COPY CAT PRODUCTS: There will be other copy cat products as timegoes on, they come and go. Anything that is good will be copied. It's why America is so great. It's called free enterprise. But is it the same, or as good as the original? The latest, greatest ‘flavor of the month’ can be an enticing ‘shiny object’, especially if the person questioning hasn’t really learned enough about JP+ to REALLY know what they have their hands on!!

I know of no other company has the credibility that The JP+ Company has, the partnerships with well respected medical professionals, universities and medical centers. And, most importantly, the research on JP+ is what sets it apart from anything else on the market.

When people ask me what about "produce X" compared to Juice Plus+… I say, “Well, I don’t know about that product, but here is what I know about Juice Plus+” Then I share some of the info below trying to be helpful, not confrontational…

If it were me, I would call the company or person representing product X and ask for Independent, product specific research studies.” If they can’t hand you a study, then don’t believe it. If they have independent, product specific research, they’ll be proud and happy to share. I would want to know if it is bioavailable, if it's herbicide and pesticide free, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, if they use vine-ripened produce, how they process the fruits and veggies. I would want to know if they use concentrated vegetable and fruit juice powders or do they use dehydrated powders. Very big difference! It takes a lot more produce to make concentrated fruits and vegetable powders than it does to dehydrate something and put it in a capsule. You could literally take a baby carrot, dry it, and more than fill up a capsule. Slick manufacturers will say it is a carrot capsule with real carrots in it, but they are not going to tell you that it's only one baby carrot, or a tiny slice of an apple that has been dehydrated.

I would also want to see NSF certification. NSF tells you the product is safe and of high quality. It tells you that there is no e coli, salmonella, listeria, bacteria, virus, mold, yeast… in the product – all the things you do actually find on produce that you might purchase and in products made from them. It proves that EVERYTHING on the label is in the capsule or gummie. NSF for sport also includes that it contains no banned substances for athletes. Many professional and Olympic teams use JP+ as their foundational nutrition for performance and healing. You don’t see them shopping at Sam’s club for high performance nutrition!

Consumers need to be aware and most people don't know the right questions to ask. If all they do is compare the price, it won’t tell them much. You can put anything you want on a label, it is not regulated. The bottom line is: what does it do to your blood stream & body at the cellular level… That’s what is really important! A label is NOT where you find nutrition information. A label is a commercial; it is designed to sell a product.

Many "copy cats" are full of fillers and have “Supplement Facts” labels, not “Nutrition Facts” labels like Juice Plus+. That Nutrition Facts label tells you it is Whole Food in those capsules.

#1-There are 30 different, vine ripened, raw, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, pesticide and herbicide free whole foods in JP+. Dr Santillo specifically picked this combination of whole foods because of their effect on every organ system, to balance each body system and enhance the energysystem that is so important for homeostasis. It isn’t random, it is what works.

#2- We do not have a freeze drying, or typical dehydration process. It is processed at a temperature that maintains essential nutrients. Most of the enzymes are maintained, and to make up for those that are not - we do add back an enzyme blend from the fruits and vegetables to the JP+ Capsules.

#3- What makes Juice Plus such a great product is our proprietary processing and our high quality Fruits and Vegetables. We have a state of the art processing that maintains the nutrients in the Vine ripened, pesticide and herbicide free fruits and veggies. Our product is processed and encapsulated using the highest quality at pharmaceutical standards. And since it is just food it says "Nutrition Facts" on the label – not supplement facts like traditional isolated, fragmented supplements. And that is why our research is so positive. You can't "air dry" a tomato that isn't ripeandhave anutrient dense product in the end.

Juice Plus costs only $71.25/month – That is less than $2.38/day, and $1.19/day per person with the value of our Children’s Health Study. In my mind Juice Plus would be a bargain at any price, but at less than $2.50/day it is the best nutritional bargain I put in my kitchen AND my body - I think the price is one of the best features of Juice Plus! Take $2.50 to any grocery store and see what you come out with! It won’t be 30 vine ripened, non-GMO, gluten free, pesticide & herbicide free fruits and veggies that are scientifically proven to improve your nutrition and markers of good health. And, everyone knows, you get what you pay for. Quality isn't cheap, and your health deserves that kind of quality.

I hope that helps clear things up. If you have any other specific questions please let me have an opportunity to respond to your concerns. Juice Plus has made a significant improvement in the health of my family and friends. In nearly 40 years in the medical profession I have never found anything that I was willing to stand behind and risk my Nursing reputation by recommending it - till I found Juice Plus! I think you'll agree that itwas worth it!


A product may claim to have more fruits and veggies that JP+ has, and will sometimes claim a certain number of servings. Again, you can say anything you want on a label, what does it do to your blood stream is what is really important. How does a specific ## of servings translate into better health? 30 servings of inferior produce, picked before it is ripe, processed after a few weeks, and processed in a way that the produce was all oxidized, then dehydrated rather than juiced and concentrated… and you don’t have much nutrition left over! The number of servings does not really tell us anything, let’s look at results for the answer.

So when someone asks you how many servings in JP+, I let them know that it is processed in such a large amount that they aren’t able to count each and every ‘serving’. I don’t want people to think they can take JP+ and think they don’t have to eat any fruits and veggies! I ask: “Is maybe what you are really asking, ‘How do you know that it’s enough to make a difference?’ ”

I share that the Independent Research shows us that there is enough to make a BIG difference! It shows that there are enough servings of high quality produce that JP+: decreases DNA damage by up to 66%, decreases Oxidative Stress and free radical damage by up to 75%, increases levels of antioxidants in the blood stream, decreases homocysteine to optimal levels, slows the progression of Coronary Heart Disease, decreases complications of pregnancy, improves gum and skin health, improves markers of optimal healing, improves and balances the immune system, decreases systemic inflammation, improves pulmonary status, decreases Hgb A1C & insulin resistance, protects the circulation, and much more… Now isn’t THAT much more impressive than saying a certain number of servings. When you give JP+ to your family you are purchasing proven results! Not just claims on a label.

There is nothing anywhere in the world, with or without a prescription that can claim what JP+ can claim in terms of positive benefits to human health! And, it is backed up by Independent Science!

Over and over again, I get people who eat good diets (like my family) on JP and their health gets better and they notice positive benefits. More Matters. Eat a rainbow every-day!
I try to help focus people away from 'analysis paralysis'and keep the important bottom line in their sights. Otherwise they spend way too much time 'researching' stuff that really does not matter and deprive their bodies of the benefits of JP in the meantime. (I doubt that people research their Cheetos and diet coke as much as they do JP+ that already has been researched by the finest doctors and scientists in the land. The problem is that it sounds too good to be true and we are all skeptical from having been hoodwinked by unscrupulous businesses in the past. We have many medical professionals on our team who are happy to share their experience and knowledge and help the people you care about understand that this is the REAL DEAL!)

I am always SO EXCITED to see how people’s bodies will THANK THEM for adding JP+ to their Prevention Plan. There are so many stories of JP+ deeply and profoundly nourishing and healing. And, I will ask: “Is there anything specific you would need to know about JP+ to help you decide to get started today?” After all… we already know what your health is like without JP+, why don’t we see what it’s like WITH it now!