NDWG Committee Meeting

17thMay 2016

Meeting No.4of the 2015/2016 NDWG Committee

The Greyhound Derby



Harriet Lagnado (HL)(Secretary)

Rachael Drewery (RD)(Walks)

Rob Lievesley (RL)(Treasurer)

Jacky Braunton(JB)(Socials)

John Coller (JC)(Website coordinator)

Charlotte Woodsend (CW)(Communications)

Rob Brighton (RB)(Membership)


Brendan Barnes (BB)(Chair)

Rachel Partington (RP)(Conservation)

Phil Storer (PS)(Walks/Weekends)

Welcome from Secretary

Acceptance of minutesof the last meeting- accepted with no further amendments.

Actions from previous meeting:

A: Confirm with Phil S and Phil B re weekends after interest shown in coordinating/organising Action: HL DONE

A:Weekends: Book up to and including NY. Find leaders. Advertise.Action: PS/others to help.DONE

A: Summer walks programme publish and advertise.Action RD/PS DONE

A: Xmas: to advertise for leaders and explain what’s involved. Action: JB DONE

A: Navigation day: to set date, look into details. Action RL/HL: DONE date set

A: Area: To give update and apologies if no-one can attend April meeting Action: HL DONE

A: YHA credit note from NY 2015: To chase up with YHA and secure to funds.RL to ask RS.Action: HL DONE

A:Renew group membership. Action: HL DONE

A:Chaseoutstanding weekend payments Feb. Action RL: one down

A: New member leaflets - distribute to walk leaders Action RB: not being used, to feedback to Ramblers not useful for our group

A: Website front page RA>Ramblers.Action JC DONE


Big thank you to Phil P and Phil B for offering to step up to do weekends. Phil S will coordinate and book weekends up to and including New Year. Phil B will book/lead some.

Credit note from YHA: now added to group funds by way deduction from Coniston weekend invoice. For use in float to benefit largest number of people (NY/Xmas/losses).

Date agreed for AGM, Thursday 20th Oct. CW to book room.

Navigation day: Sat 9th July, enquire re location, advertise.

Looking ahead: committee are chatting to peoplere their roles.


Outstanding payments from Feb weekend, one left.

£368.07 balance. Incoming funds when weekends open end of month.

Xmas payments to take this into account when booking.

Whitby invoice due but not seen, to chase.


219 members, 6 pending.

Steady lot of new faces on walks and fb, need post for joining if been on few walks as people think they’ve joined by joining fb, not obvious.

Leaflets - not useful for our group.Suggested to feedback to Ramblers not useful for our group/save sending out to us in future.


FB overtaking website, still near top on Google searches. Web address on fb site but not well noticed.


Spam mail increasing to digest yahoo account.CW to contact One-step to see about changing password/resetting page.


Aug 13thSkylarks now booked.To put on walks/conservation webpages.

Oct weekend: see how June fills up option to day instead. (Will not lose money as Oct not yet been paid for).


Check walks authorisation active (RL) to upload to Ramblers website RD/RW.

Winter walks, Sun walks all done, Sat almost done.

FB Post to advertise walks - only option is pinned post with hotlink to walks webpage (and membership)

Online Excel spreadsheet for walks programme would create less work, JC to set up and create admins.


Xmas been advertised, CT shown interest in taking on, JB to confirm.

More people volunteering.


All weekends booked and leaders sorted.NY awaiting co-leader/s to join MW.

RB Ireland holiday - will post after weekends open for interest.

Note Scillies 2017, advertised by JM as independent holiday through fb/digest.

Date of Next meeting: Tues12th July 2016.

We may on occasion remove from the published minutes confidential information which the Chair, having consulted with the Secretary, deems inappropriate for an open forum. The governing principle of the Published Minutes is one of openness, and exceptions are kept to a minimum. We will not enter into correspondence about excluded matters.