taxes, financial and banking sectors are prepared and these projects intend additions and changes in 6 legislation acts.
Within measures of Formation and development of institutional potential of Financial Monitoring Service 9 new procedure rules have been adopted.Within realization of Service priorities for the improvement of HR management system,professional job description for all employees have been prepared and procedures on motivation and achievement assessment of staff assessment have been prepared, 6 employees were awarded by the certificates, conforming to the international standards.
Activities in connexion with implementing of main functions of FMSentered in a new quality phase,application of modern information technologies on main functions of FMS has been expanded, the product of United Nations' Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)-«goAML» analytical system has been applied for the receiving, processing and analysis of information given by monitoring subjects.
Using this technology gain an important significance in terms of application of modern modes and methods of analytic activities and increasing rationality of analytical work in accordance with main function of FMS.Within implementing of control function of FMS. cooperation measures with appropriate monitoring persons (realtors and pawnshops) have been expanded,attracting measures for them to reporting on AML.CTF have been getintensified.In direction of strengthen of potential of participants of monitoring widely-caliber measures have been continued, In the course of a year 22 trainings have been carried-out to the appropriate monitoring subjects and representative of state authorities, 520 persons have been covered by this training events. 3 issues of "Financial Monitoring" Information Bulletin have been presented after publishing as measures of enlightening monitoring subjects.
In direction of magnification of international co-operations on AML/CFT activities
have been memorized with portentous events.Azerbaijan for the first time, has
assumed possession of regional conference devoted to the current issues on AML/CTF,
with participation of 40 foreign guestsThe employees of FMS have been attracted in the
international events on combating ML/TF, including estimating other countries as experts .Most importantly, taking into account compliance of azerbaijanian AML/CTF
system with the international standards, FMS has been accepted as a competent member
into the Egmont Group. This membership from this point of view rapidly integrating of
our country to the AML/CFT global system and strengthening its position as the
member of this system, is significant attainment.
Within implementing the Strategic plan of Financial Monitoring Service covering
2011-2013, have been planned realization of the following main tactical targets in
coming 2013th year.
1. For the purpose of improvement of national legislation on AML/CTF on the direction of adopting prepared legislative projects, preparing project of additions and exchanges on legislation for the purpose of implementing Warsaw Convention and developing of normative base for using databases of appropriate state authorities necessary works will be done.
Toward formation of organizational and administrative mechanismspreparation and application of new procedures, as continuation of developing measures of infrastructure on information technologies Reserve Centre will be established.
As HR developing measures, estimating employees' achievements will be realized, based on this, employees' motivation measures will be applied,targeted educational plan toward employees' professional growth will be implement after preparation.
Within formation of database and analytical potential on AML/CTF, presented forms of data connected with using of goAML software will be renewed, Organizational departmental rules of analytical works on AML/CTF ,connected with application of this software will be improved, at the moment for applying methods, tools, mechanisms will be given explanation for the purpose of discovering exactly situations on AML/CTF, and their discovering criterions will be renewed. Increasing employees' knowledge and skills on professional methods of analytical work has been adopted like preemptive targets in this year.
Within formation potential of control on AML/will be improved the database on the controlled objects of individual and artificial persons, rendering intermediary services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops, for purpose of magnification measures of potential of this business subjects on AML/CTF appropriate training programs will be carried-out after preparation, cameral and mobile inspection measures purposely their increasing accountability on this sphere
have been launched.
For the purpose of strengthen of potential of participants , will be created and carried-out targeted training programs and curriculums on the basis of evaluation of educational needs of monitoring subjects, control authorities and law enforcement authorities. , based on professional methods.
e-learning portal and test exams in online state will be applied,terminological dictionary on AML/CTF will be prepared.Activities plan will be developed and implemented for definition and remedying shortcomings AML / CTF system of country in terms of evaluation by MONEYVAL AML / CTF system of country.
As priority aims toward magnification of internal co-operation, tasks about connecting to the appropriate databases of state authorities,also Organizational department of working group with appropriate authorities will speech.
As the main targets on enlarging international co-operation realization of activities in accordance with subscription of Memorandums of Agreement with foreign partners on AML/CTF, enlarging representation in appropriate working bodies and events, for the purpose of magnification of mutual contacts of FMS with international Organizational departments, including to ensure cooperation and data exchange with Egmont Group
have been define.
Tactical targets for 2012
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementationperiod / Expected result / Performers
I. Adaptation of the national base of the legislation on AML/CTF in compliance to the international standards. / 1.1. Improvement of national legislation on AML/CTF / 1.1.1.Development of normative-legal basis in principal of planned newness into the FATF Recommendations. / march / The new legal base will give an opportunity to legislation of AML/CTF of our country on adaptation to international standards. / 1. Legal and Methodological Department
1.1.2.Presentation of prepared legislation projects to the in-country discussion. / may / 1. Legal and Methodological Department
1.1.3. Adaptation of another legislation acts to normative-legal acts,adopted on AML/CTF. / may / Adaptation of another legislation acts to normative-legal acts,adopted on AML/CTF will be ensured / 1Legal and Methodological Department
1.1.4. Preparation of projects about addition and changes in legislation in accordance with implementing Convention (Warsaw, 2005),of the Council of Europe (The laundering of proceeds of crime, search, arrest and confiscation also financing terrorism) / august / Warsaw Convention will be implemented. / 1. Legal and Methodological Department
1.2. . Development of normative-legal basis / 1.2.1. Management persons' frozen assets , for whom sanctions must apply and preparation of using rules for humanitarian purposes. / march / Legal bases for managing and using persons' frozen assets , for whom sanction has been applied will be formed. / 1. Legal and Methodological Department
1.2.2.Preparation of recommendations about additions and changes in rules, ratificated by decision 123 of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan. / april / The recommendation 21th and 22th of methodology of FATF will be fully implemented / 1.Legal and Methodological Department
2.Int’l cooperation department
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementation period / Expected result / Performers
1.2.3. Preparation of offering additions and changes approved by Resolution no 124 of the Cabinet of Ministers of The Republic of Azerbaijan / april / FATF Second Special recommendation will be fully implemented / 1. Legal and Methodological Department
1.2.4.Preparation of offering additions and changes into the normative acts of FMS / may / Normative acts of the FMS will be improved / 1.Legal and Methodological Department
2.Control Department
3.Data processing department
1.2.5.Preparation of rules of using databases of state authorities. / september / Legal mechanisms ensuring the use of databases of state authorities will be formed / 1.Legal and Methodological Department
IIFormation and development of institutional and functional potential / 2.1 HR
Development / 2.1.1. Assessment of employees’Achievement / february / Levels of employees’ fulfillingofficial duties also, their professional development needs will be identified / 1.Executive office
2.Other related departments
2.1.2. Preparation of proposals for applying measures of motivation basically employees’ achievements assessment / march / More stimulation measures of employees’ rational activitieswill be implemented / 1.Executive
2.Other related departments
2.1.3.Development of Procedure for the adaptation of new employees / april / The system of rapidly integrating new employees to the integration team will be formed / 1. Executive office
2.1.4. Creation of employees’ KPI(Key
Performance Indicators))profiles / may / The system of effective assessment of employees’ achievements on fulfilling official duties will be developed. / 1. Executive office
2.2. Formation of organizational and administrative
mechanisms. / 2.2.1. Guarantee of connection of State Customs Committee to goAML / february / The information provided by the legislation of the State Customs Committee will be sent by the use of goAML system / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
3. IT department
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementation period / Expected result / Performers
2.2.2. Preparation of "Accounting rules on applying estimating method in financial reports of FMS " / february / Compliance of Accounting systemTo the requirements of international standards will be ensured / 1. accounting group
2.2.3.Ensuring of connection of appropriate state authorities to GoAML system. / february / Connectingof appropriate state authorities to GoAML system
and information sharing opportunities will be provided connect to the system / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
3.IT department
2.2.4. Compliance of GoAML with the network topology , currently using in Financial Monitoring Service / february / GoAML will be adapted with the network topology , currently using / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department
2.2.5. Establish a network connection with the fully functionality between system backup servers and backup servers of goAML present using in Sumqait reserve center and system, network currently using in FMS / february / Fully functional connection between Backup servers of FMS and servers of goAML system and currently using system, network will be established / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department
2.2.6.Ensuring the connection of non-bank credit organizations to goAML system / march / Sending data by monitoring subjects using GoAml system will be provided / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
2.2.7.Ensuring the connection of insurance organizations to goAML system / march / Sending data by monitoring subjects using GoAml system will be provided / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
2.2.8.. Ensuring the connection of Azerpost LLC to goAML system / march / Sending data by monitoring subjects using GoAml system will be provided / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
2.2.9. Establishment of "Communigate server" and testing anti-virus and anti-spam functionality for purpose of ensuring safety of correspondence / march / Safety of correspondence
will be ensuring / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department division
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementation period / Expected result / Performers
2.2.10. Preparation of rules for wireless network equipment used in FMS / march / Rules for wireless network equipment will be prepared / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department
2.2.11. Ensuring of connecting professional participants of securities market(brokers) and persons with activities in managing securities to GoAML system / april / Sending data by monitoring subjects using GoAml system will be provided / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
2.2.12. Ensuring of connecting notaries to the GoAML system / april / Sending data by monitoring subjects using GoAml system will be provided / 1.Data processing department
2 Analytical department
2.2.13. Ensuring of cont-ing subjects, rendering inte-ry services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops systemto the GoAML system / april / Sending data to the monitoring system will be provided goAML subjects / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
3. Control department
2.2.14. Preparation of " Accounting rules on external monetary operations in FMS " / april / Complianceaccounting system with requirement of international standards. / 1. Accounting group
2.2.15. Ensuring and testing replication rates in backup servers of Sumgait Reserve Center for a purpose of establishing backup copies of goAML system / may / Backup copies of
GoAML system will be established. / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department
2.2.16Testing of VPLS network for establishing fiber-optic connect with Sumgait Reserve Center / may / VPLS network for establishing fiber-optic connect with Sumgait Reserve Center will be tested / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department
2.2.17. Establishment of copies of systems using in FMS ( Exchange, File Server, 1C Accounting) in reserve center / may / Copies of systems using in FMS,
will be established in reserve center / 1.IT department
2.Organizational department
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementation period / Expected result / Performers
2.2.18. Application of new barcode for fixed intangible assets, little valuable and rapidly senescent things in Automated Main Accounting Book of FMS / June / Accounting and inventory procedures on fixed intangible assets, little valuable and rapidly senescent things in FMS / 1. Accounting group
2.2.19Improvement of budget module in Automated Main Accounting Book of FMS / June / Ensuring of accounting of using resources on separate expense articles in other articles at economic expenses on FMS / 1. Accounting group
2.2.20. Installationof e-learning and online testing systemsfor improving of development of monitoring subjects / July / e-learning and online testing systems for improving of development of monitoring subjects will be installed / 1. Department of Information Technology
3.Legal and methodological Department
2.2.Preparation proceduresof Financial Monitoring Service for conducting banking transactions over the internet / august / Preparation procedures of Financial Monitoring Service for conducting banking transactions over the internet will be ensured / 1. Accounting group
2.2.22. Providing of technical assistance for the purpose of operative receiving information, sending by banks using goAML system / September / operative receiving information, sending by banks using goAML system will be provided / 1.Data processing department
2.IT department
2.2.23. Preparation of automatically returning algorithms, which sent by monitoring subjects using goAML system and non-responsible to system requirements / September / The process of automatically returning data , which sent by monitoring subjects using goAML system and non-responsible to system requirements will be formed / 1.Data processing department
2.Analytical department
2.2.24. Checking of server hardware and software of Service in compliance with international standards against unauthorized attack / September / Stability of server hardware and software of Service against unauthorized attack compliance to international standards / 1It department
2.Organizational division
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementation period / Expected result / Performers
(Vulnerabilitytesting) and operation of the second phase / will be tested
2.2.25. In terms of safety , implementation of the separation of critical systems and ensuring full functionality / october / In terms of safety , separation of critical systems will be implemented and full functionality will be ensured / 1.IT department
2. Organizational departmental division
2.2.26. Preparation of procedure Rules on movement of equipment on FMS / october / Accounting processes and procedures will be ensured / 1. Accounting group
2.2.27. Preparation of organizational rules of Protocol work in FMS / october / Procedures about organization of official and business meetings, negotiations and business correspondence conducting, organization of banquets, receiving of foreign guests will be define. / 1. Department of international cooperation
2.2.28Preparation of IT standards, conceptions, and policy for the purpose of improvement of normative base in IT sphere. / decermber / The conception of IT standards and policywill developed / 1. IT department
2.2.29 Preparation of proposals for the improvement of goAML software / 2012 / Offers from FMS in events with participating foreign FMS-es,used goAML will be given / 1.Analytical Department
2.Data processing department
2.3. Within formation of database and analytical potential on AML/CTF / 2.3.1. Preparation of typologies on situations of AM/FT (explanation of using methods, tools and mechanisms.) / June / For more deeply and detailed analyzing data, level of providing with tools will be increased. / 1.Analytical Department
2.Department of international cooperation
2.3.2.Definition of risky criterions for GoAML software and applying on the system. / June / Operativeness and effectiveness of analytical works will be increased with discovering exactly ML/TF risks. / 1. Analytical Department
Strategic target / Strategic goal / Tactical targets / Implementation period / Expected result / Performers
2.3.3Development of potential on analytical methods using on ML/TF and special investigation technologies. / 2012 / For more deeply and detailed analyzing data and overturning to intelligence information, level of providing with tools will be increased. / 1. Analytical Department
2.4. Formation potential of control on AML / 2.4.1.Increasing the level of attracting
to the reporting of individual and artificial persons, rendering intermediary services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops. / 2012 / Effective control will be realized on persons, rendering intermediary services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops. / 1. Control department
2.4.2.Methodological ministration for preparation of Internal Control Systems and application of its by individual and artificial persons, rendering intermediary services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops / 2012 / ICS will be applied correctly and effectively by noted persons / 1. Control department
2.4.3.Preparation of typologies about activities of individual and artificial persons, rendering intermediary services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops / august / Typologies representing modern methods, tools, mechanisms of AML/CFT on the business sphere of ,rendering intermediary services in purchase and sale of real estate and pawnshops will be prepared. / 1.Control department
2.Analytical department
III. III Strengthen of potential of participantsof monitoring and also other persons participating in monitoring on AML/CTF / 3.1. Rendering of methodological supportto participants of monitoring and also other persons participating in monitoring. / 3.1.1. Carrying-out trainings fo participants of monitoring and also other persons participating in monitoring , representatives of control authorities and law enforcement authorities within Educational Plan for 2012 / 2012 / Potentials of monitoring subjects on AML/CTF will be strengthened / 1.Department of international cooperation
2.Other related departments
3.1.2.Preparation terminology dictionary on AML/CTF / september / Transition to the unit terminology base on AML/CTF will be provided / 1. Legal and methodological department
3.1.3. Preparation of educational materials for the monitoring subjects / 2012 / Effectively implementation of main functions of monitoring subjects will be provided / 1.Legal and methodological department
2.Department of international cooperation